Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Public Notice: Special Meeting

The Town Board of the Town of East Greenbush will hold a Special Meeting on August 4, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. at Town Hall, 225 Columbia Turnpike, Rensselaer, NY 12144 for the purpose of scheduling a public hearing on a Local Law to waive the residency requirement for the Commissioner of Public Works.


  1. This special hearing should also put a bullet in the entire "residency requirement" that this Town holds against its employees. To continually throw this waiver in the face of the current Towns employees is just plain bullsh*t. They were all told that if they wanted employment with the Town, they had to reside here and pay the taxes just like everyone else. These political handouts are complete bullsh*t !
    So as far as Scott Gallerie is concerned - move in or look elsewhere for a job !

  2. I personally feel it should be the same for everyone. Either you have to live in the town to work for the town or you don't. One employee shouldn't get preferential treatment over another. If it benefits the town to be able to go outside out town boarders to get the most qualified people then it should be that way for all jobs.If the town leadership insists employees live in the town then all employees should live in town It's certainly not fair to tell long term employees they have to live in town to maintain employment and let new employees take town jobs and be granted a waiver.I'm O.K. with either way just feel it should work the same for everyone.

  3. The Town of East Greenbush is the only "dinosaur" that still has this archaic requirement in place. Time to step into the 21st century and do away with it altogether !

  4. Why , after all these years of playing hardball with all Town employees ,does the Town so willingly give up this residency requirement ? This reeks of political favoritism for specific hacks.

  5. attend the public hearing whenever it is

  6. Or maybe they have different views on the residency requirement that was set forth BEFORE they were elected? But, I guess you'd all rather continue the the EG political way, "this is has it's always been."

    1. There is no "different view'.! Its written in plain English, black and white, no special words in the Town handbook for ALL employees.

    2. The Town Board writes the rules.

  7. The town board can change the residency rule and the town handbook. However, I think the issue is whatever the rule, apply it equally. No picking and choosing when the rule applies and when it's to be ignored. I've always felt the rule limited the towns ability to hire the best person in some circumstances but if the rule remains, it should be applied evenly. Calling a meeting every time you want to go around the rule is not the answer.

  8. The residency requirement is outdated. It limits the pool of available employees willing to come to EGB. Time for JTT to say goodbye to it and bury it as should have been done years ago.

  9. Looks like someone has a friend who really wants to be DPW Commissioner. New faces, same B.S..

    1. Come out and say what you're implying. Own it!

  10. I don't care who is picked for the job , the residency requirement is outdated and lame. Get rid of it !

  11. No, sorry I was just inplying, why else go out of the way to make this exception. I suppose it could be no one in EG applied but why not just come out and post that?

  12. So, are they hiring this Scott G... Guy? Who is he anyway?
