Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 - An Interesting Year In East Greenbush

2012 is almost upon us, once again giving us time to reflect on the past year and ready ourselves for the future.

Let's first offer a heartfelt thanks to Rick McCabe for his many dedicated years of service to East Greenbush. Rick's leadership and vision have brought the Town far during his tenure. Well done, Mr. Supervisor!

Let's also extend sincere congratulations to incoming Town Supervisor, Keith Langley.  May wisdom, patience and prudence be your constant companions throughout your service to East Greenbush.

Congratulations and the same wishes for wisdom, patience and prudence to our re-elected officials: Town Clerk Linda Kennedy, Receiver of Taxes Toni Murphy, Councilperson Phil Malone, Councilperson Sue Mangold and Town Justice Kevin Engel.

2011 was an interesting year in East Greenbush, to say the least.  Following is a small listing of what has been accomplished this past year.  By no means is it all-inclusive. 
  • Standing Room Only attendance at Town Board Meetings;
  • Ethics Board developing a draft revision of the Town Ethics Law and accompanying guidelines;
  • A three-year contract for audits of the Town's Financial Statements commissioned by the Town Board;
  • Progress towards developing a Community Amenities Enhancement Strategy;
  • Adoption of Town Organization Charts, a revised Procurement Policy and Monthly Departmental Reporting Procedures and Reports;
  • Consolidation of the Youth Commission and the Parks Task Force into a Youth Department/Parks Task Force;
  • An audit of East Greenbush by the NYS Office of the State Comptroller;
  • Groundbreaking and construction of the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) expansion and FedEx Distribution Center;
  • Considerable progress on the Couse Corners Roundabout;
  • Twenty (20) Year Water Supply Agreement with the City of Troy and City of Rensselaer;
  • A 2012 Budget with a small tax increase, but with reserves to pay down the inter-fund borrowings;
  • Residential development projects moving forward again, Carver Court, Witbeck, Michaels View, and Forreste Point II will add to our tax base;
  • Smaller scale commercial developments, such as the Mavis expansion, construction of a new Dunkin Donuts (and the reported sale of the old location), the reported sale of the former gas station at 9/20 & 4/40, the reported sale of the former Teagan's, the reported interest in the 9/20 McDonalds, all bode well for East Greenbush;
  • Food drives for local food pantries and clothing and toy collection drives for CoNCERNS-U and to aid those ravaged by fires throughout the year.

Let's build on these good things that have been accomplished and focus on the future as we enter 2012.  Admittedly we may not all agree on what "the good things" are. 

The critical thing is that East Greenbush continues to move forward ... maybe too quickly for some and not quickly enough for others. 

I'd like to see the residents of East Greenbush leave past differences in the past and support Supervisor Langley and the Town Board.  I'm not saying we'll all agree with everything they do.  Nor am I saying that we should blindly follow without constructive criticism and questioning - the operative term being constructive.  Remember, regardless of our political preferences, leanings or affiliations, or theirs, they are elected to represent us all.  In doing so, we must hope and trust that they do what they believe is best for the Town.

Bismark is quoted as saying "Politics is the art of the possible."  Many have said that "politics is the art of compromise", where each gives up part of his or her "demands" in an effort to move forward.  We see what the inability to compromise does in Washington - let's not have that here in East Greenbush.  Crisis management does not mean managing to turn everything onto a crisis.  Let's all focus on the common ground or goal rather than on the differences.  This may be overly optimistic, but I'd like to see every vote of the Town Board be unanimous and the result of constructive discussion, deliberation and, if need be, compromise.

As for the various blogs, name-calling, innuendo and mudslinging do nothing to move the Town forward, but rather tar it with a hateful brush. One can make the same point without resorting to these tactics. I've said before - write what you think but think before you write.  Keep things civil.  I'd much prefer to see a thoughtful dialog on the real issues facing this Town. Hopefully I'm not in the minority.

Today is New Year's Eve, which calls to mind Guy Lombardo and The Royal Canadians welcoming the New Year with Auld Lang Syne. Recall the line "we'll take a cup of kindness yet, for auld lang syne." Let's do just that!


Pete Stenson


  1. Pete, that was so well written. I am so glad to call you and Linda my friends.

    Thank you for everything. Happy New Year.

  2. Whistling Past the CemetaryDecember 31, 2011 12:43 PM

    Yes - EAST GREENBUSH continues to mover forward - in spite of ALL the negativity coming from Tayor and her gaggle of wanna-be's ! Thats right - little miss giggle~giggle - , the chauffeur of the bitter bus and her passengers continue to muddy up the waters,trying to stir up something improper when in all actuality , nothing exists! Best wishes to the new board for a sucessful 2012!

  3. H A P P Y

    N E W Y E A R!

  4. I believe Whistling is what Pete refers to.

  5. I used the transfer station yesterday and really like the new setup. It should make things mcuh quicker with the 1 bin for recyclables. The new exit is alot more conveniant too. Thanks Reggie and Joe.

  6. Whistling Past the CemetaryJanuary 01, 2012 3:42 PM

    I believe that when the nastiness and unsubstantiated rumor mill over there comes to a stand still, I will stop bringing the embellished bs to everyones attention over here. Don't like it- don't read it ! The simple fact that people take such objection to having an a opposing point of view tells me that their true intentions are not to benefit East Greenbush at all - rather the personal agenda that they might have. Prove me wrong - prove that none of the bs flying off the shelves over there isn't politically motiviated. You can' don't bother with the foolsih banter,,,there's no meaningful dialog coming from the tea party people, only baiting and arrogant banter designed to start arguments- nothing constructive...prove me wrong.

  7. Pete, do you support the revised ethics code as written by the Ethics Board?

    Is there any reason why the Town Board cannot pass this ethics code written and recommended by the members of the Ethics Board appointed by the Town Board?

  8. separate swearing in ceremonies - nothing changes....and I heard Cristo and Denfruscion were shooting their mouths off in Town Hall - once again - nothing changes and nothing WILL CHANGE until the antagonistic attitude from Camp Cristo ceases!

  9. Congrats on becoming just as bad as the rebooblican blog. This used to be a fun spot until you started blocking people's comments because you disagree with them. When you do that it stops being a blog and starts being propaganda. Congrats.

  10. Allowing the 3:03 does not take away from the countless comments you've deleted.

  11. we block comments that aren't civil or clean. we aren't afraid of disagreement

  12. if you don't like how things are run here, you can read elsewhere

  13. okay i'm stymied why was my post deleted?

  14. I agree and i like many others know that this "blog" has become a joke so goodbye.

  15. Man On a Moose resubmit and we'll consider posting

    Anonymous cul8tr

  16. Moose is usually looking to bait someone so he/she can give a sarcastic response.
    As far as deleting comments- TALKS is far behind ole Annie who deletes more than she ever posts. EGBLOG is a true propaganda page designed as a pulpit for Cristo and Taylor and their point of view only !

  17. said it many times before - THANK YOU EGTALKS for giving me and others a venue to write about our discontent and disagreement with Cristo and Taylor and their supporters!

  18. I was responding to guess who and it went something like this. There had to be separate ceremonies the place was packed. If they were combined people would have been in the parking lot. Maybe part of the problem is YOU, repeating unsubstantiated rumors as if they were factual and stirring up trouble. The fact is Mike Cristo is not even in town. Instead of trying to cause more problems you may want to help with solutions we have plenty of problems solutions we can use.

    Note to 9:55 Yeah you got me

  19. Guess Who:

    I was there; Cristo was not.

    Try, would you, to get your facts straight.

  20. Man On a Moose - I believe the part you object to is "I heard Cristo and Denfruscion were shooting their mouths off in Town Hall".

    Remember, this is a blog not a court of law or! Nothing slanderous in the comment.

    I'm sure that you and Guess Who will straighten us out if we err.

  21. Friend of East GreenbushJanuary 03, 2012 7:11 AM

    Key Phrase : " I HEARD " didn't say that he/she directly witnessed...but Defruscio was certaintly there - as was I .....I take it all with a grain of dirt - as should you - Moose.

  22. So very interested to know. Why no answer on the ethics question above and what about the little problem with the buget? any takers..

  23. Red Guynup ? Are you kidding ? And we're supposed to take Langley serious !? Puhleez!

  24. I've not yet seen the "revised ethics code as written by the Ethics Board" so unlike many, I won't offer an uninformed opinion. As to it's status, I'd suggest that you ask someone in the position to know, i.e., a member of the Town Board or the Ethics Board.

    Seems to me, the budget vote was 4-1 which to me, means there is a 2012 budget ... no problem.

    If you sincerely believe there's a "little problem with the buget(sic)", go make some attorney rich. But beware, I hear the courts can award payment of defense costs in frivolous lawsuits.

    Pete Stenson

  25. Friend of East GreenbushJanuary 03, 2012 8:59 PM

    There has been alot of questions regarding why Rick Matters won't / can't commit to certain votes brought before the Board. It has been suggested by reform/tea party supporters that there is an intentional witholding of information from Matters. I will try not to let my anger infuse this response , but quite frankly, Mr. Matters is given the very same information at the very same time that ALL other Board members are handed it. The simple fact that since the day that he took office, Rick Matters is NEVER PREPARED and procrastinates to the enth degree on just about every project brought to his attention. I would challenge anyone to prove that he hs been kept out of the loop on any important matters in East Greenbush. He has been informed and been given ALL the same backround facts that everyone else has- he simply drags his butt on EVERYTHING! His fallback " I need more information" is growing old and actually hinders progress - but thats exactly the game plan - huh Rick ??!!

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. Red Guynup is a nice guy but I think he's there cause he's Defruscios brother in law. Get it the connect to Cristo. Langley this is a mistake!

  28. wasn't he DeFruscio's Dep at DPW?

  29. Of course Guynup is there because he is Defruscios brother-in-law. Langley didn't distance himself from the toxic people. Never thought he would.

  30. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  31. 10:30 and 3:46

    no need for persoanl attacks

  32. What will be - will be. We need to sit back and give things a chance. Let's start the New Year right!

  33. Its worth a few months of tolerance - having Red in any position of authority doesn't make sense to me and ALOT of others, but its apparently what Mr. Langley is comfortable with. Mistakes and other directly blamed on Red Guynup will be addressed pointedly to Langley and Defruscio.

  34. I'm sorry but isn't Deputy supervisor basically the unpaid ribbon cutter. I don't get what the hoopla is all about.

  35. Its just an unpaid position. I wouldn't sweat over the small stuff. I'm sure Langley is doing this as a favor to Defruscio; he hasn't quite found yet what scum he really is. As far as Red goes, he's harmless - he was bored, and lets face it, he's got a lot going on in his personal life; alot of sadness. So this probably gives him a boost; and whats the worst that can happen. Langley could go on vacation, leave Red in charge, Red will ask Defruscio all kinds of questions and the town will go to pot!

  36. The hoopla is about this : Red has a storied past as an employee of East Greenbush - some good - some NOT SO GOOD. He's been accused of most every dirty electiontrick you could possibly think of and has never denied any of it. He's Chris Defruscios brother in-law and condoned the Martha Andiago foolishness this past October.
    Red has been a stalwart of the Republican party for years - not that he's actually done anything admirable for any of them , but he's always doing something for the Republicans, which is why I believe Langley was "pressured" into puting him there by Defruscio.
    Which leads to another valid question; why is Defruscio still the Republican Chairman?? I would have thought that anyone with any common sense over there would have thrown him out months ago - NO?!

  37. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  38. Martha...not that one....January 05, 2012 12:41 PM

    Ought to be interesting...Langley has been in his position less than a week and is already showing poor judgement.

    Did you see Ann is mean mouthing Rick Matters now too....Langley before....I guess Mary TGM and Papa Bear better not pi$$ her off!

    I still say there should be some repercussions for what Defruscio did.....what is up with that? He and Langley are buds.....where do you suppose the party was after the swearing in for Langley????

  39. with my workings with red as a co worker and friend, he has nothing to bring but good for the town. The town means alot to him. Leave his personal life out.give him a chance

  40. Pete,

    What's the difference between "go make some attorney rich" and "what are you going to do about it?"

  41. in two words ... "a world"

    Perhaps my "go make some attorney rich" was too obtuse.

    Perhaps I should have said "If you sincerely believe there's a "little problem with the buget(sic)", speak with an attorney about possible legal remedies."

    Pete Stenson

  42. "sew-feg george"

    Please seek psychiatric help immediately.
