Friday, July 13, 2012


The East Greenbush Department for Community and Recreation proudly announces Music in the Park located at Onderdonk Park, Hampton Avenue across from Hampton Manor Lake.  Tuesday evenings, from 6 - 8:00pm.

Rich Kelley will be providing
    Hot dogs:        $2.00
    Chips:             $1.00  
    Soda:              $1.00  

Feel free to bring a lawn chair! 
Relax and listen to the sensational artists!

We encourage friends, families and neighbors to join together in celebrating the summer season by enjoying the music, the outdoors and the company.  Bands include:

                        Band of Gold              August 7th
                        WhiteWater               August 14th
                        Triskelle                    August 21st
                        The 3 Jay’s                August 28th


Any further questions, feel free to call
Carmela at Community and Recreation at 477-4194


  1. I try to go to as many as I can...always a good time!

    1. Tom Grant (the elder)August 08, 2012 11:27 AM

      I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this, but I just wanted to comment about last night's "Music In The Park".

      It was great to see so many people enjoying themselves in such a relaxing setting.

      Congrats to Ginny, Daniela, Carmela, Anita and "Band of Gold" for putting together such a terrific program.

      Be well,


    2. A good time was had by all.

      Congrats to the Town and the organizers.

      Anyone else find it objectionable that candidate Mulvey was campaigning during a Town-sponsored event on Town property?

    3. I find it objectionable that Toni Murphy continually uses her Town Hall office on Town time with other Town employees to prepare materials for Democratic Party fundraising events. Good grief airhead.

    4. Hi Don ! My goodness- I would say that you would HARDLY be the person to know anything like that ! So, other than RoseBud - where did you get your info..?? I would suggest that YOU gather some real evidence and produce it - otherwise your just spewing again - huh??

    5. You pegged the wrong person - but eyewitness. People are not very careful when they think they own the place.

    6. isn't sean awol quite a bit?
      luv to see his timecard

      what's that about internal controls and all

    7. How in the hell did this thread turn into a political debate? Something nice the town does for its people is all of a sudden a budget buster, If the town didnt do this, the same people would be complaining we do not have anything like this.
      Just a rumour I heard, but the ex sups 13 year old nephews jazz/blues band might perform in the future at the park. I have heard them and they are really good. Maybe the reformers can throw tomatos at them to make a political statement. Wow, what has this town come to?

    8. Is that the kid that plays the black Gibson flying v?

  2. Some wingnut (Publius)is complaing on Gadfly that

    "THESE CONCERTS ARE SPONSORED BY THE TOWN WITH TAX DOLLARS COLLECTED FROM THE RESIDENTS!!! They are Town of East Greenbush concerts. A department of the town has the assignment of taking care of the arrangements but the Town should be prominently featured in the promotional materials."

    Got the tweezers out picking nits, eh? Did you miss the "East Greenbush Department for Community and Recreation" part of the posting?

    Second and third words arent "prominently featured" enough?

    Should the Town spend the money to replicate the assessment roll's names to credit each and every taxpayer?

    1. ON a positive note regarding Music in the Park.

      I have attended Music in the Park for years and it is one of the nicest and well attended functions the Town has provided for its residents. I commend all of those who make the arrangements for this activity and look forward to it every year. As far as the cost goes; we pay much more in taxes than it costs to put on those concerts, so stop whining.

      Its ashame that there are bitter people who have to always criticize and be negative as the person above.

      Thanks to all who make this event a success!

      Looking forward to August 7th!

  3. Whistling Past the CemetaryJuly 23, 2012 5:46 PM

    This would follow Gigi- ( Taylor ) and the continual complaining about everything that occurs in the Town. These people need to get a life.
    Complaining has clearly become a way of life for the reform crowd.
    People think that Cristo and Taylor aren't around anymore - SURPRISE - they have retreated to blogging anonymously once again.
    Christo still controls Defruscios puppet strings - and thus Langley. Anyone who thinks the little Napoleon has faded away is WRONG. He was worthless when he was a Town Councilman, he's virtually faceless as a County Legislator and quite frankly - he needs to fade quietly out of politics because he sucks at it !

    1. She has to blog anonymously- she's burned every other bridge available to her and yet she still must spew her nasty venom towards anything Democrat or McCabe.
      That skunk will never lose her stripe !

    2. Hey boys....I think you're wrong on the ID's. But you appear so fixated. I think it's called perseveration....

    3. No one really cares about Ann Taylor anymore.
      Her opinion on anything matters little.
      She made her bed - let her lay in it !

    4. 6:45 - probably not - everyone knows she writes under her pen names and anonymously also. Her temper shines thru every time - which makes her recognizable to anyone who has followed her nasty diatribes from back when she was allowed to blog on the Times Union.
      She had to create her own blog because every other threw her off and when people stopped paying attention, she allegedly signed off with some pitiful excuse of being busy - WHATEVER !!

    5. original poster. You are right on everything you said except for the comment obout Langley. I thought the same way at first, but realized Langley is his own man, He will do right for the town in anyway he can. I feel bad for the guy, getting beaten up by the same people that lied and whined about McCabe and pushed Langley into this drama. I am a registered republican, but cannot support them in EG. Keep your head up Keith, A lot of people will support you.

  4. The Gadflys are taking their hate to a whole new level when they actually feel the need to criticize the Music in the Park Program. Get a grip people....

    It it a very pleasant program...the entire town...all taxpayers...are invited. To go or not is your choice. I have always enjoyed it and everyone around me there seemed to also.

    On an up note...perhaps the Gadflys will all stay home...they appear to hate just about everything in this town. They should just move to a place that would be more to their liking.

    1. honestly - what did you expect.?? Look at the faces that we know associated with Gadflies- they have an agenda that really is nothing productive nor does it move the Town forward as a whole- only what THEY think is important !

    2. read the TU and the gadfly demanding some finance schedule because he HAS TO SEE WHERE THE MONEY IS GOING ! There's just some people that need valium all day from an IV drip ! Don - have some champagne - relax - take a soak in the hottub - drink some more champagne - invite your friends - oh wait - sorry.... I forgot ! My bad !

    3. Don't you want to know where your tax dollars go? It's really a simple question. You seem not to care. Can you be for real? Write me a check and I'll promise not to tell you where I spend it. Good grief.....

    4. Your way over the top ! I do care.
      I'm just not nearly as cynical about everything as you. I'll tell you what - if every resident were as paranoid as you - this Town would stall and never progress forward on anything, forever locked in wasted time explaining every little detail to gadflys such as your self - GOOD GRIEF !!

    5. Don/Ray/whoever else: seek help immediately. Your falling into a deep self-infatuation with your self worth.
      Your really not the saviors of East Greenbush - your really not even a good watch-dog !
      A majority of Town resident Taxpayers elected this Board and the Board for the Library to conduct the day to day business. Just because you don't care for the people elected doesn't grant you "executive priveledge" to insert your ridiculous opinions and demands on every topic! You really are a fool and its becoming apparent that you really DO NOT have the betterment of East Greenbush at heart.

    6. freedom of speech grants the right to insert opinions and demands on every topic.

      recipients of the opinions and demands are also free to dismiss them

    7. 513- make sure you remember that when the ole gadfliers are slinging mud at elected officials for ignoring their ridiculous demands!

    8. i'm ready for them

      the gorton's fisherman

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Been there a number of times and totally enjoyed the evening.

      In defense of the Gadflys, only one comment mentions Music in the Park. That dog won't hunt even there!

      The Gadflys are more than welcome to venture down to Onderdonk Park and enjoy the evening.

  6. I see the lunatics have turned on Jack Conway because he didn't blindly agree with Mooney and johnson. Typical and predictable.

  7. The Ethics Board is trying to work with the Town Board to get an acceptable Ethics Law enacted. Yes, "work with".

    The Mooneys and Johnsons of the world will never serve in any official capacity. There unable to "work with" anyone.

  8. Whistling Past the CemetaryJuly 27, 2012 8:43 AM would appear that neither johnson , mooney nor any of their very few supporters want to work with anyone! They clearly want to disrupt,harass and annoy people they don't like.
    Exactly what they see as a true goal for residents of egb is skewed by their incessant bitching and complaining about everything. Little do they realize that they are actually driving people away and helping the Board Majority- < which could possibly be their goal?!? >
    As far as the Ethics Board - GREAT JOB -
    Jack - you have always presented yourself as a true gentleman and maybe you and I don't always agree- but I at least give you the credit and respect you have so honestly earned ! Thanks again !

    1. seems to me that sending the vote to refer the draft code back to the ethics boiard was unanimous

  9. This is for Mooney and the reformers :
    NO ONE wants to sit and debate the ETHICS Code ! It is what it is - too bad your not happy - life goes on !
    The majority of resident taxpayers seem content to ignore you and johnson and your merry band of complainers.


    1. It would be nice if we could all get along but some people just thrive on drama!

      On a lighter note...forgive me...I can't resist

      Why do you build me up Buttercup
      Just to let me down........

  11. we did until mikey became a turncoat so he could run for the county. his followers drank so much of his coolaid there to far gone

  12. Buttercup: ask the people over on gadfly the very same question and see what the response is!
    They are the ones who are never content and accuse and blame when they don't get their own way. No one here seems to be nearly as radical as Johnson and Mooney and their directors - Cristo and Taylor! They ALL have turned on Langley because he won't do their bidding. Fine group they are- can't be trusted .

    1. Buttercup: A change needs to be made; rude and arrogance needs to go - we need nice people, people who are contented with their life and their surroundings instead of "bitchy" and "Demeaning".
      Glad things weren't always this way.

    2. 8675309 - it wouldn't get posted over there.

      Rikki, don't lose that number.


  13. 8675309- its called arrogance combined with a tad bit of self infatuation and ignorance.

  14. Are you insinuating that the Gadfly doesn't post articles or threads that don't support their warped version of politics?!? O M G !!! Blasphemy !!
    Why it's almost " Taylor-esque " and clearly reminiscent of the Christo-Taylor blog. That's what made Giggle~giggle infamous , her temper aside !

    1. not insinuating but stating as fact


  15. I personally think "Gadfly" is too good a name for the troublemakers. Being a lady and all...I won't say the appropriate name!

    All we are give peace a chance!

    1. Amen sister. Its so much easier to be nice than it is to be bitchy and miserable all the time.
      People should try it - wouldn't hurt. Whats the saying you hear alot: Keep you friends close and your enemies closer! Is that right?

  16. Any word on that NYS Labor Dept. investigation into the Towns Finance Director?? 4 paychesks in a row screwed up - unbelieveable ! Why does the Supe tolerate this incompetence ? Heard Mulvey is making demands and barking orders as well - WOW what a great hire that idiot is huh ??!!??

    1. The Supe seems to know how to hire imcomeptent people! When is his 3 and a half years up. Not soon enough by the looks of who's he hired and the company he keeps!
      Guess it doesn't take alot to please him!

    2. those who can ..................... do
      those who can't ................... teach
      those who can't do or teach .. screw up big time

    3. I heard a rumour the Supe is about to hire someone very qualified..

    4. puhleeez spill the beans tell !!

  17. Finally ! 1 down - 1 to go !

    1. What's that supposed to mean?

  18. anonymous 6:04pmAugust 02, 2012 6:46 PM

    Hang on....its coming....worth the wait !

    1. And then some !!August 03, 2012 8:34 AM

      Its inappropriate to "relish" on something such as this , but can't help think it was her own fault. Good luck - and yet good riddance !

    2. B-S -- relish away ! She made peoples lives miserable ! No great loss for this Town or the people who were stuck working near her !
      - back to work for the rest and hopefully the other moron will stick his foot in his a** and get fired as well !

    3. I am assuming your talking about the Supe's secretary? If I am correct, GREAT !

    4. Interesting turn of events !

  19. I think Langley got rid of the wrong person, she's not stupid!

    1. No one said she was stupid. Her problem is her attitude and demeanor !

    2. She was in a very tough spot having to cover for Langley's many absenses. She took a lot of the heat for Langley from people that were ticked off that he would never answer them or never be around.
      Does anyone see a pattern? Maybe Langley is uncomfortable being around women of a certain age. First, his former finance director. Second, his former secretary. Very interesting dontcha think.

    3. They all need to go to charm school. She had no class; didn't care what the heck she said or who she said; she's Mulvey's twin.
      Why these people have to come off as big bullies to get what they want. Isn't it easier to be plain nice?

    4. Dearest Gadfly: NO ONE cares what YOU think ! You should pull ALOT of the unfounded accusations YOU publish - WHO the hell do you think you are !??

  20. Read. The gadfly. The idiots are soiling themselves.

  21. If the rumor on the Gadfly is true about Keith Langley wanting Rick McCabe to be his Deputy Supervisor, good for you Keith. It's about time you realized you've been getting bad advice from the people you thought you could trust.

    I think Rick McCabe would be an outstanding choice for Keith. I know Ray Mooney, Don Johnson and Dwight Jenkins will be livid, but who really cares! Who could satisfy that trio? Perhaps Jesus, but certainly no mortal man that won't allow himself to be bullied by their rhetoric.

    The Gadfly says that the town folks need someone to run for the board that represents the taxpayer. Well, who better than these three geniuses? Let's see what kind of courage you three have - run your mouth or run for the board.
    What are the odds that 3 misfits would find each other? Apparently better than one would think!

    1. The gadfliers are nothing but a bunch of IDIOTS! They are complete and total MORONS! Mulvey is a gadflier- nuff said ! Denfruscion and Christo/Taylor are gadfliers - kinda makes you want to go and get the best flyswatter you can buy - huh !?!?

  22. Rumor is Mulvey really didn't like Eileen, Langley is listening to the wrong people. Eileen over Mulvey any day!!!!!!!

    1. Don't kid yourself; if you get to know both of them, they're like twins! Eileen was actually a little more crass while Mulvey is just a plain know it all; knows alot about nothing. Definitely not going to make Supe look good. Wake up Supe and look around at the people who really would make you look good if you give them a chance. Definitely NOT Bull from Night Court.

    2. Mulvey is only for Mulvey. Eileen tried her best to help the Supe.

    3. dont ridicule langley for correcting a poor fit

      if rumors are true about mccabe, hed be a valuable asset to the town regardless of the gadflyspeak

    4. They are both incompetent !

    5. 9::45 am. She tried her best heh? What about her husband discrediting the Supe at a Board Meeting and then blatantly getting it around that neither one of them like Langley! Wouldn't say she was much of a supporter of his; maybe in the beginning - but then all hell broke loose! Guess in politics ya change your mind on a day to day basis. Next he's got to seriously consider getting rid of Mulvey!

  23. I heard Mulvey pretty much orders the Supe around every day ! Who's running this Town anyway?
    Mulvey is like poison in the water supply- GET RID OF HIM NOW !!! His arrogant a** needs to go back on the unemployment line !

  24. Whistling Past the CemetaryAugust 05, 2012 9:07 AM

    Arrogance runs in the Gadfliers crowd ! Johnson thinks he gets to edit and control whats written here!
    Thats arrogance at its best and most obvious.

    Don: your still in love with yourself and NO ONE else cares ! Your not a true "whistleblower" or advocate for the taxpayers of East Greenbush because of your demeanor and disposition - GET OVER YOURSELF !

  25. Here's something else to think about. Mulvey's wife is running for Judge. What kind of Judge do you think she'd be with Mulvey ordering her around every day as well.

  26. They think Langley is being blackmailed! Wahaaaaaa! You freaking morons! The dems didn't vote against McCabe - the Repooblicans simply didn't vote Dem this last election because of false promises from Denfruscion and company. Your self serving idiotic notions are exactly that - self-serving! Langley isn't all that was promised - huh?!?! When Denfruscion ordered that Keth appoint Grant and then Mulvey - the whole B-S plan fell apart and its starting to show exactly how weak and ill prepared the Rep. Chairman is- incompetence and ignorance reign supreme with the Town Republican party and gadfliers!

  27. The Gadfliers are sure of themselves as far as NOT wanting Rick McCabe to come back! If they'd stop and think about it, we'll have a Republican Supervisor and a Democratic Deputy Supervisor. Does that "state a fact or what?"

    How great is that - to have the Supervisor of the Town and the former Supervisor working together to benefit the Town, the infrastructure and all that goes with it. Hopefully we will see new businesses in this Town.
    Together they will form a unity that hasn't been within the walls of the Town for a long time.

    Kudos to you Superviosr Langley for putting forth something that may cause you to lose a few acquaintnaces, note I did not say friends! - In the long run this will be beneficial to the residents of the Town of East Greenbush. I applaud you and Rick McCabe for your dedication to this town.

    1. Wow Kelly..You just hit a home run with your post..You just made 100% total sense.I wish more of EG was like you..

  28. Reginald KennethAugust 06, 2012 9:54 AM

    Hey Dwight - cry me a river ! You also intentionally and directly contribute to the divide that is tearing this Town apart! You do so and hide behind your " do-gooder" persona and your "whistleblower" moniker when in all reality - your simply a disgruntled taxpayer!
    MOVE if your so disenchanted. Do the majority of us a favor - LEAVE. Take Mooney and Johnson with you too ! Tell your pal Cristo thanks alot for NOTHING as well ! Talk about dead-beat politicians - lmao !

  29. Anonymous August 06, 2012 3:42 PM
    Annie's got her venom back

    "Not one elected official stands for the taxpayers. It's all about what they can take from the taxpayers. The taxpayers stand alone and, to make matters worse, the taxpayers pay for the ignorant slobs that take from them."

    Cristo, Danaher and Matters not exceped?

    1. From Deb but moved from "Aurora, Colorado Shooting / Shooting at Sikh templ...":

      Got it back...what makes you think she could lose it!

  30. Little Ms. GGBB would never admit her precious boytoy has failings !

    1. Do you mean failings or feelings? He has failings (many of them) no feelings, though.

  31. Oh Sean ; time to call Rich Crist and ask advice...your plan is falling apart !

    1. Grow up! Whats wrong with Rick McCabe working with the Supe? Are you people just angry at everything?

      It may be the best thing for this town. Politics - YUK! You always live your life to please someone else.

      Keith, stand up and be your own man - stop listening to the baffoons and make up your own mind.

    2. I don't think anyone here is against McCabe signing on as Dep Supe

      win-win all around except for the gadflys who absolutely despise Rick

    3. Way to go Kelly.. Best thing for the town.

  32. All this talk about Rick McCabe becoming Langleys Deputy Supervisor, while a very good idea, will not happen.

    The Republicans in the county won't let Langley do what he wants. The Republicans will threaten to pull the Republican line from Langley in 3 1/2 years if he doesn't play ball - knowing full well that the Republicans have no intention of backing Langley in the next election. When Langley got rid of Eileen Grant, who is highly respected and appreciated by the County Republicans, Langley made his bed - losing County support - and he doesn't even know it.

    My advice to you Mr. Langley - work with Rick McCabe, use his experience and knowledge and do the best that you can in the time you have left.

    1. so Keith has nothing to lose by making McCabe Dep Supe

      be an exellent move for the Town and Langley

    2. I dont think Mr. Langley excpects to get re elected. He will do the best he can for the town in the time he has. The people that forced him into this have turned on him for doing his job. Mr. Langley would be very smart to turn to Mr. McCabe. They would make a great team for the future of Esat Greenbush.

  33. Whistling Past the CemetaryAugust 07, 2012 3:40 PM

    Mulvey threw him under the bus the day he was allowed in Town Hall ! Mulvey is the ignoramus who is ruining any chance Langley ever had for success as Supervisor. GET RID OF MULVEY - you'll actually have a chance to salvage some of your tenure as Supervisor. Mulvey is incompetent, ignorant and thats a dangerous combination !

  34. Dwight and Don are now Heroes ?? O M G !! You people are cracked ! Please seek immediate help! Saved the town millions??!! What universe did you drop out of ?? You morons are delusional and drunk on the Cristo - Kool-Aids !

  35. Here it is: Laugh away !!!

    "Dwight Jenkins and Don Johnson are heroes.

    Almost single handedly they have stood up for what is right.

    They have saved taxpayers mountains of money. I cannot caculate the exact amount - best guess - a few million, maybe more.

    They have collected and shared information that otherwise our town government, including the current administration, would prefer to keep secret. They are the only source of open and transparent government in East Greenbush.

    They have endured the hostilities of the people who blog and make the vilest comments about others.

    Dwight and Don have no political ambitions and are not seeking town jobs for either themselves or their families. Hell, that, by itself, separates them from just about every other politician around here.

    They are relentless in their efforts for nothing more than what is best for the taxpayers of our town. And in the muck that is how our town tends to operate, they are well and truly heroes.

    I put would gladly put Dwight and Don's record of contributions to our town up against anyone the Talks crew wants to identify."

    BTW: this post over there is written by a BRAVE anonymous soul !! FM !

    1. Only due to the utter lack of humility in that post is it truly laughable.
      It reads like it is written by the jester- Christo himself. He basically directs the foolish banter and charades of these two hooligans. Christo takes his marching orders from Rich Crist because he had to sell him his soul to run on the Republican line last election.
      If the people of EGB don't clearly see that the thin smoke screen blowing from Gadfly central is nothing but a feeble attempt to again discredit the Town Board , ONLY because they-(the board) totally ignore the never ending slanderous and demanding e-mails sent from Jenkins, Airaido,Johnson,Taylor and Mooney ! Johnson is like the 21st century version of Raul Castro - and he's got his group drunk on what he's preceaching!
      Don Johnson cares little about the future of east greenbush - he wants a Town Board that his ego and arrogance can dictate too - every single little MOVE - and they are never to question him - EVER! Mooney is a boob who follows because nobody else likes him. Jenkins - well you read and decide for yourself. At least Dwight is homegrown and not a transplant like the others !
      People need to recognize that Langley has obviously seen that Denfruscio is a fool and Grant was nothing of what he was told she was - she is not only arrogant and about as friendly as a wolverine - she made it impossible to conduct any type of business in the Town.
      Mulvey is a Rich Crist millipede and Ed Gilbery stool pidgeon - and lets be honest- the man is incompetent and obviously not capable of handling the simplest financial task that occurs every day in the business of the Town. Mulvey must go !
      I predict that the NYS dept. of Labor will be in touch with Dilbert real soon - especially if he screws up this current pay period again-< 4th time in a row!>

    2. How many paragraphs is that??? Why not put a name on them? Nothing but drivel unless you can stand by it with a name. While you're at it why not try to support your assertions with some verifiable paper? Bunch of fools.

    3. I rest my case ! Castro has spoken !! Your arrogance is without limits Johnson !

      TALKS: why do you let that fool Johnson write here ?

      ps: I remain anonymous #1 - because I can !
      #2 - because it drives you IDIOTS crazy !
      #3 - I do NOTHING that YOU want - rather I am inclined to do the exact opposite ! Every time you open your arrogant , obnoxious mouth , it empowers me and several others even more ! Your fuel for my fire Donnie boy ! Even Dwight can control his temper and emotions - your arrogant nature and demeanor forbids it !

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  36. I can't help but be confused. We've had repeated calls from different people to find a way to get together to help improve the town. Now we have two men, Supervisor Langley and Rick McCabe, willing to put aside their political differences and find a way to work together, in spite of receiving criticism from both sides.

    We've had Joe LaMountain and Dwight Jenkins calling for civility and cooperation in the past and these two indivicuals have no power to change what is going on in in town. Believe me, I mean no disrespect to either of them, but Joe and Dwight are not elected officials, nor have they ever been.

    Rick McCabe is an experienced councilman and former Supervisor. Keith Langley is the present Supervisor who is on a learning curve as any newly elected person would be. Let's give them a chance to work together and see how it goes. Let's not prejudge an unknown outcome.

    Give peace a chance!

    1. Amen Brother! Do the right thing Supervisor and bring in on! By bringing Rick on, you'll be doing yourself a favor.

      You will win in 3 1/2 years; no doubt. He's got alot of influence in this town - and for you that would be a good thing.
      Get people on your side that appreciate you for the man you are.

    2. Carrie,
      We have a rare oportunity in the town to make it happen. What other townships would even have this chance. This could only be for our benefit. People of EG, embrace this. Two great men, Langley and McCabe working together for the town!

  37. Carrie:

    Did you read the last suggestion Dwight Jenkins made for a citizen get together? He suggested certain rules around mutual civility.

    His suggestion was not just rejected but mocked.

    Why do you suppose that was?

    1. Whistling Past the CemetaryAugust 08, 2012 5:02 PM

      Ray : in addition to Dwights writings, I also vividly remember the little "tea-party" gathering on the front lawn of Town Hall, attended by a few - most of them devote gadfliers. That gathering and the hoopla surrounding it don't coincide with Dwights writings about mutual civility at all . What are those of us who remember what Dwight has angrily written in the past to think? Please explain what has changed.

    2. Damn. I think Dwight has even pissed Jesus off,

  38. Proud To Be A Public ServantAugust 09, 2012 7:32 AM

    What can we say about Bonnie L.? She feels we should cut back on salaries and pensions for the people who do the work in the town, but the politicians and unions won't let it happen.

    It doesn't matter that the employees are out in severe weather conditions, risking their safety, fixing water lines in the winter, cutting down dangerous trees, paving roads and doing anything necessary to make life better and safer in their town. Perhaps Bonnie would like us to get rid of the Police Dept.....they only put their lives on the line every day protecting residents, dealing with criminals and anything else that needs to be done for the betterment of our town. Maybe we can rely on Bonnie and the Gadflys to protect us. Bonnie feels less pay and benefits is the way to go. Bonnie, why don't you give back some of your pay and benefits if you feel so strongly about being overpaid? Perhaps your retired husband is willing to give back some of his pension and benefits. Bonnie....lead by example!

    You complain about everything...your neighbors don't meet your standards-you complain, the kids in the neighborhood - you what a positive person you are (sarcasm)!

    Bonnie, did you or your husband ever enjoy the benefits of a union? Unions fight for fair wages and benefits for their members. Is that really a bad thing? Gadfly, do you agree with Bonnie? Want to cut the workers benefits and salaries of the town? Is everyone overpaid except you guys?

    Thanks for giving town workers a reason to get involved in the 2013 election. We'll show you how we feel about being criticized for doing our jobs and putting ourselves out there only to be criticized by Bonnie and the like.

  39. Bonnie is and always has been nothing but a stooge for the Cristo camp!
    I and many others expect nothing less from her. She stands proudly for the greatest faux-politician that East Greenbush has ever known - MIKE CRISTO .
    That fact alone dictates her every sentence and move. She has yet to learn that Cristo has never had a clue what he was talking about and embellished all his alleged accomplishments. Cristo lied openly on television, helped Defruscio orchestrate a failed election scam , and now sits quietly and directs the likes of Ed Gilbert, Sean Mulvey and the other gadfliers. Mike is so arrogant that he thinks no one is paying attention - WRONG! Even GGBB has chimed in as of late -( we knew she couldn't keep her mouth shut for even a week).
    Thank God the most of the residents see thru the dog and pony show of the reform/republican crowd.

    Cristo has a knack for saying something and when it backfires , he sheds it like a coat in summer

    1. Only thing about Bonnie most people dislike is she goes on and on and on about nothing. People want to walk away from her because she talks about subjects that no one cares, yet she just keeps on talking and talking and talking!
      She means well.

    2. but Bonnie's the only authentic one in the group in that she's concerned because she cares not hates

    3. She cares maybe - but she is also in bed with the Johnson / Mooney crowd and therefore lacks credibility.
      That group cares little about anything except whats directly on their "hate agenda". Bonnie is no exception. How can anyone forget the Town Board meeting when she was told to stand up and criticize the Town Board and she forgot what she was supposed to say and had to look at and question her coach - Ray Mooney - what she was supposed to say ! She cares little for this Town in all actuality .

    4. Bonnie and ClydeAugust 16, 2012 5:09 PM

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  40. Fact: unless Langley "walks away " from the likes of Mulvey AND Defruscio , he will NEVER gain respectability or the confidence of voters. Defruscio is a clown. Mulvey is incompetent and arrogant which is a bad combination.
    Thank you to Chris and Sean for making this next election a "walk" for the Dems !

    1. Langley has no intention of walking away from Defruscio.
      This entire charade of bringing McCabe in is exactly that - a charade.
      This whole thing is nothing but Defruscios latest version of a comedy. Chris has no idea what he's doing and it shows. For all you true Republicans reading this , demand his resignation as chairman of your party. Make every attempt to rid yourself of this imposter, try to inject some credibility back into your party prior to the next election.

  41. Where's the beef? Has noone leaked anything about Eileen Grant's attorney suing Langley and Mulvey for age discrimination?
    Come on people get digging. This has to be good.

  42. Gadflys are making up stories again, Mary Pat was never the planning board attorney, sorry guys you can't blame that on her she was Zoniing Attorney.

    1. That's because Mulvey is desparate to get his wife in! They'll do ANYTHING to steal this election, and Mulvey and DENFRUSCION are constantly conniving some new garbage- no doubt some baseless accusation will come out - followed by a false article in the Advertiser. Status Quo for Camp Cristo and its minions. With Defruscio around, one can only imagine what stunt is next ! Defruscio is a clown !

    2. Read gadfly. Once again Donnie is carrying his vendetta against McCabe. No facts, made up circumstances, Ask him once again to pay the monies he owes the town. He maybe the most pathetic fool in town. Quite an honor with the clowns all ready hrer

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  43. I expect that Chris Defruscio will concoct some outrageous accusation that will be completely unbelieveable and he will get someone else to deliver the article and cash payment for it to the Advertiser.
    Chris is stupid and uneducated , but he will be coached by Rich Crist on how to effectively launch a smear campaign in East Greenbush.
    Rich Crist fancies himself as the new power broker in these parts !
    Mulvey - well just try to engage the man in a conversation - you'll see for yourself !
    Time for the real Republicans in East Greenbush to stand up and take back their party from these power hungry imposters !

  44. I was surprised to hear he was out of the hospital. Wonder if the went for psychiatric evaluation while he was there?

    I'll bet he ran right right home and got those 11 pair of jeans ready to return to the Town -- NOT.

    He's a conniving crook. How come he didn't take after his father? What a great man he was! Didn't get any of his traits.

  45. Defruscio is exactly like his best friend ~ Cristo ! Neither inherited the better traits of their fathers ! Mike and Chris are both power hungry, obnoxious and arrogant.

    1. No Morales -- D&CAugust 12, 2012 9:56 AM

      You've got to wonder how these two exist in their personal lives with their families? A crook is a crook and a liar is a liar - they're no different with their families than they are with their political cronies; maybe their wives believe all the tall tales they tell. In the end we all have to go before the maker; you can fool these people on earth, but if you're a true Christian - in the end you can't fool the Lord. Then again, these guys have no conscience; whatever happens happens - no matter who's lives they hurt, it just doesn't matter to them. They'd screw their own families and probably have.

  46. There comes a point in all this banter back and forth , when you just have to sit back and laugh.
    Johnson, Mooney and Jenkins want all of us to forget the misdeeds of Defruscio and Cristo, while they continue to press forward their ridiculous agenda and relentless attack on the Town Board.
    Johnson fancies himself as the "retired State employee who knows whats best for East Greenbush" and demands from ALL readers absolute compliance with his preachings.
    Kinda sounds like the Rev. Jim Jones and his kool-aide concoction that he demanded his minions drink!
    Mooney and Jenkins - well they require no such explanation. They are true followers of the Raul Castro / Jom Jones persona that Johnson emits- and they happily participate in his slander campaign of ridiculous unrealistic demands.

    1. Exactly....they will never be satisfied with any accomplishments made by the adminstration. They want what they want....and nothing else will do. If nothing else, they provide me personally, with a lot of entertainment. Who can't use a chuckle now and then

    2. It's too bad Mr. Million Dollar Words doesn't add his two cents anymore. he was priceless when he would stick his foot in his a** and then have to back peddle when people called him on his SNAFU.
      He always fancied himself some sort of power broker. Little did he know how totally inept he truly is at politics!

  47. so who gives a wet noodle about Johnson, Mooney, Jenkins, Defruscio, or Cristo

    not worth wasting our time, emotions or brain matter on

  48. WOW!! Are you for real..??

    Quoting the Gadfliers:
    "Here's a chilling analogy for you. It's like a woman being openly raped and the people who should step in to help look the other way, act indifference or cheer em on.

    The battle rages for wrongs to be made right. It takes Gadflies to step in and catch and make a plea to the taxpayers, to castrate all those who violate the public trust."

    At first , I was simply disgusted - but then after reading one of our posts - 8675309 is dead on the $.
    Don Johnson is the epitome of the Rev. Jim Jones and the " First Observer" has obviously had a few glasses of the kool-aide ! Damn- I always knew Johnson and his supporters were nuts - but WOW!

    1. You can go to any Town meeting and watch these psycho's in action ! It will open anyones eyes as to the absolute maniacal behavior and attitude of Johnson and Mooney. Good thing is that most of their original followers have left them. Just the very few gadfliers left follow the good reverend Jones and partake of his Kool-Aide concoction.

  49. they are a unique bunch allright then they go on

    "Supervisor Langley can be akin to a personal friend of the victim standing by and cheering the act on. Supervisor Langley has become a selfish and arrogant whiner."

  50. opps, did I say "unique"

    it should be "damned scary"

  51. Whatever happened with McCabe coming on board? Thats another decision Langley can't make on his own for fear he doesn't re-elected in 3 1/2 years; don't fret Langley - you're never going to get close to a second term; it would probably be to your benefit to bring McCabe back, at least he's got friends.
    You've got Bull from Night Court!

    1. Langley doesnt want to be here now. You think he wants anonther 4 years? He is trying to do the best thing for the town. Like it or not. McCabe still runs this town and he will be back.

  52. How disappointing it is to have the state of Town Politics degrade to this point. This landslide was started by a power hungry little man who felt it necessary to lie and stretch facts.

  53. and he's still lying - to his wife , to his family , to his friends , to his neighbors.......etc......etc......etc......

    1. "It's Called The Little Big Man Syndrome!" His mommy must of put him on such a pedestal growing up that this is what everyone got. He has to stay in the background with Denfruscio cause he's a coward - ya never see him show his face in Town at all anymore.
      Little Big Man lost his power - needs to leave NYS to start more trouble in the Carolina's -- BYE BYE.

  54. Too bad it has all boiled directly down to the lies Cristo fabricated in his failed attempt for the East Greenbush Power Grab ! He ruined many friendships and has falsely empowered such fools as these gadfliers. Tsk~tsk~tsk...

  55. ANONYMOUS intentionally !August 15, 2012 11:10 AM

    Gadflier complaining about this TALKS blog:

    "If there were any real men on Talks they would stop the hypocritical insults claiming people over here are anonymous when their whole blog is authored by anonymous cowards. At what point, will the intellectually exhausted from Talks stop with the attack and blame and just deal with the issues the Town and taxpayers are facing? "

    #1- FACT : this entire mess is directly attributed to CRISTO!
    #2- your talk about your perceived problems is counter-productive - we simply disagree and YOUR points of interest are NOT ours!
    #3- anonymous or not - we could care less about anyone associated with the GADFLY blog or its supporters.
    #4- Your entire blabbing on is exactly what the problem is - you demand that everyone fall in line with your thought process.
    Well here it is : NO ! You all act like the world owes you a favor and your lot in life is to blame on the Board. Once again - WRONG - NO !
    Too bad you don't like it when anyone here exposes your savior Cristo - he's the root cause of all this dissention and the original author of the "blame game". Tough if you don't like it- we could care less !

    1. The Town Board is dealing with the issues facing the town. That is what they were elected to do.

  56. Their problem in a nut shell is that they embrace the warped opinions of people like Don Johnson, Ray Mooney and Dwight Jenkins. Those three alone write most of the political rhetoric posted over on the Gadfly. They are losing supporters daily and look to pin the blame on anyone except the person staring back at them in the mirror.
    Calling any anonymous poster here is the most hypocritical statement. Especially when you see all the BRAVE ANONYMOUS souls who post on the gadfly page.

  57. Any way you slice it....the Gadflies are a bunch of idiots...plain and simple..

    1. Well....TU investigative reporters were at tonight's Board meeting, and have apparently been around a bit. Nice work for a bunch of idiots.

    2. Doesn't change the facte...bunch of idiots....

    3. the boi don't impress us or the TU investigative reporters

  58. I dont care what you think, bottom line, McCabe stills run this town. Its not a bad thing.

    1. He may not run the town, but with a Team like Langley and McCabe overseeing things, it'd be a win win situation.
      What's the hold up, Keith and Rick? If its people, to hell with them. You two need to get together and run this town - with dignity and class!

  59. Tell Donnie to be careful. Blameing McCabe for a blog that he didn't write and calling him a thief. A heard his lawyers love this stuff. That's real lawyers Suzanne Not make believe

    1. 6:34 you are the one who is in fantasy land. Get your light bulb out of that dark hole and focus. If McCabe is so innocent why does he need a passel of lawyers? I’m sure he really appreciates an illiterate being his spokesperson. Why does it seem that every time things don’t go your way you feel the need for personal attacks? Same old from same old.


  60. Rick McCabe put up with so much crap! He took it with dignity. Thief? Liar? Arrogant? Its no wonder he just didn't resign - but when all is said and done, he truly is a good man and did as good a job if not better than any other Supervisor. Yes Bob Angelini had his PE and was an excellent Engineer. Rick hired the best of the best; Rich Benko and Hank LaBarba - thats the way it is and the way it still is. People need to keep their mouths shut and give Langley a chance and bring McCabe back as Deputy Supervisor. The town would benefit greatly from this. Wake up folks and see the light; or the "writing on the wall." Get the Cristo's out of Town and all will be well!

  61. Don cares little about who he openly slanders. He's the 1st to bitch and complain and attempt to edit EGTALKS. He write little notes to anyone he disagrees with in his feeble attempt to shame them like he's a freshmen english teacher. He injects his warped morals endlessly- its all part of his overall arrogance.

    I'd bet not since you would have found that Renn. Co. is in violation of every consent decree - approx. 5-7x as many as East Greenbush ! But hey - that doesn't fit your little plan huh?? Rensselaer County needs EGB $ so they can get in compliance - but hey - Don,Dwight and Ray don't care about the truth!
    Dwight likes to bitch - Don makes an a** of himself intentionally - it all means NOTHING. For all your FOILS - you apparently didn't read a damn thing - nor did you bother to do your homework ! You gadfliers havn't a clue and it shows!

    BYPASS is off the table - it isn't cost efficient and would contribute to a greater mess than exists now! MORONS!

    1. Instead of running off at the mouth, why don't you put up the numbers on this site? Let's see your homework in an organized presentation.

      The by-pass was the alternative of choice until August 7th. The result of hundreds of thousands of dollars of studies and planning. All of a sudden, somebody had an epiphany which changed the entire set of assumptions. This raises a questions as to what the content of the thinking was leading up to this.

      Why don't you put a rational argument on the table, supported by solid assumptions and good analysis? Otherwise it's just air.

    2. Is this Mike or Mikey? Hard to tell through the drool.

    3. neither...but you keep trying..your special !

  63. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  64. "CedricAugust: Why do you assume we have a plan? When you read years worth of documents from the Town, the Authority, the Department of State, and the Comptroller's office, and not one of them mentions expansion but ALL of them point toward BYPASS, what would YOU think? Why are YOU the first one we're hearing this from? I don't like to bitch, I feel compelled to bitch because I've been nothing but lied to for the last 5 years about any number of issues. This one isn't shaping up any differently, despite your masterful use of the word "moron." If you've got something, lay it out. Put up or shut up. You sound like someone who's afraid of losing money if that BYPASS happens. Let me guess: you work for the sewer department here in Town, right? I couldn't care less where the shit goes as long as it's not going in the river and the fix isn't costing both of us additional tax money. So whatta you got? You got anything? Facts? Documents? Have you done your homework, Cedric? Let's see it. Dwight, your bitch-loving moron."
    Well, its as simple as this...figures and facts regarding this issue were / are being massaged daily as the very best scenario is derived. What apparently was learned was that the Rensselaer County plant is about the worst in the area and is in dire need of those funds from East Greenbush to renovate and come into compliance with NYS Health mandates. Yes- they are under mandates as well, MORE than east Greenbush currently. Rather than throw money at a Rensselaer County problem, we're better off fixingg the East Greenbush problem. the long run, its cheaper- apparently. Figures vary but those are what was learned. Rensselaer County and this bypass are clearly NOT what those at the County level want us to believe they are- they need East Greenbush tax money to come into compliance and more importantly- why didn't Cristo , Danaher or Desso tell any of you people this information??

    1. Cedric....If you recall, Ray Mooney has been asking over and over again for a PUBLIC presentation of potential solutions so the stakeholders and bill payers can be aware of the business solutions available to address the problem. I asked for the same thing at the Board meeting. The people who are paying the bills should have some say in what is going to happen, and the advocates for each point of view should be required to publicly make their cases. It's the taxpayers who are the customers in this deal after all.

      What is so exasperating here is that politics gets in the way of governing. Keeping the revenue seems to be the issue in this case, along with the leverage associated with permitting what gets to be developed. Let's face it, there's money in that - lots of it under the table.

      The thing to remember about sewer revenue is that it is dedicated revenue, to be used for the purposes for which it is collected. East Greenbush got used to "borrowing" it and using it unlawfully. That's one of the reasons for the existence of the current problem. Since sewer revenue is dedicated, the question becomes whether the Town or the County can use that revenue most efficiently. Somehow I get the feeling that the "ancillary" revenue from the development decisions is driving much of the recent about-face. I think Bill Lambdin drew that same conclusion in one of his reports.

  65. Dwight: just a point of clarification - I am NOT a Town Employee at the Sewage Treatment plant - just a person who had the chance luck to run into someone who does work for the County .

  66. Seems to me that someone was misled and they're pissed ! And rightfully so ! I believe that the deal that was about a nano-second away involving EGB hooking up with Rensselaer County was spoiled by County Republicans - namely Rich Crist ! I also believe that the County Waste treatment plant is in such a state of dis-repair that they are up the creek without East Greenbush money to help them renovate their plant.
    Politially - East Greenbush is way better off repairing and upgrading our system - which can handle EGB waste with the exception of storm water - which screws everything up. Otherwise , this entire scenario is over - we're actually doing whats best for East Greenbush!

    1. I love the phrase "politically - East Greenbush is way better off....." Can't this problem be solved with the best business solution for ALL the taxpayers? Or does it have to be done for the East Greenbush Democrat interest or the County Republican interest? I'm so pleased that these issues are beginning to see the light of day. It helps us understand all the other monkey business we see from time to time.

      If the County plant is in such dis-repair, why isn't it a matter of record with the County Sewer and Water Authority?

    2. Point of clarification: what I meant by : "politically better off" is this: if Rensselaer County was so eager and willing to destroy a cut deal that was basically a done deal - then maybe we're better off without County influence and help.
      I am leery immediately when ever I hear Rich Crists name anyways , and I'll echo one of the above questions~ why hasn't Cristo or Danaher chimed in on this - they BOTH are up Rich Christs hemorrhoids so they would have known about this intentional County interference long ago.

    3. Maybe it's time for the PEOPLE to take both Parties and their unenlightened self interest to the woodshed. Why can't a solution be found which benefits all the people in Southern Rensselaer County now and into the future. I'm concerned about the parochial interests of the EG majority and the parochial interests of the County Republicans. The EG bunch has had a profitable operation going, and the sewer problems have created a problem for them. I'll still ask, what's the matter with sewer revenues from any community using it being used to maintain a central treatment plant. Government has to get over using services for the personal gain of its in crowd. It's called GRAFT - enough already.

      The fact that the EG majority created the debt problem and the junk bond problem via its management of the sewer operation should give every one pause on the "new revelations" a nano-second away from a deal.

  67. No matter how you look at it -- looks like both parties on each level aren't worth the powder to blow them to hell. No one seems to care (the politicos I mean) whether anything gets done right or not as long as the pockets of the insiders are lined with our tax dollars. You know -- people tell me it happens all over no matter who is in office and I say -- but that doesn't mean it is right. The County may be bad but it isn't in EGreenbush taxpayers' best interests to be burdened with a huge tax bill and I don't think EGreenbush should stand alone on this matter but partner with the County in correcting this mess. Frankly, I don't think Keith Langley is up to the task and if people had wanted Rick McCabe in office they would have kept him there. His own party voted him out, looks like, since the other dems were voted in.

    1. Lets get politics rock-n-rolling!August 18, 2012 10:43 AM

      I wouldn't say his own party voted him out. The Town wanted a change and a change is what they got. Are the Gadfliers happy with Keith - HELL NO. The present Supe decided a change was needed and a dem is NO longer at her position and neither is the secretary to the Supervisor. It was HIS choice. Get over it, life goes on. Do people feel badly, of course - both parties do. We need to move forward and stop blaming Keith and Rick for the town falling apart; personally and budget-wise.
      Lets move on, people - get the positives flowing in this town once again. If Keith and Rick worked together; it'd be for the betterment of the town and the people. In politics; people do get hurt. Get over yourselves. Keith and Rick would work equally hard to keep this town going; they've both got the vitality, the pizzaz and the smarts to do what is right. If its Rick's friends that are swaying him not to take the position; then in all fairness what kind of friends were they to begin with? N O T. Friends that liked you when you could help them financially and politically. Thats a great friend for ya! Keith make it happen! You won't be sorry.

    2. Rock-n-Rolling
      Thats a mouth full and so true. People come in and your lives; tons of acquaintances; one or two true friends. The employees you work with are your acquaintances; your politician buddies are just that. You may like or not like whats going on in the town. If you don't next time a councilperson runs, run against him - if in 3 1/2 years you want to try to become Supervisor; go for it - but stop whining Gadfliers; it does nothing for yourself as a human being. Also from what I saw at the TB meeting you need to smile more, don't take everything so seriously, it only gives you more wrinkles and makes ya look mean. Be happy, we only go this way once -- like the song says "Don't worry, Be Happy!"
