Monday, August 27, 2012

Library Budget Vote & Election

Thursday September 6, 2012
9:00 AM to 9:00 PM


There are two five-year Trustee positions available in our upcoming budget election.  The candidates are:

Lisa Fox;
Michael Poost; and
Phil Vecchio.


Any person registered to vote in the Town of East Greenbush general elections can vote on the budget.

Voters may apply for an absentee ballot. Applications can be picked up in the library at the Reference Desk. Applications must be personally delivered to the library, to the attention of the Director, no later than August 29, 2012.

Ballots need to be postmarked no later than the day before the election, September 5, 2012.


  1. Nobody ever votes on the library budget. I guess nobody cares. Did you know that the Friends of the Library only remind the "friends of the library" to come and vote? They don't bother to tell the rest of us because they are afraid that we will vote against the budget. This year they want to raise the budget by 2.39%. That means a 4 dollar increase on a home assessed at 200,000. But just remember when you add in a 4 or 5% increase in town taxes and a 3 or 4% increase in school taxes -- well, it all adds up. Stop and think about it.
    Maybe we should get out their and take a second look.
    By the way -- the Friends of the Library raise money through the book sales and donations to provide programming to the East Greenbush community. Did you know that some of that money -- a substantial chunk -- was used to pay for library pensions? Interesting.

    1. You didn't get the Greenbush Bookmark that was mailed out?

  2. what 4 or 5% increase in town taxes do you speak of? i pay meore to the county than to the town. you forgot to mention the 2.6% county tax increase.

    you have documentation for your Friends of the Library charge? please share

  3. Damn....It must be McCabes fault..

  4. Moe Howard ! FUMR&MSeptember 04, 2012 10:22 AM

    In case any of you were wondering if Cristo still blogs - well here it is - anonymously of course!

    "Phil Malone has proven his utter incompetence in the recent TU article. He claims the County wants to ge their hands on the Town's money, but there is no money to access.

    Phil Malone and the entire board are all prepared to saddle tax payers with an addition 8 million dollars in debt to expand the existing plant, without exhausting every option to solve the current problem at hand.

    The town would not lose any money. The sewer fund makes a profit and is one of the only departments to do so. Rather than seek a solution with the County, Phil Malone and the dem majority would much rather raise taxes to pay for an expansion plan that we don't need.

    The democrats already have raided the sewer fund and owe it a million dollars. If they were to negotiate an agreement with the County, they can arrange to pay back what is owed, NOT raise taxes, and reduce the amount of sewage we treat to come into compliance with the consent order.

    Phil Malone is incapable of speaking intelligently about anything unless it benefits his party, his family or himself in which case his words still lack intellect, they are merely convenient propaganda to take advantage of a system in dire need to responsible leadership. A 5 - 0 vote would indicate that all of them are incapable of being responsible.

    Their consultants should be removed and DEC should dictate a more prudent course of action that protects the people of this town. Heaven knows, our own representatives lack that kind of courage!"

    Little know-it-all at his best - Big words and his favorite word - incompetence!! Cristo is so pissed that he couldn't get his hands on that EGB money and funnel it to the Rensselaer COunty Sewage Treatment plant. Mike says there's no money to access?? Well there is - ALOT of it too ! All the future hook-up fees that EGB will collect would have been sent at least partially to Rensselaer County and that is one of the main sticking points that screwed the entire deal up- and Cristo knows it - he's actually steaming. Cristo, Rich Crist and Martin Reid are all scrambling now and feeding the gadfliers all sorts of bullsh*t because their little faux presentation went down the shitt*r !! -( pun intended!)

    1. BTW: the Town would be effectively tossing away a minimum of 10 million initially, and probably more than that after construction and hooking up. Thats ALOT of wasted money being thrown at an aging facility that cannot possibly handle the increase in raw sewage without major upgrades. rensselaer County was banking on thee East Greenbush money. Too bad we saw the light.
      Screw Rensselaer County and their failed attempt at a cheap trick to get East Greenbush Tax money!
      Mike Cristo has never openly nor honestly represented the taxpayers of East Greenbush and this is just another glaring example of HIS incompetence and ignorance! Wonder how cristo is gonna explain this failure to Reid and Crist?!

    2. Nice job 555 - keep the gadflies guessing. They are perplexed and can't fathom that they don't have all the information. Ole Donnie boy thinks he is the end all - know-it-all on this subject. STBU Don!
      Obviously your little stool pidgeon Cristo didn't tell you everything !

    3. 555 - apparently your not smart enough to make your statement! Johnson nor Jenkins can find anything to dispute your remark , so they have labeled you a liar. Once again - Gadfliers stay true to their moniker - IDIOTS!

  5. Its really quite simple, not nearly as complicated or locally political as Johnson,Jenkins and Mooney purport it to be. Here's the easiest way to explain the confusion.

    #1- clearly Dwight has obtained ALOT of information- without question. He interprets what he reads one way - BUT - without knowing the process or how politics effects EVERY SINGLE DECISION- he fails to comprehend the entire package.( not entirely his fault- he's been fed bad info from the start)
    #2- Johnson simply wants to bitch and complain about everything - PERIOD! He has a simple agenda which is to defame and defraud the East Greenbush Democratic Party. Don believes he knows how everything works - which is his shortcoming.
    #3- Mooney - plain and simple - carpetbagger. He has lived here about a minute and knows only what Johnson feeds him.

    There's no way the knowledge can be conveyed- you simply have to be there in the meetings and participate , be a part of the private phone calls from people like Rich Crist - specifically when he makes ridiculous demands upon the Town of East Greenbush.
    Dwight- you were correct- EGB was extremely close to doing the deal with Rensselaer County. Politics screwed it up without a doubt- only it wasn't your Town Board that did the screwing. THAT- my friend is the sticking point- Johnson wants to blame the entire scenario on Malone, Mangold and OBrien - NO WAY! The blame clearly falls directly onto Martin Reid, Mike Cristo, Rich Crist and a few other "interested parties" . Once County officials put the screws to East Greenbush- other options were openly and unabashedly explored- much to the chagrin of Cristo. Too bad Mike - you cut a backroom deal and it went sour because your intentions were NOT true .

    *** DON- yes you can cut and paste this and attempt to discredit me - your failing fault to a tee !!

  6. Dear 5:42 PM:

    I looked up "carpetbagger" on Wiki. In modern terminology the term applies to a person who runs for political office after only living in a community a short time.

    Modern examples would be Robert Kennedy and Hillary Clinton - both right here in New York.

    In your world how long do I have to live here before I am "allowed" to care about our town, participate in our government and ask questions of those people who are elected to represent us?

    Do you have a name so we can have an conversation?

    Thank you.

    1. 1st - obviously I have a name - but long before that- way too many people who support this blog were vilified by the likes of Mike Cristo whenever anyone opposed his opinion- therefore me and many others will remain anonymous- period!
      Cristo is/was a proven liar and has stretched facts and figures to suit his personal agenda - not unlike Johnson.
      2nd- as far as your example - I despise Hillary Clinton, I don't necessarily despise you - but your continual failure to grasp basic political concepts has obviously worn my patience, as well as Johnsons insistence that he's always correct.
      You can care all you want - you and yours failure to see the glass "half-full" rather than "half-empty" and insistence that everything is political and whenever the Town Board does something you don't agree with they are accused of stealing or some other dirty, underhanded trick- I'm kinda done giving any of you Gadflys credit for anything.

    2. Would you please list the facts and figures which have been "stretched" by the persons you mention, and then present the facts and figures you believe to be true? Perhaps, then we could figure out what you are talking about. You make an accusation which has no content because it has no reference to anything real.

    3. Facts and figures are subjective opinions, such as anything that Cristo ever uttered. He couldn't prove any of what he ever said - specifically what he blabbed about on television- direct lies !

  7. Talks: why do you allow any of the Gadflies to post here? They don't have the decency to post anything we respond too over there yet they constantly complain we have nothing of substance here. I would send them packing , much the way they send any of us to the trash bin! Just my opinion-
    BTW: who really cares if anything here offends any of them? They continually demand names - yet 95+ percent of their posts are anonymous!

    1. Once again - purely out of decency we will not be lumped into the same category as their blog hosts. Excepting of course the vulgar and obscene stuff which is automatically sent out the window.

  8. Peace and quiet ~ FinallySeptember 06, 2012 10:55 AM

    I heard puss head got his walking papers yesterday morning.
    Good for you Keith!
    If Dilbert stole any personal information - he should be prosecuted to the fullest extent and limits of the law! He was nothing but a plant and stool pidgeon for Rich Crist and was actually completely incompetent in the position he was NOT qualified to hold.

    1. If Mulvey stole information from Town files that he was NOT entitled to have- Rich Crist already has copies of those files and people should be aware of the ramifications sure to follow!

  9. Please read the gadfly they are really losing it I think Moorhead is looking for a date

  10. Here's the lastest from another uninformed Gadflier:

    "The Talks blog is run by a bunch of political hacks placed in patronage position that are doing the heavy lifting for the party. Dave Van Wormer dies a good deal of their writing, Mike O'Brien, Ginny's husband, Pete Stenson, Carmela Hicks and on and on. They seldom if ever discuss anything of substance. They are bottom feeders who live to protect the benefits they receive from a town who can not afford to keep paying them. They will break the town in Time. They have sent the old guard, Maeny, Hart, Benko and Polsinello to suck up to Keith and blow smoke up his... well you get the point. They will use Keith, blame everything on him, promise him the world and leave him for dead. They don't want Malone in power so they feel taking advantage of Keith and promising him the world is a better path. If they spent the time on fixing problems that they spend attacking residents, they'd actually get somewhere. Ray, don't let up, you're right. Funny thing is, no one reads their blog but them and some of the people here."

    ROFLMAO - if they only knew !

  11. " They" will never know ! "They" can keep guessing .

  12. Can somebody tell me what ROFLMAO means? Just curious. I read these blogs sometimes when I need a laugh. I really like the one comment where the guy or gal says that "facts and figures are subjective". If that is true, then when is 2+2 not 4? Just asking.

    1. I read it as meaning that the "subjective" part was left to the readers ability to correctly determine what each of those figures really means...but I've been wrong before

    2. No - your actually correct. The gadflies can't determine anything if its not in their agenda of discredit and continual criticism of Board decision.

      Its got to be disheartening to them that they spent all this time foiling away , obtaining document after document, reading for hours on end, and then there very own people screwed it all up. They have virtually no choice but to try to blame the Town Board because they can't expose their insider information they get from Mike Cristo, Rich crist ,Martin Reid and others. They'll never admit that they were misled by those three- it doesn't bode well for the gadflies.

  13. Rollin' On Floor Laughing My 'Butt' Off

    read How to Lie with Statistics by Darrell Huff

  14. Hey Anonymous 8:16, ROFLMAO means 'rolling on the floor, laughing my a** off.' I have a slew of nieces and nephews who made me be their friend on Facebook and part of that was the tutorial where they explained all this stuff to me. I spent so many years trying to perfect the English language but it is now all for naught.

  15. Dwight: my sincerest apologies if I can't exactly make my point , but I'll do my damnedest to be clear.

    You are clearly entitled to your opinion, I disagree, but so goes the lives of cats and dogs in East Greenbush.
    I do not believe that Sean Mulvey nor Eileen Grant were conducive to good government in East Greenbush. Mulveys personality is ridiculously abrasive and arrogant and he has virtually no social skills at all. Regardless of his college degrees, he had no idea whatever what he was doing , and it showed. Mulvey was effectively stealing time from the tax[ayers, he as a full time employee working part-time at best. That is not spin, that is a fact. His obnoxious demeanor was offensive to anyone he ever spoke with. His political alliance to Rich Crist was clearly unquestionable and it showed.
    Eileen Grant- anyone at all who ran into her @ Town Hall found her to be intrusive and overbearing. Not a true representative of the Supervisor. She was told and directed more than once to leave "private" personnel meetings in the Supervisors office, meetings that she had no business what so ever being in. Her continual presence at Town Hall was detrimental to any type of business being conducted. Keith made the correct decision to send her on her way.
    As far as change - you keep trying , but know that me and many others will work directly against you and you can take that too the bank. I do not care for the opinion of Johnson nor Mooney. Johnson is/has been nothing but a interfering blowhard and Mooney does what he's told by Johnson.
    You keep plugging ahead, I'll keep working against you - democracy in action !

    1. That was the absolutely truth in a nutshell. Thank you anonymous 214

      She was not there to make him look good or to protect him, a secretary becomes a best friend; she was out for herself.

      Mulvey - he forgot what full time and part time meant - and was the nasiest person, his personality; what personality? If Jude loses, it'll be partly his fault!

  16. anony214 - why bother at all? They could care less what anyone here or anyone who supports the Board thinks. Read the nasty comments authored by Don Johnson and tell me that it would appear that they think anything of democracy at all! They want what they want, regardless of whatever gets in the way. To quote someone above - Gadfliers see the glass as always Half-empty , never as half-full!

  17. Dwight simple doesn't get it. He's excited if he thinks people hate him. Thinks he's one of the prophets . People just feel sorry for him. And Johnson, His rape analogy is disgusting much like the both of them.

    1. That analogy was not only disgusting but also an insult to real victims. I find him to be a frightening character.

  18. I don't think the issue is whether you support the town board or not. They are neither always right as you guys would have it, or always wrong as the Gadflies assert. They are all decent people who care about our town and they are basically quarter-time employees who must look after way too many issues, especially given the magnitude of the problems we face. Dwight Jenkins, Don Johnson and Ray Mooney are not the enemy; neither are Sue Mangold, Ginny O'Brien and Phil Malone. The enemy is junk bond status and two million dollars of debt; the enemy is an aging infrastructure in an old town and an abandoned 9&20 corridor, and so on. We can spend all of our time blaming this one or that one for these problems but the fact is that we have all had a hand in it - democrats, republicans, conservatives, independents and the largely apathetic residents of East Greenbush. The question is how we move forward and I think we either find a way to move forward together or we won't move at all. If it took all of us to get into this predicament, it is going to take all of us to get out of it.

    The FOILs published by Dwight Jenkins are a good thing because they increase the information available to the public. With our fiscal problems we cannot afford to make a mistake on the waste water treatment issue. Ray Mooney is right to ask for a cost analysis of the options. Where I differ from the Gadflies on this is that I think the town board has done far more thinking about this subject than they are being given credit for, and it would be relatively easy for them to hold a public information session that would ease everyone's mind. Moreover, with the wealth of experience and intelligence in this town they might also get some new perspectives at such a session that will help them make the right decision.

    When a ship is taking on water you need all hands on deck, even if all you have are buckets to stem the tide. Right now all we are doing is splashing the water at each other and everyone's getting wet. This gets us nowhere.

    1. Hello Jack - good to hear from you !

    2. Tom Grant (the elder)September 07, 2012 5:18 PM


      Nicely put!!

      Hope to talk to you soon.

      Be well,


    3. Jack, we have been asking for a public information session for a long time. There has been at least 4 years of work on the by-pass option. And as I stated at the last Board meeting, the 180 degree turn was done in secret and no cogent explanation has hit the public record yet. Doesn't make for credibility, does it. All we have heard is that bad behavior from County Republicans blew everything up. That, before the engineering cost report that Langley said was the purpose of the resolution at the last meeting. We are grownups and can read and write. We can also understand clear presentations. None have appeared yet.

    4. Well Jack - here's the temper himself - as usual;

      Don Johnson writes:
      " One other point I'd make is that we ALL didn't create the problem which exists with the sewer issue. We ALL didn't ignore Orders on Consent. We ALL didn't do the inter-fund borrowing which created the debt and the junk bond condition. From all appearances these things happened without any public knowledge at all. I have yet to find a resolution done in public which authorized these things. These situations were created by persons who were not doing the jobs they were supposed to be doing as competent public officials. They should have done their jobs without being "babysat" by vigilant taxpayers. Jack is in his "forgive and forget" mode in which nobody is responsible for anything."

      Jack , your post was well thought out and not targeting any individual, but this response from the King know-it-all himself is the reason there will NEVER be meetings with well intentioned people who get together simply to address issues.
      Don would immediately find fault with anyone who disagrees with him and it would go downhill from there.
      My response is once again and always will be: Johnson - your actions speak directly to your Raul Castro persona - the Rev. Jim Jones aside. Your continual insistence that you know-it-all simply feeds the frenzy of people who genuinely despise your existence.

    5. Whistling Past the CemetarySeptember 07, 2012 7:36 PM

      Don refuses to "get it" because then he'd have nothing to complain about. They were given a complete explanation to the poop problem. The problem exists in their minds - no one elses! It was explained and re-explained. They refuse to listen. People tried to be nice and were met with Johnsons temper and indignant responses. He's the problem with EVERYTHING in East Greenbush - not the politicians- Johnson is the true problem.
      The Town Board works to attempt to resolve issues facing them- Johnson does nothing but complain and attempt to cause chaos when its counter productive- but hey - Dons always been a fool !

    6. Just remember when you walk into the voting booth !
      That's the best way to voice your displeasure with what you disagree with politically.

    7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. Jack - I can guarantee you that the Town Board has done ALOT more thinking and debating on the waste water topic than they are being given credit for. The decision that they made was not done as a knee-jerk or spur of the moment. My continual disgust with the Gadlies is that they believe everything is political and that the dems do everything to a monetary advantage to themselves. That is preposterous and a ridiculous belief let alone to say it publicly.
    Many, many times, partisan agreements have been sought - to only be shot down or torn apart by factions with a private agenda. Animosity clearly overtakes common sense as of late. Too bad people are unable to listen without prejudice.

  20. Dose of your own medicine Don? No way am I posting your rants here. Your a fool to think otherwise- my benevolence is worn thin !

  21. Jack - as always, you try to be a positive influence, a beacon of light. Don't be discouraged because others only see darkness. The light will eventually triumph over darkness - as it should. I admire and respect you.

  22. Off Topic here a bit; can anyone explain why the local media refuses to cover Columbia Sports programs? They cover much lesser school districts like they are hosting the SuperBowl! Columbia Football played for the league championship last year and gets no love from the local media at all. This is disgusting and shows these talented athletes the nasty underbelly of local news media.

    1. Its been that way for years. No change in sight either.

  23. So much for any true constructive dialog with the Johnson gaggle. Don has proved to all of us once again that he has no intention of having any sorrt of open back and forth- its Dons way or no way at all!
    Don is so predictable and angry. You'd think he was the only one who knows anything - he believes the rest of us are ignorant and complacent. Too bad Dons the one totally out of touch!

  24. There will NEVER be constructive conversation with the likes of any of the Gadfly crowd. They are not for anyone else's opinion or whether or not they have pertinent information that would dispute Gadfly opinion. Don,Dwight,Ray and the very few others simply want to cause havoc and chaos amongst taxpayers. Their information was proven wrong, it was explained to them - they reacted angrily. Par for the course.
    Whomever made the reference to Raul Castro and the Reverend Jim Jones with respect to the Johnson actions and writings; your dead on the money !

  25. Langley and McCabe , questionable intellect. I bet they wish they were as blessed as Don Dwight, and Ray. The great news is they have inside information. Then again our esteemed County Legislature has nothing to do or no place to go so he can give them his lies.

  26. Moe Howard - FUMR&MSeptember 08, 2012 5:07 PM

    McCabe and Langley will do fine and will progress the Town forward INSPITE of Don,Dwight,Suzanne and Ray ! Those four fruitflies can just keep complaining because NO ONE IS LISTENING ANYWAY !
    As for the washed up Cristo - who really cares anyway - he's got bigger problems to handle - like his divorce !

  27. Really? Suzanne Airaido questioning Jack Conway and admonishing him like he's some school child!?
    Arrogance reigns supreme over on the "fruitfly" network. What a bunch of self indulging carpetbaggers ! LMAO !! (Had to steal that one ! Too good to pass up )

  28. ALL their questions they asked have been answered - ALL of them ! The "fruitfly" network simply is too simple minded to understand the process- that's their downfall.
    Cristo and Crist along with Reid have spoon fed these gnats a line of bullsh*t knowing they would spout off and carry on.
    Cristo plays these simpletons like a flute and laughs because they are making fools of themselves and he just sits back and watches with Ann- laughing together at what they created.

    1. Suzanne admonishes Jack Conway ? Go figure, this from the lawyer who was also taken to school on her half of the baseless lawsuit she and Ole Donnie boy filed against East Greenbush and LOST ~ THREE TIMES!!

      Great legal advice !!

      Your angry - good ! Too bad- STBU !

  29. Yo - Buell-(Timmy) you forgot your neighbor- CRISTO !!

  30. Fruitflies ?? LMAO !

  31. " That's a big question that should be on everybody's mind. And that question won't go away until the numbers are crunched in public and all questions answered. Vilifying questioners won't make it go away. Why is the more expensive option (if it is indeed that) in the interests of the taxpayer? And why, as the people who will fund the chosen option, shouldn't we be able to influence the option chosen?"

    NO SH*T !!! I'll be glad to tell you why !! People like you should NEVER be able to influence options - because of ecatly why you think the current Board makes decision- GRAFT-CORRUPTION-BENEFITS-etc....Who's to say you gadflies aren't in Cristo's pocket? Who's to say you Gadflies aren't beholding to some contractor like Andy Bombard or Mark Teliska, either of whom would LOVE to get that contract to construct the BYPASS?? Thats why we elect people to make these decisions - to keep private interests of groups like the GADFLIES out of it ! You people disgust me !

    1. And there's no financial disclosure in the Town's Ethics Code at the specific request of a Board member. Who's to know that the Board is not beholden to some contractor like......fill in the blanks. They're all lined up for a piece of that $13 million plus/minus that the majority wants to spend on the treatment plant expansion.

  32. Poor Suzanne. No kissyface for you.

  33. Suzanne Aiardo ? Really?? Your a lawyer? Really?
    I can sorta put Johnson and Mooney into a certain category - but you claim to be a attorney? WOW! Thank God your not a Town Attorney!

    1. Keep Guessing - your not even close !September 11, 2012 9:03 AM

      Suzanne musta been having a case of wide-awake insomnia @ 115am this morning. She again attempted to dress down Jack Conway - albeit "anonymously" this time !
      She's such a brave Gadfly ! NOT !!!

  34. The gagflies can’t seem to remember that the make-up of the Town Board has drastically changed in the past few years.

    Rick Matters – January 2008
    Ginny O’Brien – January 2010
    Phil Malone – November 2010
    Sue Mangold – November 2010
    Keith Langley – January 2012

    They also forget that this Board is addressing the issues facing EG.

    They also forget that the lower initial cost alternative compared to a higher initial cost alternative is not always the best action in the long-run.

    The gagflies continue to dredge up acts of past Boards to paint this Board with a foul brush.

    1. So let's see the numbers that support your case. You are as "specific" as Romney. We're going to do this - with no content.

      And this Board has the same machine behind it - the fat cats - that were behind previous boards over the last 15 years. Same bunch, just different faces. Same agenda, just different actors.

    2. and you expected anything different from the fruitfly swarm? I see Taylor crying the blues about her personal life and how its changed- B-S ! No one was more vile and nasty tongued than Ann Taylor, who btw is the queen of anonymous blogging except for recently, she has adopted Bobo as her new moniker! STBU = you get what you started and deserve!

    3. Nice try - we're not convinced...and read back thru the gadfly posts, those people are truly more concerned with who is who...and if you knew anything about blogs at all, you'd realize your entire statement is ridiculously foolish!

    4. Hypocrite Ray Mooney called Phil Malone every name in the book prior to and right after this last election. Mooney - you carpetbagger - you disgust me to the ends of the earth! Gadfly selective memory in full effect !

    5. speaking in generalities. did i mention a specific project? not no but hell no.

  35. GiGi (Giggle Giggle) Ann Taylor
    BoBo (Boom Boom) Mike Cristo

    Check out their writing styles.

    1. Gi Gi Bo Bo's friendSeptember 10, 2012 9:06 PM

      Half of whatever you've got, BO BO! I'll take it.

      Now come on, that is hysterical!


  36. There's ultimately never going to be compromise on any issue in this Town while the likes of j j and m are allowed to continually carry on.
    they hide behind their veiled request for openness and transparency and yet they fail to exhibit the bare minimum of knowledge of exactly how the process really works. ignorance is bliss for them .
    they simply can't see that they are NOT entitled to knowledge of every step taken , nor are they deserving of explanations to every question they can think of in their thin attempts to quagmire progress that they don't agree with. grandstanding and soapbox preaching their message to the few that bother with them - i believe they've actually made more enemies with their foolish television interview and times useless articles, (like cristo when he lied on ynn) and they still don't get it.

  37. Gadfly( Don ,Ray) : you really do NOT have any idea of who,what,where,when or most importantly WHY with regards to this blog and its hosts. It was started way before you came on the scene by a very determined and select group of Town residents.
    Many steps have been taken to ensure that you will never know.

    Please stop trying to assign blame, you aren't even close and you never will be - GUARANTEED!

    1. Attorneys can handle Johnson. There are many who specialize in his type of harassment. He hasn't a leg to stand on if any of those affected pursue legal charges. Copies of all his e-mails are foil able and available.

    2. Really? Don harassing people again ? So predictable and unnecessary.

    3. Yup - really - again !

  38. Part of me wants to explain to the simpletons on Gadfly , but I know that a very thorough explanation was already submitted which Don refuses to post. He since has complained and written something NOT TRUE! Go figure !smh

    1. Yet another friend of ET TalksSeptember 13, 2012 6:29 AM

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  39. One would think Benjamin Franklin had met the Gadflies when he wrote....

    Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do!

  40. Dwight sorta gave some mia culpa - but quite frankly ,its shallow at best.
    Don is a fool,he writes with no purpose to enhance or improve , he writes to embellish and accuse.

  41. A little off topic....congratulations to Mary Pat Donnelly on her primary victory, winning all 3 lines tonight. You can count on even more support in the General Election in November. You've worked for've earned it and you deserved it!

  42. Mary Pat is the BEST candidate for Town Justice ! There's NO DOUBT she will win in November ! Sincerest congratulations to her and her committee.

  43. Congratulations MaryPat!!!!

  44. Very best wishes to Mary Pat ! She's a class act all the way ! Marta Andiego couldn't tarnish this ladies reputation !!

  45. Wonder how ole pusshead is feeling?
    Unemployed and all.....STBU - you reap what you sow !!

  46. "pusshead" ? We all thought he looked more like the cartoon character "Dilbert"....either way , he's a very obnoxious and arrogant person. I wonder how long it will be before all the soccer parents demand his resignation and replacement !
