Friday, April 11, 2014

April 16, 2014 Town Board Meeting Pre-Board Agenda

The following resolutions appear on the April 16, 2014 Town Board Meeting Pre-Board Agenda ... sponsored by Councilperson Mangold and seconded by Councilperson Malone.

You can view the Agenda and complete text at


Make your support for these Resolutions known at the Board Meeting!


  1. Was wonderful to watch maryann matter and her now infamous temper in action once again !
    She is NOT prepared to answer and real questions about the dealings of SWF, and it shows. temper ~ temper !

  2. Tom Grant, the elderApril 11, 2014 7:05 AM

    Dear Talks,
    Thanks for your very informative post.
    What a terrific group of proposals by Councilpersons Mangold and Malone!! Advocates for open, transparent and participatory government should be pleased. Here's hoping these common sense measures win the approval of the entire Town Board after thoughtful and respectful discussion.
    All the best,

  3. I assume the reflex partisan response of the majority will be to reject these proposals but they should take a long, careful look at them and understand that the public interest would be well served by passing them. Had the first two resolutions been in place they might not have been accused of slipping an entire Board of Ethics past the public but I guess that's to your advantage when you're ashamed of what you did. The next two are just common sense good government proposals. It would be a great step forward for our town government if the majority took a good look at these proposals and decided to give them the 5-0 vote they deserve. Excellent work by the minority!

  4. Tom and Jack. thank you for the constructive , informative responses.

  5. Folks, be sure to speak up at the Board Meeting.

  6. Defruscios response will be to vote them down , which means the clueless commander and the wonder twins will also vote no.
    Too bad we didn't have a real Town Board that took objective looks at resolutions.
    SWF - ? Hardly !

    1. DeFruscio hasn't been a real genius of an adviser. Just look at the roll-out and make a list. One disaster after another and he thinks he understands the management of politics. Langley certainly has no understanding of how things work. He fell for the "beauty contest" explanation of his win. And then you've got Gilbert and the DEMands fiasco. And now he's hollering "FOIL it" to information requests from the Minority. Don't get any better than that.

    2. Defruscio is an imbecile ! He's a juvenile delinquent trying to act like a seasoned politician ! His decisions are based upon oe simple factor - " what's in it for me? " Its about that simple folks

  7. Whistling Past the CemeteryApril 11, 2014 4:32 PM

    Many ~ many of us need to be at the board meeting ! Langley needs to tremble in his seat ! Matters needs to know she isn't the darling of politics and Dimartino needs to do her damn job !

  8. If there is enough publicity, the Langley (DeFruscio) SWF Board members will be forced to vote for these Resolutions. If they don't, they will be exposed for all to see as selfish, incompetent and ignorant. The passage of these Resolutions will make the people of East Greenbush very proud.
    Mangold and Malone are doing the right thing for the people of East Greenbush. Good for them.

    1. @ 4:45 PM, and good for all the taxpayers of EG as well. Bottom line... Sue and Phil are intelligent... unlike the Keith Defruscio/Chris Langley team.

  9. I tried to leave some very nice stuff at the transfer station in the free pile. I was informed, as per managements decision, that no one could leave anything for other people to use , If brought to the transfer station, it was to be thrown out. What the hell Mr, Langley? Is this the kind of stuff you worry about?

    Not everyone is rich, not everyone had a house and a street bearing their name left to them. Most people work hard for what they have and some people, despite working hard, have very little.

    Mr, Langley, do you think throwing out perfectly good stuff, rather than letting someone have use it, is smart? Well, I don't and this really pisses me off, I'll remember this when you run for office.,

    1. its probably not clueless Keith...its most likely Ercoles order. He's pissed because they stopped Red from picking the dump and scrap pile , so now everyone suffers !

    2. Keith is not interested in anyone doing anything nice for someone else, unless there is a direct benefit to either himself or his very, very good friend Ercole. Keith's main daily interests are spending as little time in his office as possible and pestering his secretary to find people who will take him out to lunch so he doesn't have to pay for it himself.

    3. Tom Grant, the elderApril 12, 2014 6:03 PM

      Thank you so much for posting. I'm sure that after reading your comments, whoever was responsible for making the ill advised decision to eliminate the free pile will quickly re-consider.

  10. Theresa, what do you expect? Keith is an elitist who could care less about the average person. This is an attempt by Keith to get more tax payers dollars by charging the person to dispose of items that are useable by someone less fortunate.
    LANGLEY is a very vindictive man who only cares about taking care of his cronies and being re-elected. Keith your chances of getting four more years is looking bleak. More and more people are recognizing a mistake was made electing you.
    Theresa you should contact the advertiser and let people know about what 's going on at the transfer station. A lot more people read the advertiser than the blogs.

    1. Chrissy the criminal is out to prove he's driving the bus !
      Langley is along for the stupid and ignorant to speak up.

  11. It has come to my attention that the DPW management has not submitted their required monthly report to the Town Clerk since January when they took over. It seems to me that the management should be spending their time on the oversight of the our tax dollars budgeted to their department and allotted with the trust that they will serve in the best interest of the public.
    It is not in the best interest of the Town to put an end to a free program overseen very well by our big hearted Town employees. People who give in this program as well as those who receive appreciate the small piece of Town land used to make East Greenbush a place to be proud of. Over the years, the Transfer Station employees have served us well in many ways, most importantly in creating a sense of community. That sense of community cannot be destroyed by sour-pussed incompetents who can't do their own jobs and try to destroy the good work of those who are doing their jobs well.
    I hope to see many people who have been on the giving side at the Transfer Station come to the Board meeting to explain the joy they have in giving away gently used items. To those who have received items, I wish you a pleasant day and a prosperous future.

  12. The DPW workers are of the highest caliber! The issues are clearly with Anthony Corellis - who has no idea wtf he's doing. He's just a guy who Chris Langley rewarded for writing the article in the Advertiser and putting the illegal sign on his property.
    These new policies are punishment from Ercole because somebody bitched about RED stealing from the transfer station- every day ! Thats where all the scrap aluminum and copper was going....

  13. Years ago, after our sons were grown and before we had grandchildren, I brought a beautiful old rocking horse to the transfer station and left it there in hope that someone else's children or grandchildren would have as much fun with it as we did. It was in perfect condition but was just something we weren't going to use anymore. I wanted someone to have it and it gave me a sense of community to be able to drop it off there and think that one of my neighbors might benefit from it. We could have sold it but sharing it seemed like a better idea. So much for that.

    1. Jack, we have done that as well. We bought a new kitchen hutch and brought the old but otherwise perfect one to the tranfer station. Joe LaMountain was as nice as could and helped me unload it.

      And seconds later we were able to see it donated to a lady who seemed to really appreciate having it.

  14. ALOT of what many of us thought was good for the community is no longer .
    Keith Defruscio is running our fine little town into the ground .

  15. Any word yet if Bill Lambin from NewsChannel is planning on attending the April 16th Town Board meeting? It would be great to get some TV video of Keith Langley attempting to explain why he schedules special town board meetings to prevent the public from commenting on important issues.
    Of course, there's always the possibility of Langley pulling out his patented "inclement weather" excuse to reschedule the meeting at the last minute.

  16. Many~many people have connections to the news media. I would highly suggest they all reach out to get the Board meeting covered.
    Wouldn't it be nice to watch Commander Clueless stutter and stumble and evade direct questions ?! The cameras should also catch ole Ercole and watch his facial expression as his boy Keith proves how utterly incompetent he truly is !

    For the sideshow , there's always MAM and her temper tantrums and Mrs. Clueless - aka Dimartino !

  17. maybe residents could take their usable items to a different location for use by other residents.

    the yard in front of town hall or that big empty lot on ridge road come to mind

  18. Is Langley planning to list the elimination of the free pile for usable items in his next "from the desk of" Supervisor's report?
    Wouldn't surprise me at all from Out of Touch, Dumb Way Forward, Langley.

  19. How 'bout we pile all the good useable stuff on the front lawn @ 52 Werking Road ?! Ole Ercole can then give Red his stuff and the rest he can donate to charity, all in the name of SWF !

  20. Is this the same Red who was Langley's first Deputy Supervisor? Did he get a $3,000 taxpayer paid salary like Langley's Ethics Board Chairman?

  21. How do ya not love Chris defuscio ? The guy pulled off the biggest farce/scam in the history of EG Politics ! There has never been a more incompetent , ignorant majority running our town - ever !
    We can all sit back and quietly watch as Keith Deb and Maryann squander the opportunity to proceed forward in a logical manner and turn EG into the darling of the Capital District.
    But NO - Chrissy needs to run the town into the mud to prove his point : he's driving the bus !

  22. Its easy to sit back and throw darts at Defruscio and Langley.
    They are easy targets.
    We all need to go to the next Town Board meeting and let them know we're on to their little dog and pony show. Langley will vomit because he cannot tolerate controversy in any form. Dimartino will just about hide under the desk and Matters will say something stupid out of anger.
    We all are keenly aware of how inadequate the majority is. What are we all willing to do about it to hold them accountable for their actions and inactions ?

  23. Guess who was seen plotting at the door at Haniford this afternoon: The Gadfly, the Conway's and Ann Taylor. That ought to make the control freaks nuts. Richard Nixon can't hold a candle to you.

    1. Free Country . They may congregate whenever and wherever. Hopefully they are organizing for Wednesday evening !

    2. Jo Ann and I laughed when we ran into Ann Taylor at Hannafords and then Don Johnson walked in. I jokingly suggested if anyone saw us together it would be on the blogs within 24 hours. I was wrong. That post is timed to about 30 minutes after we got home. Seriously?

      Were we "plotting at the door?" For me it was just good fortune to run into a couple of friends on a nice Sunday afternoon. I might not be the best one to know but in my opinion I don't really do much plotting. I listen to everyone but hold my own counsel. I like to think of myself as an equal opportunity annoyance, someone who is critical of anyone who I think messed up and complimentary to anyone who I think got it right. If only Dwight Jenkins needed a quart of milk at that exact moment we might have been on to something.

    3. Too bad. I was in the Price Chopper on Sunady afternoon. My best to all assembled At Hannaford.

  24. Anyone out there know if Mike Cristo is still friends with Chris DeFruscio and Keith Langley? It's quite obvious that Ann Taylor is way too smart for DeFruscio and Langley and that she sees right through them. I know some people have a problem with Ann, but you have to admit it - she is not afraid to speak her mind. I also think she realizes that the Dems had some issues but compared to SWF (Stupid Way Forward) team, the Dems look pretty good now.

    Malone, Mangold & Taylor for Town Board may not be as far fetched as one would think., All three of them have shown mutual respect for each other and as they say.....politics makes strange bedfellows.

    Let's also not forget - Ann lost a close race to Phil and Sue. If Ed Gilbert runs for the Reps as rumored, Ann Taylor would destroy Ed. That's a given.

    1. Ann would be a good candidate to run for Town Clerk if Linda Kennedy decides not to run. I'm sure she would push to have more public information put on the town website.

    2. Ray,
      Mike Cristo and Chris DeFruscio are still good friends and business associates but Chris has to be a little careful because the Supe is jealous of their friendship.

    3. Some of Defruscios dumbest decisions were the brain child of Cristo.
      Most of the most vindictive post election decisions were based upon the nasty thinking of the Cristo/Defruscio braintrust as well .

  25. People are complaining about the free pile being shut down at the transfer station by Langley on orders from DeFruscio. Think about it people....long before Keith and Chris decided to throw good, reusable items in the trash they did the same thing to good hard working town employees. If you're not sucking up to these 2 clowns, you're trash in their eyes. Sad but true..

    In 20 months we can remove the real trash from town hall. Keep the faith!

  26. Frank,
    That's the way Langley rolls. If you don't agree with him on everything he treats you like trash. Try asking him about his inheritance.

  27. Cheryl Vallee is the very best choice ! The rest need to step up to her level .
    Nothing personal , but she has set the bar for future candidates.
    Theis Town did itself a great disservice by not electing her this past November.
    MAM and Dimartino are a complete joke and totally ignorant of their duties and responsibilities as Town Board members.

  28. I plan to withhold my vote from any candidate who blindly pledges her/his support for clueless Keith Langley's re-election in 2015.

  29. The Troy City Council is about to consider two settlement agreements at its next meeting regarding police brutality claims against the Troy PD. One proposed settlement amount is for $7,500 dollars and the second is for $4,000. This totals up to $11,500.
    It sure makes you wonder what Langley did to have his Attorney urge him to settle, "in the best interest of the town," with his former Secretary for 65 THOUSAND DOLLARS of EG taxpayer paid money and insurance. Councilperson Mary Matters agreed with the Supervisor at that Friday morning Special Town Board meeting that the 65K settlement was a good idea because if the Town continued the case, it could end up "costing the Town 2 or 3 times more."
    What the heck is going on here Mr Lamgley and Ms. Matters? And how many more settlements like this can we expect this year??

    1. and..word has it there's more legal problems coming for the SWF team !

    2. To: Anonymous 10:47 am,
      Mrs. Grant, very disappointed; - you should of hung in there and gotten those jack asses for a million! I'm sure there will be more money that Stupid Visor Langley will have to shell out - the Town's money I mean! Make sure the next you deal with Meaghan, you spell her name right. Its amazing how "busy" they are at TH but how easy it is for them to facebook on company time. What a group!

    3. Whistling Past the CemeteryApril 16, 2014 4:08 PM

      I hope the taxpayers isn't saddled with these lawsuits.....

  30. Theresa: Regarding the "free pile" at the Transfer Station. Neighbors of mine who live in the Manor had a house fire a year ago. I went to the transfer station and grabbed them an almost brand new set of dishes and a table and chairs for their kitchen. You would of thought I'd have given them a Million Dollars; so Mr. Stupid Visor; go right ahead and take away that pile - why help anybody but yourself and Ercole the Red-Faced Idiot!

  31. Commander Clueless and his sidekick Chumley Defuscio are quite the pair !

    Has anyone else noticed how brazen Duhmbfruscio is lately ? He's quite arrogant for someone who has a red circle on his back !

  32. Dwight offers his observations of last night's meeting at

    Pete Stenson

  33. following is my comment on Gadfly ...

    Ann Taylor @ 6:56. Great idea! Foil request forms can be found at:

    Gadfly @ 7:20 It is disturbing. Three years worth of audits outstanding with no resolution in sight. With Toski's return being stopped twice.

    Kudos to Eileen Grant for two great ideas:

    - give Mr. Phillips 15 minutes to explain what's going on with the audits

    - FOILing Audit costs and other Audit-related materials.

    Tom Grant @ 7:48 Excellent!

    Pete Stenson

    PS Dwight offers his observations of last night's meeting at


  34. Can't help but think what a complete a-hole Ed Gilbert is.
    Exactly who does he think he is ? Political LOSER is who he is.
    Had to be appointed to Deputy idiot and Ethics fraud.
    What a political fool !

  35. When he spouts off in public such as he did Wednesday evening, he reveals exactly ho inadequate he truly is in his position.
    This SWF group are so intent to force people to respect them because they are keenly aware of how grossly incompetent they actually are.
    Sadly, most taxpayers realize the mistake that was made this past November. Unfortunately - we are stuck for 20 more months.
    We ALL just need to keep on them, point out the continual mischief and intentional mistakes, and before we know it - it'll be November 2015 !

  36. Amen to that 214!! Let's 86 Langley and Gilbert in 2015!!

  37. Jokers such as Gilbert Matters,Mulvey,Langley,Dimartoni don't belong here!
    Mulvey,MAM specifically DO NOT have the best intentions for East Greenbusb at heart . They , along with our joke of a Deputy Supervisor, are making us the laughing stock of the Capitol District !
    Gilbert; Grow Up for Christs sake ! Grow a set and stop trying to act like you know what your doing- you clearly DO NOT.
    MAM- you need to go back to whatever Town you grew up in and stay there.
    Dimartoni - really ? Are you for real ?
    Langley - go back to Rifenburg

  38. Once again, Jack makes a very profound and "right on the money" statement:

    At this point the majority is treating the public as an adversary rather than people who have a legitimate right to be interested in how their business is conducted. "

    This simple offering is exactly why so many people openly detest Langley and Co. They are obsessed with acting like bullies in a street fight. WHY? Are they aware that the actions they have taken are border-line illegal? Are they keenly aware that if left un-corrected, they will all lose the elections in 2015? Do they even care ? It would seem not.
    Many~many taxpaying residents are tired of Ed Gilbert shooting his mouth off, Langley sitting with his head down and offering no explanations for his decisions or lack thereof. MAM and Dimartino are apparently deaf and mute .
    Defruscio has put us all in quite a pickle. We need to keep the pressure on for the next 20 months. This crowd is clearly up to no good !

  39. East Greenbush: We’re listening, casino developers
    Posted on April 18, 2014 at 12:39 pm by Jordan Carleo-Evangelist,

    1. new post there today on the same topic

    2. Racino owners drop Saratoga casino plans
      Group will put its chips on East Greenbush proposal

      By Jordan Carleo-Evangelist and Dennis Yusko
      Updated 3:32 pm, Monday, April 21, 2014

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  40. I hear that Cherubino himself has one staked out up on Thompson Hill. No wonder the corners were cut on the development. Just wait till you see the list of future owners.

    1. Is there actually a list of potential buyers for this property ?
      How does someone get a copy of that list ?

  41. Is that the Cherubino who's the husband of the Langley appointed Town Purchasing agent and cousin of Chris DeFruscio ? Or is it the Cherubino who is the current Town Building Inspector cousin and next door neighbor of Court Attendant, Chris DeFruscio? Sorry for the confusion, it's difficult to keep the DeFruscio relatives straight. Will Chris also be relocating to Thompson Hill Road?

    1. The Towns purchasing Agent has a very shady previous employment record. She should provide taxpayers with an explanation of why she abruptly resigned her position in NYS rather than face inquiry and potential prosecution for larceny of funds.

    2. @ 12:13 PM, How about the new purchasing agent starts off with providing a resume outlining her background and qualifications. Might be worthwhile to see a resume from Langley as well. It's only been 28 months Mr Supervisor. I'm sure Meaghan Hart would help you put it together if you asked.

  42. Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder[1] in which a person is excessively preoccupied with personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity, mentally unable to see the destructive damage they are causing to themselves and to others in the process. And such is an adequate description of the entire SWF gaggle of ignorant morons !

  43. accurate that description is ! You hit it right on the nail !

  44. As stubborn as they are, even a gadfly finally realized/acknowledged what I professed two months ago. Our new Town Comptroller is NUTS ! He was thrown out of Glenville for ALOT of reasons. Only our stupidvisor- Commander Clueless , would be dumb enough to hire this reject from another Town.
    Welcome to EGB- we'll hire anyone !

  45. Does anyone have any confidence at all in Keith Langley's ability to understand and negotiate the details of the proposed EG casino siting? I sure hope the Town brings in someone smarter than Langley to look out for our interests.
