Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Citizens Fiscal Advisory Committee Meeting - UPDATE

The CFAC has been re-activated. The first meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 15th at 7:00pm in the Town Hall Court Room.


CFAC Meeting Location Change: 
The Monday, September 15th at 7:00pm has been relocated to Meeting Room A of the East Greenbush Library.


  1. Let me guess, the PUTZ made Elroy Gilbert Chairman and Sean Mulvey Vice Chairman !

    If there's a way to screw this up as well, the PUTZ and CHUMLEE will certaintly F it up !

  2. not a little ed fanSeptember 09, 2014 9:41 AM

    SUpe Lenglost and Elroy are so stupid! They type and type and type about "skeletons". They are SO STUPID! A skeleton in a closet is something people don't know about! A skeleton in a closet is a SECRET! The "skeletons" they yammer on about, EVERYBODY ALREADY KNOWS! The only one who has "skeletons in his closet" is CHUMLEE and he will flip if Mrs. Chumlee finds out what those skeletons are.
    They are so STUPID! the only ones SUpe and Elroy are going to hurt with "skeletons" is CHUMLEE when his hit home. So go ahead! Some of us would love a reason to open Chumlee's closet for him.
    SUpe stop calling your wife "THAT". It is disgusting!

  3. chumlee--been to West Sand lake/Averill Park lately? Tell Langlost and Elroy about the shade of red like. Maybe Elroy can doodle it for you. Mrs. chumlee would probably like to know about it too.

  4. CHUMLEE is very busy running damage control for the mess he created in our Town Court. Chumlee and the PUTZ must now try to place another minion in the court who won't screw it up and can actually function in the busiest Town Court in Rensselaer County ! Can't put a family member in a position that actually demands job performance CHUMLEE.
    The PUTZ is back in hiding again...refusing to speak to anyone, having Denise Corellis run interference for him daily.
    Its amazing how the most incompetent Supervisor in the history of East Greenbush can be so busy - doing what ? Certaintly not his job or fiduciary responsibilities !

  5. Langley and Defruscio are now well targeted for their continual line of bulls*t they've been feeding the taxpayers since January 2nd.
    My question is simple: when is Deb Dimartino going to wake up and start acting like a human being, someone capable of speaking for herself ? Not just a talking minion for the Defruscio clan of idiots.

    People in East Greenbush better wake up.
    This current Board majority is by far the very worst in recent history. They are completely incompetent, replete with criminals and political hacks the likes of which we've never seen !
    Chris Defruscio is the biggest criminal, not so different than his family, but a criminal none the less. His mother must be so proud !
    There's ALOT more coming too!

    1. Its not just CHUMLEE and the PUTZ . ELROY Gilberry is just as responsible for the mess this Town is in. His nasty little tireades directed at anyone who disagrees with him have made for great political fodder....just like Elroy himself !

  6. Elroy should draw a cartoon and use the shade of red that chumlee liked in West Sand Lake. Bet mrs. chumlee would like it too.
    Speaking of chumlee, he isn't the only one in his party with a criminal in his family. Chumlee sure knows how to pick'em.
    Deb, the casinos do background checks on casino applicants.

  7. QUESTION; what exactly has SWF improved upon so far in the 9 months they've been in charge?

    Other than the complete and utter chaos that has taken over TOWN HALL, really....please show me how they've improved ANYTHING in this town.
    SHOW ME savings and improvements in the Town work force - I dare you !
    Defruscio - besides stealing Town money as he poses as a court attendent, what has he done ? What has Gilbert done to improve EG?
    Langley - other than ducking and hiding and demeaning and slandering any woman who dares oppose him or question him, WHAT HAS HE DONE for the betterment of East Greenbush ? Anyone ??
    The silence is deafening

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Its like putting a silk tie on a pig! Albeit illegally....
    really Chumlee...it won't help....your still a clown

  10. Ya gotta give stupidvisor and Elroy credit. They did do two things right. Elroy and the STUP got both sides to agree on two things--none of us can stand those two and we all think Elroy is a punk.

  11. To the blog administrators; please don't allow anyone to post under the pseudonym "MAM." Those are not my comments and it constitutes a form of identity theft. Thank you.
    Mary Ann Matters

    1. OK...but so you know...we have no way of actually knowing.....

    2. If it was really me posting under MAM, I would not send you a note disowning the comments. If I do post a comment, I promise that my "handle" won't be "MAM". Thank you very kindly. Mary Ann

    3. Anonymous- Yes Mary Ann- AnonymousSeptember 12, 2014 8:18 AM

      Whatever Mary Ann....but whomever posted under the 'MAM" was clearly correct - Chumlee IS a CLOWN !

    4. CHUMLEE will have some explaining to do very shortly. Illegally spending taxpayer dollars again Chris ? You just don't get it...your exposed every day in your dirty dealings.
      OCA will have a field day with you and the PUTZ !

    5. Someone who knows how to Google FRAUDSeptember 12, 2014 9:58 AM

      NYS Penal Law section 190.25 sub 3-(a) .

      worthy of a look if you really want to know what CHUMLEE is up too....

    6. A judge must always avoid even the appearance of impropriety (see 22 NYCRR 100.2) and promote public confidence in the judiciary’s integrity and impartiality (see 22 NYCRR 100.2[A]).
      In Opinion 12-53, discussing and synthesizing these and other prior opinions, the Committee identified several potential conflicts when a town or village court employee serves on the executive body of the town or village: "


    7. this could significantly compromise at least the appearance of judicial independence and may also undermine the judges’ “capacity to fully meet” their ethical obligation to supervise the employee;1 and (3) a potentially “strong appearance of impropriety and/or partiality”

  12. East Greenbush takes on rezoning for casino
    Change sought from residential buffer zone
    By Kenneth C. Crowe II
    Published 10:20 pm, Thursday, September 11, 2014


  13. Has Supervisor "Kitten" Langley resigned yet?

  14. "Kitten and the Muffin Man" sounds like the working title of a proposed TV Sit-Com revolving around the adventures of an inept Town Supervisor and his flamboyant sidekick.
    Stay tuned...

  15. This was over on the FLY and worthy of reporting here:

    "AnonymousSeptember 12, 2014 at 11:35 AM
    If indeed, the Town is chosen for a Casino, it is even more important that Langley be voted out of office. He is a man uniquely unqualified by virtual of his temperament, character and lack of intelligence to serve in office during such a significant period of change."

  16. The amount of b~s that has come down since January 2nd is almost unfathomable.
    Never before in the history of EG politics has one group - ( SWF ) done so much to totally destroy the taxpayers faith in their Town Government !
    I talk to ALOT of people and the common theme is always the same;
    Langley can't be trusted and who in their right mind would ever believe anything from Chris Defruscio,Ed Gilbert or Keith Langley !
    WOW- that says ALOT about the leadership of EG.
    The employees put in place by Defruscio are to blame as well.
    The only choice we have comes next November.
    It seems obvious Langley is done, but the voters need to make sure that more fraud is not perpetrated in the mean time.

    1. More fraud?

      The problem with EG Talks and its bloggers is that, no pun intended, all you do is Talk.

      If there is fraud DO something positive about it. Report the facts, file a complaint. DO something. Your previous rants about DeFruscio's alleged fraud amounted to exactly nothing. Your previous allegations about fraud within the DPW amounted to exactly nothing.

      Until you DO something you lack credibility with voters and to achieve positive change in how our town government works we need credible advocates for change.

      Please join with others as credible advocates for positive change. Please DO something.

      Thank you all.

  17. Does anyone know if DeFcon gets mileage for driving Langlost around all day?

  18. @ 5:24 PM, Or does DeF get free gas at the taxpayer paid for gas pumps?

    1. E CHUMLEE DUMBFRUSCIOSeptember 13, 2014 1:14 PM

      CHUMLEE has got bigger problems than worrying about his gas gauge.
      CHUMLEE had better keep looking over his shoulder.....some of his latest stunts could be coming around to bite him squarely in the buttocks

  19. @ 1:14 PM- We've all heard this before. Will there be any specific complaints filed or legal actions taken this time?

  20. What's really bizarre is that eventhough the Langley/DeF/Gilbert "administration" is in deep trouble, their mouthpiece activity in the "eastgreenbushmatterss" blog show no sign of letting up or changing direction. No sense that they understand that what they've been doing has made them incredible. I guess that old definition of mental illness as doing the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome fits well in this case. They're in a hole and just can't stop digging. Wednesday's Board meeting is going to be a thing of beauty.

    1. The brain trust of SWF....a thing of beauty ..MORONS !

  21. @ 1:14 PM- Thanks. Hopefully this happens sooner rather than later.

    1. The ball is in CHUMLEEs court - < pun intended >
      If he's stupid and arrogant enough....we shall see

  22. Anony 4:12 The EGMatters blog is their genius way of trying to get MAM back (lol!). Is that stupid or what? Yeah, right, if you want to win someone back just call them mental, backstabber, bitch and anything else you can think of to infuriate and humiliate them on the internet. Sounds like the SMART way forward to me! Keep it up and maybe she'll fall in love with one of you morons. Know this...she's gone! Good luck getting your appointments made. Maybe you and the Dems can come up with appointments you can agree on, and maybe we can all win the lottery and retire to the Bahamas. Smart way forward. Who came up with that anyway? What a joke.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. Is there any word about who the Langley/DeFruscio appointments are?

  24. If Keith Langley was in control, he wouldn't be attacking MAM so viciously on a blog created just for her. Fact is, he's powerless without her unless he wants to compromise and make this-for-that deals with Mangold and Malone, but we all know how much Langley hates to compromise. He's more of a MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY kind of dictator. So he's pounding on MAM relentlessly until she waves the white flag and begs him to take her back. But something about her screams NEVER! ROT IN HELL! Wednesday's agenda is chock full of gimmes. If Langley knew how to treat a fellow majority board member, he might be able to get something done. As it stands now, he's the 90 lb weakling about to get sand kicked in his face. Get there early folks. The evening's entertainment starts promptly at 7.

    1. Langley can't compromise because he's just not bright enough to follow any intelligent discussion.

  25. Either the names of the appts are a closely guarded secret or they don't know yet who they are, and are scrambling for names. Word out is that they are looking for people but the Lang/DeF recruitment process is lame to say they least because they won't advertise positions and allow interested parties to submit resumes. Instead, they hit they streets in DeF's truck (Langley loves to go for a ride in the truck!) and go in search of loyal Langley followers who want jobs. Whether or not they're actually qualified for the job has little or nothing to do with it. This is not a good way to fill positions or spend the taxpayers money but that is not the Supr's goal. His goal is to stock the pond with supporters who are happy to role with him with blinders on...kind of like go along to get along Debbi D. She's a model follower. MAM? Not so much.

    1. Why wouldn't Debbi D. speak for herself? She's got to know Langley is going down the tubes. Let's give her a chance and see how she does at the Wednesday Board meeting. She seems smarter than Langley and DeFruscio put together.

    2. 1:33 No guts, no glory. You'll see on Wed that although she may be smarter than them, she won't have the guts to go against them...esp after she's seen how they're doing MAM on Elroy's homemade blog.

    3. Sometimes you just have to do what's right. Deb can't be happy with the Supe's wrongdoing and bullying. I believe she's better than that.

    4. It's only a matter of time before either Clueless, Chumley or Elroy, or some combination of them, threaten Deb's family like they did with MAM. They just can't help themselves. They are nothing more than bullies. I agree with 4:47, Deb is much better than they are.

  26. Question for Pete S. or CFAC: Does the town receive compensation from the Fire Departments for the DPW and Town Employees who respond (sometime several times a day) to Fire Calls? Are they really collecting a retirement from the Town and the Fire Departments, essentially double-dipping? Are the fire departments broke? I just saw EG Fire Department just paid 460k (cash) for a new truck. I understand CH Fire Department paid 500k (cash) for a swamp off Discovery Lane. We are concerned about a casino and we are being fleeced under our nose. Are the Fire Department still off limits?

    1. I'll respectfully defer to the Town Supervisor, Attorney and Comptroller.

      You might want to raise the question at Wednesday's Board Meeting.

      Pete Stenson

    2. Do your homework.

      The number one expense for the fire districts is the payments required to provide state pension credits or points for the volunteers.

      Fire department members receive points for everything from training to drills to parades to responding to alarms. Pay attention. Alarms for one of the fire districts goes off every Saturday morning. "Training" can be washing your own truck at the fire station or working out in the weight room.

      Keep paying attention...notice that when there is even a minor alarm every piece of equipment turns out. That is not an accident. It occurs so that the fire district gets credit for responding and every member gets pension points.

      Keep paying attention...East Greenbush has more fire equipment than Albany and Troy COMBINED !

      I lost count so this needs to be verified but East Greenbush has somewhere around 11 to 13 specially equipped and super expensive chief's Chevy Tahoe vehicles.

      Keep paying attention...the fire districts want to add solar panels supplied by Town Board member Phil Malone's company - Monolith. Fire district buildings are unoccupied 98% of the time. Make any sense to anyone? Of course not.

      The fire districts are shameful slush funds. But, like the ambulance slush fund and the police because all three involve public safety questioning them is considered political suicide.

      So, just keep paying attention. Seriously.

    3. Whistling Past the CemeterySeptember 15, 2014 4:22 PM

      I get your point with the volunteer fire departments and the mishandling of the ambulance district tax funds, but make your point with the Police Department please.
      I ask you , make your point against the only fully staffed , ALWAYS OPEN- 24 hours per day Police Department , if you can.
      Last I saw, they are driving JUNK cars with well in excess of over 150k miles and the paint peeling off. No new vehicles or "luxurious Chevy Tahoes" for the only paid , fully staffed, 24 hour department in Town.
      My bitch is with the library.... I have no such complaints with our Fire service....

    4. Why don't you go to one of the meetings of the Board of Fire Commissioners then and give your input?

      Also, if the benefits are so wonderful, why don't you join as a volunteer?

    5. I have been to the meetings kind sir or madam. That is the source of much of the information I supplied above.

      I do not care to join because I am not willing to be a part of the slush fund practices and I know all too well to what happens around here to anyone who speaks out or questions anything.

      The benefits are, as you describe, wonderful.

      The police department, on the one time I FOIL'ed for their asset list could not account for their vehicles. That may be as simple as poor accounting practices and certainly no surprise in our town.

      I have not checked the library data in a long time but last I checked former supervisor Rick McCabe's spouse was one of the highest paid library employees and, for all the problems with the building take a guess whose business did the work? Political connections at work? Hard to deny otherwise.

      The town is a mess. It is our fault. We ignore what we should not ignore. Bloggers on this blog are as guilty as others. When are you ever going to do something about the alleged theft by DeFruscio? When?

  27. Langley's goal beginning from the first day he start was asking employees "Are you going to vote for me in the next election. You will vote for me, right?" He's an imbacil. He hadn't even put one full week in as SUPE and he was running up and down t he halls asking people "Would you vote for me again." I felt like saying "Honey, I never voted for you in the first freakin place, don't think I ever would." But to keep your job, you nod, say whatever they want to hear and think to yourself "He's truly an a......hole!"

    1. Very funny. You made my day. If we ever get employment training maybe they will include a segment on how inappropriate it is solicit political favors in Town Hall where people should be working for all citizens
      PS I always wondered if there was anyone else saying "uh-hu, uh-hu" while thinking "no, nay, never, no more"

    2. Political solicitation in Town Hall is a violation of the Code of Ethics. I love the 'Wild Rover' quote, now I can't get that song out of my head.

  28. CHUMLEE and the PUTZ are wasting ALOT of gasoline as of late !
    Chum's in trouble and the PUTZ is trying to hold whats left of SWF together.
    MUFFIN MAN got fired at PCS , so he's been riding around in the bus too !
    The three stooges ride again !

    1. Not three brain cells to rub together between them.....

  29. I can’t wait to see how folks vote on Wednesday’s Training, Financial Reports, Ethics and Appointment resolutions.

    Could be very revealing!

    Pete Stenson

    1. @ 7:49 AM- Agreed! And will Supervisor "Kitten" Langley be able to explain the reasons behind his votes?

    2. He might want to remain silent on the advice of his Attorney.

    3. Is that why he hasn't been saying anything that makes any sense. Could explain his mumbling, brief and incomprehensible comments on every issue.

    4. Langley is scrambling every day. He took a major hit when MAM walked away from SWF. She is a loose cannon and he can't handle not bossing her around each day. Keith is clearly a male chauvinist and he's like a fish out of water these past few weeks. Elroy and Chumlee are besides themselves trying to bastardize her on their smear blog - but all to no avail ! The two of them are too stupid to realize they are actually strengthening her position.
      PUTZ/ELROY/CHUMLEE better wake up. Games over for SWF

    5. How much longer before Deb DiMartino gets fed up with the disrespectful way Keith Langley has been talking about her friends and family? Langley shoots himself in the foot almost every day with his disrespectful comments about people behind their backs.

  30. Well folks, its Monday morning and the PUTZ and CHUMLEE continue to steal our hard earned tax dollars so that they can squander it on their friends and family.
    ELROY is still sitting at his computer, vile and vulgar as ever.
    SWF ! Hah! WHAT A JOKE !

    CHUMLEE ; your a DORK ! - < look it up Chris >

  31. Langlost is a true male chauvinist pig ! He's the epitome of exactly what this town does NOT need. We need a leader , not a follower.
    The PUTZ clearly has no abilities to lead this town!

  32. How is it that alot of the people opposed to the Casino , were also huge supporters of SWF. As I watch the people assemble to oppose this Casino project , those same familiar faces are the exact same people who were so "anti-democrat" and needed to get Langley a board majority so "we can realize what he can do for the betterment of EG".
    HAH ! Hows that working out for ya ?
    Now we have CHUMLEE, ELROY and the PUTZ running around daily, f-ing the people of EG - breaking laws and interfering in the lives of those who dare oppose them.
    Look at poor MAM - she dared to speak publicly against Gilbert and Langley. Defruscio ordered Gilbert to create a slander blog so they could smear her publicly ! These same people are the brain-trust of SWF. Proud of them ? You reap what you sow. You wanted change - you got it !
    Our town is now being run/led by a high school dropout and a male chauvinist pig and a two time political loser who seeks nothing but revenge.
    Hows that working out for ya ?!?
    CHUMLEE the DORK - has screwed the taxpayers AGAIN - just like he attempted two years ago with this circus stunt Martha Andiego letter.
    Wait for DUMLEE to show up in Court with his new $800.00 of unauthorized uniforms as he attempts to make himself what he cannot legally be. Let the circus begin !
    SWF is nothing but as money grab for the Defruscio family...and you all fell for it. Chumlee says "thank you " !
    Just remember this one fact; if Defruscio's lips are moving - he's lying !
    Take that to the bank !

    1. "They" , the former SWF supporters are now front and center for the " CHUMLEE and the PUTZ SHOW" ! Hope the view is good from the cheap seats as well !

    2. Please remember that it was Langley and DeFruscio who jumped into the Matters/DiMartino campaign at the last minute in the Advertiser and "adopted" the Matters/DiMartino platform. It was a hijack job so that Langley could pretend to be on the side of reform. "Smart Way Forward," I believe was a phrase supplied by Langley. After the election, the intimidation by DeFruscio/Langley/Crist/Gilbert began as they set themselves up to be "taken" by Feathers and Company. I believe that Ms. Matters has the intelligence to finish what she started in getting away from this bunch. They are corrupt, self-serving and really not very bright. They've set up a mutual admiration society which feeds off itself as they drive around wasting gas. I would hope that Ms. DiMartino soon sees through the charade too.

    3. Sorting through the nick names, name calling and blame, I disagree with the above initial (12:56) stated. I voted for no one on the current town board and am adamantly opposed to the casino. Just like it was stated in another blog, regardless of who voted for who, the only people to blame for this casino fiasco are those on the Town Board. No one could predict anyone could be as naive, corrupt, incompetent and blind to reality as many of those who sit on our town board. One would assume that since we are not a redneck town in the middle of no where, they would be smart enough not to gamble away our town when it is them who put us here, not the residents.

    4. 933 - you don't get it.....not poking fun of you , just making a simple observation. The nick names and name calling are mostly by people who were directly f-ed with by Langley and Defruscio - and there are MANY!
      The casino debacle was settled and decided on MONTHS ago - long before you ever heard a peep from anyone. Take that to the bank ! Its NOT the entire Town Board either.....its mostly Langley, Danaher, Defruscio,Crist, FIacco, Gilbert and DiMartino who are pushing this fiasco. Malone and Mangold to a lesser extent, but the REPUBLICANS - county and town - are the real culprits.
      Been around Town Hall longer than Langley and Defruscio - and I clearly see the masterminds at work , every day.
      You folks need to step up and demand Langleys resignation and Defruscio be put down as Republican chairman. Then and only then, will you ever have even the remotest chance of defeating this Casino debacle. Mark the date and time and recall exactly what I said, -----see if its not the truth in a few months !.

    5. I don't disagree with much of what you say, just the part that it's those who voted for some of these schmucks fault we're in this mess (I see how it's hard to refrain, because that group you mentioned is :-) ). I don't think anyone could have predicted them being able pull off this level of ridiculousness. If you have any suggestions on how to force him to resign, I'm all for it!

  33. Looks like from the EGMatters blog that Chumlee has become a stalker among his other questionable attributes.

  34. Chumlee is clearly one very, very odd dude. No wonder Langley likes riding around in the truck with him. "Birds of a feather..."

  35. It is after 11 AM on the day of the meeting and there is no agenda. There is no way that the public can be prepared to comment and no way the TB members can prepare to vote. The Supervisor has been warned about this error on many occasions and it has not been corrected. We are now coming some important matters and the Supervisor's lack of consideration could be very dangerous.
    At one time I believed that it was about being lazy or poorly trained that the agenda was not made available. I now believe that it is deliberate to shut out the public as well as board members who are not in favor. It has always been unacceptable but now is the time to act. Not good, Mr. Langley, not good at all.

  36. 3:27 and still no agenda

  37. And the winner for the day is Phil Malone. looks like he bamboozled the putz

  38. I have to give a tip of the hat to de facto Town Supervisor Phil Malone. Take a look at tonight's Town Board Agenda. Phil completely outplayed Keith Langley in the Appointments section of the Agenda. Nicely Played, Mr Malone.

  39. Councilperson Malone has pulled a "feathers" on Supervisor "Kitten" Langley. Kudos to Councilperson Malone. Meow to the "kitten."

  40. Quite frankly its simply because Phil is light years ahead of Langley in the political smartness catagory !
    Langley is a PUTZ and its glaringly obvious he's ill suited to hold the Supe position.

  41. You may not like Phil Malone, you may not care for his brazen openness or his forthright personality....but ya got to give credit where credit is due. He took ownership of his work and refused to allow it for anyone else last night !
    I like PHIL !

    1. That George appointment may be illegal. Isn't Data Collector a Classified Civil Service position, and aren't there supposed to be certain procedures followed in filling these positions? Langley can't just use it as another patronage slot, right?

    2. Anony 3:53 I agree with you. At least he's man enough to admit what he did and not let CV take the hit for it. That's more than we can say for Elroy Gilbert. He's most likely responsible for the EGMatters blog, we all know his work, but is he man enough to admit it? Not only is he NOT man enough to admit it, he denies it like the brazen useless coward that he is. And THIS is what's Depty Supr AND Chairman of the Ethics Board. Disgusting! DuhFruscio and the other losers who are posting to the blog also aren't men enough to admit their involvement but an investigator has determined that 95 percent of the comments are coming from the same source. Gee, do we think that could be master debater Elroy Gilbert? Definitely. When the source is identified, he will be sued for defamation of character. More to come.

    3. O.K. - STOP. lets make this very clear....

      EGMATTERSS is the handy work of ED GILBERT under direct orders from CHRIS DEFRUSCIO !
      There is NO DOUBT its those to imbeciles . Just read the comments coming from basically two people- GILBERT and DEFRUSCIO.

    4. Anony 4:22 p.m. Right. It's being looked into.

  42. Ready for a ChangeSeptember 18, 2014 9:03 PM

    Is it always going to be in Politics that you hire those "friends" of yours that do not need the money at all just because they vote and like you at that particular time. The Edbergs, The Bennetts; really? Isn't there young people out there that truly need these jobs; why is it in this town money has to go to money and we can't be forth right in giving these positions who truly need a job and will work to earn their money; not because they already have money. ITs just frustrating to know its what you have in the bank; not mentally fit for the job - just who you vote for at that particular time, and how much money you bring to the table at election time. Weird, but thats life.

  43. @ 3:53 PM, Agreed. And it's a most refreshing contrast to Supervisor "Kitten" Langley, who refuses to take ownership and responsibility for anything.

  44. Operation Keystone.....enough said...dirty Defruscio family members stole ALOT of money from the taxpayers of East Greenbush and are rewarded with jobs at Town Hall......SWF screwing the people of East Greenbush every single day !

    1. Wha't "operation keystone?"

    2. google it...under NYS taxation and finance

    3. Randys 40k money grab ?! And then there's the wifes money grab as well.....Brand new Suburban, all those house renovations..new privacy fence, new Honda Pilot for the wife.....all while unemployed ?! Yeah - how much money did he steal ?
      Word has it he also took money from Clinton Heights FD as well....

  45. Defruscio and Dimartino have ALOT to hide that they don't want the voters to remember or know about.
    There's a ton of skeletons in the closet of SWF......
    as a Town being openly screwed with daily...we need to stay vigiliant and on top of these incompetent political imposters.
    Defruscio is an uneducated punk trying to play in a mans world.
    Langley has no idea what day of the week it is , let alone what he's supposed to be doing as Supervisor.
    Its a sad day in EG when you go to Town Hall and are greeted by Denise Corellis and she runs interference for the introvert hiding in the end office.
    I hope all that voted SWF are content with their decision.
    You were warned prior to election.........

    1. they added a new skeleton last Wednesday

    2. Has anyone taken a close look into the background of the new data collector?

    3. His larceny arrest a few years back ? George is a harmless shoplifter.....lol

    4. Probably not the perfect person to go to peoples houses to collect data.

    5. Well George finally got his patronage position. He wasn't going to be happy until he wound up on the town payroll for all the time he spent showing up to things. Get ready to see George spending a lot of time in Langley's office schooling him on how to be a better politician. And get ready to see Langley's blood pressure go sky-high. Langley and Raneri in the same building day after day after day. Another DuhFruscio brokered deal. This should be good

  46. I'm confused. Langley's telling everyone he's running unopposed next year and now he's making deals with Malone to run the town. Doesn't that make Langley and his co-conspirators Democrats? If so, why are they still being slammed on the talks blog?

    1. Chumlee and the Putz are NOT Dem. conspirators !
      CHUMLEE and the PUTZ are soon to be standing alone....Elroy in the shadows of course.....

  47. Langley's been in office for almost 3 years now and you still believe anything he says?

    Shame on you!

    The only thing he won't be opposed for is the rail that he's run outta town on!

  48. So now Elroy and Chumlee are complaining that MAM is meeting with town residents at her home.
    I guess Chumlee thinks it's more appropriate to ride around in trucks spying on people.
    No wonder the Putz is up a creek without a paddle.

  49. I've seen the cars. She's having company alright, but not board members...other people, and not a Cristo or a Taylor among 'em. They meet for hours. Looks like she's got some big guns in her corner. Good for her. It can only help.

  50. From what I hear, the same "big guns" were available to Langley as an advisory group when he took office, but they were all rejected by Langley and DeFruscio. Such fools.

    1. 8:46 p.m. One man's trash is another (wo)man's treasure ;)

  51. If she was smart , IF , well then she would run fast from whats left of SWF...thats the only way she'll salvage her political career.
    MAM must distance herself from Chumlee and the Putz. Elroy, well she already labeled him appropriately - the " drone " !

  52. Can someone explain the acronym SWF?

    1. 9:20 p.m. SWF means Smart Way Forward. It was the campaign slogan last year for Deb DiMartino and MA Matters and it helped to get them elected.

    2. Thank you, I have been seeing that in all of the blogs!!!! Oy, Deb can't think for herself, she for some reason has hidden under Langley's wings, how can someone honestly see him as someone to take advice from?!

    3. 9:59 a.m. Deb CAN think for herself but she won't because she's afraid of Keith Langley. Can we blame her? Look what they're doing to MAM on the smear blog. In MAM's case, the blog is just chock full of childish and stupidly comments. After reading the same whining and complaining for 10 minutes about how she did them wrong, we're board to tears! But there is some serious stuff in the DiMartinos past that they don't want trumpeted all over a smear blog about them, especially anonymously, so 'lil Debbi is beat and has to shut her mouth and play ball if she knows what's good for her, her reputation, and her family. In Debbie's case , she's being blackmailed. In MAMs case, she's just being bullied and harassed. In either case, it's not good.

  53. 9:02 p.m. If you were smart, you'd read the newspapers. MAM has been estranged from the SWF for months now. Why do you think she's being attacked everyday on the EGMatters smear blog. Have you been out of town or something? She's distanced herself but good and Chum and the PUTZ are just about going out of their minds with panic. The "drone" Elroy sealed their fate when he put up his special blog made just for her. They thought they could bully and harass her into returning but...seriously? Nah, she's done with them. Attend the next TB meeting and see for yourself.

  54. Those 3 stooges are driving around town spying on people and their guests in their homes? Holy Moses smell the roses!
    Supr K Langl refers to his wife as "THAT", Chris Def is probably driving around looking to revive his little redheaded friend, Ed Dilbert is neglecting his wife and with all of those problems those 3 stooges have to deal with they still manage to find time to drive around spying on people. Freaks. All 3 of them are freaks. Creepy freaks.
    Middle aged men driving around spying on people--they should be ashamed of themselves. We know Mrs. Def and Mrs. Dilbert are ashamed of their husbands' behavior. And Mrs. Supr has every reason to be mad at Mr. Supr. Calling her "THAT" is deplorable, especially after everything she did for his family.
    Wasn't Ed Dilbert the one that asked the creepy question about where Ginny O'Brien was sleeping before she resigned?
    Those 3 are obsessed with town residents' personal lives. Maybe if the 3 of them got their home lives in order they would stop such miserable, nasty, ugly people. And maybe they would stop obsessing about who is in whose bedrooms. Creepy freaks.

  55. OMG! They're cyberstalking AND watching MAM from afar? Maybe a neighbor is reporting back to them on her activities? Wow. Someone asked what SWF means. Guess s/he doesn't follow politics but it means Smart Way Forward and it was the campaign slogan D. DiMartino and MA Matters used to get elected. They went from house to house all over town last year asking people to elect them so they could team up with Supr. Keith Langley to FIX the town's problems, primarily the finances. They had NO IDEA when they were running what was coming AFTER they got elected, including the casino pitch. They also had no idea that Keith Langley is a male chauvinist pig who fancies himself the monarch of an autocracy in town hall (look it up Chris). Matters and Langley were not getting along right away after she was elected because she disagreed with some of his calls, which was not allowed in his distorted opinion. Months ago, she started balking about the casino coming to town, so Langley sent one of his flunkies to give her a "play ball or else" message. She took offense, it was the last straw, and she walked out on them, a political divorce of sorts. Then, the EGMATTERS blog appeared on the internet to assassinate her character, and those of her family and friends, on a daily basis...nonstop...relentlessly. Supr. Keith Langley, Depty Dog Ed Gilbert, and Chairman of the Repub Committee, Christopher DeFruscio publicly DENY any involvement with it but EVERYONE KNOWS that it's ALL THEM, ALL THE TIME. Well, that's all the time we have for today's lesson.
    LA(NO!)GLEY in 2015!

    1. That was me who asked about SWF, and can you blame me from staying away from EG politics? These last few months have been one big headache. I got the gyst of everyone's involvement but like to know what I'm reading before I pass judgement, hence my questioning of SWF. I didn't vote for any of these officials because I had asked the town board if I could have more information regarding their campaigns, even a statement or two about their stance...they told me that was private information so I refused to vote for people who I knew nothing about. Seems like our town board may want to take that lesson instead of voting for appointments they know nothing about and don't even have a resume to look at!

    2. Seriously 11:20? The SWF campaign was practically run in the local Advertiser. Do you get the Advertiser each week? Do you read it? There was also information about the candidates profiles in the Times Union but you have to read the newspapers to be informed. It isn't the TB's place to inform you about the candidates and it would be improper for them to do so. Also, the candidates contact information was on their campaign hand outs. Were handouts left on your doorstep? Did you read them or toss them? Did candidates appear on your doorstep to meet you? Did you speak with them? There is no excuse for not knowing anything about the candidates unless you just don't read. Most people complain about being bombarded with too much campaign material at election time. You are complaining about just the opposite, which is hard to understand, unless you live off the beaten path. I agree that politics these last few months have been one big headache. Things went woefully wrong with the SWF majority, which included Supervisor Keith Langley. Many are shocked and disappointed over how he changed (for the worse) after DiMartino and Matters were elected. He got the "majority" he wanted and then he turned into Mussolini, treating elected board members like employees who worked FOR him. The man's political instincts are all wrong and he doesn't have a clue how to build or to lead. It's a shame.

    3. 1259 - ALOT of people don't read the Advertiser. Sort of why CHUMLEE got away with his infamous "Martha" letter.
      Way too many people in Town do not pay attention and therefore are grossly uninformed. Many of us, work and live here our entire lives. We went to school with that idiot Defruscio and are fully aware of the bullsh*t coming from his mouth daily.
      No need for you to school someone asking a question that many of us take for granted.

  56. Well your personal attack on me with assumptions just summed up why I've stayed out of EG politics, thank you for the reminder. For your information, I read the Times Union and Wall Street Journal everyday. I didn't think i needed to share that for you to assume I don't read, if you care i eat and egg and have two cups of coffee while i read them too. As I've already admitted I was not involved with EG politics before this year, but thanks for that remindrr as we. Also something I didn't think I needed to provide an explanation for, but the reason why I called town hall is because no I didn't get a knock on my door and no I didn't receive any campaign flyes. I also don't believe I complained about anything, do you work for the town? Have a super evening.

    1. unfortunately, you are not alone in not being involved with EG politics before this year

      but did you vote (rhetorical)

      far too many in this town do not vote

      for all - please ignore 12:59 PM's rant and make sure you vote this year and next

  57. We understand that Defruscio and Gilbert are copying peoples ID they use here and elswhere. They think its funny to use it on their P O S blog.
    Suggestion: F-em ! They are pathetic excuses for men !
    Next time you see either of them, feel free to share your disgust, and don't allow them to tell you they don't know what your talking about.
    PUTZ,CHUMLEE and ELROY are spineless morons.
    They are whats left of SWF - so again - f-em !

  58. IHL - How could three grown men be so unbelievably bad at this? They're doing everything wrong and nothing can save us from them until next year! With ALL the criticisms they've received, nothing changes. They don't or won't learn. If Malone teams up with Langley and helps him further screw up this town then he's guilty by association. Malone should think twice before helping Langley/DeF/Gilbert because those imbeciles don't have a clue.

    1. How would you like to be their wives in all this mess?
      They must be thinking that their Knight in Shining Armour is now nothing but an asshole in aluminum foil ! Sad day for the wives of PUTZ, CHUMLEE and ELROY.

    2. they aren't grown men merely little boys masquerading as such

    3. Exactly ! I couldn't hace screamed and yelled any louder than I did in the months prior to the election. No one was listening~ obviously.

      I am not the type to rub it in, but....I TOLD YA SO !
      Tha being said, we're all now stuck because people were lulled into the Defruscio bullshit that he laid out in his greatest lie he ever told- SWF or as many have re-named it ~ Screwing Working Families !
      CHUMLEE and his close personal friend the PUTZ sure have f-ed this town up in a very short 9 months !

    4. Chumlee and his close persona "other" friend - Tennessee Tuxedo aka Phil Danaher , concocted ALOT of the destruction that occured on January 2nd. Langley was simply a willing participant- being the Putz he is...

  59. Phil Danaher? What does he have to do with it?

    1. you've got to be kidding! he and rich crist ran the swf campaign ...

      surely you don't think PUTZ, CHUMLEE and ELROY came up with those ads do you?

    2. Really? You don't know how deeply Danaher is involved in ALL the b~s going on in EG?

  60. IHL - the wives? How abt Debbi DiM and MAM? They didn't have a clue what the f they were getting into when they were running. Now they're stuck with the Putz, Chum, and Elroy. Of all the rotten luck! MAM seems to be running as far as she can in the opposite direction but Debbie DiM seems trapped and unable to escape. They're in a real jam with the stooges at the helm of a sinking ship.

  61. Bet Morgan Hack (Feather's Flack) just loved it when the Grand Torino plopped himself down next to him at the Holiday Inn Turf today. Rita wasn't there to "escort," so Morgan was next in line.
