Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Notice of Special Meeting UPDATE

Posted: 22 Sep 2015 12:10 PM PDT
The Town Board of the Town of East Greenbush has scheduled a special meeting to present the Town Board with the 2016 Tentative Budget.  The meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 1st at 4:00pm at the East Greenbush Town Hall.

By orders of the Town Board
Linda Kennedy, Town Clerk

UPDATE Last Updated on Thursday, 24 September 2015 14:16 emphasis added

**Please be advised that this meeting- the Presentation of the Tentative Budget is being held in accordance of NYS's Town Law Section 106 (3).  The Town Clerk formally hands each Town Board member a copy of the 2016 Tentative Budget and they sign an acknowledgement that it was received before October 5th.  There is no presentation of the actual budget.  The 2016 Tentative Budget will be posted to the Town's website for the public to view by noon, October 2nd.  The presentation takes place during a Public Hearing in accordance of NYS Town Law Section 108, this meeting is scheduled for November 5th and the time will be determined at the regular October Town Board Meeting on Wednesday, October 21st at 7pm **


  1. Will we be hearing a detailed budget presentation with a question and answer period from Supervisor Langley, as is the norm from the other Towns in the area? Or will we once again be on the receiving end of the patented Supervisor Langley blank stare and silence combination?

  2. Q & As are doubtful. This is for the Town Clerk to deliver copies of the (Supervisor's) Tentative Budget to the Town Board Members.

  3. Why wouldn't Supervisor Langley want to answer questions about his proposed budget? Seems to me, if it's his budget, he should be proud to talk about it.

  4. If Langley does show up we will deffinately get Langleyed. Likely he won't show up and it will be a non event.

  5. its mindboggling how the gagfly can continue to print lies and falsehoods and idiots jump on the bandwagon

  6. Thanks for the added information. I'll bet we get Langleyed no matter what day he is supposed to present to the public.

  7. Whats with the files on facebook are all files public information and why didnt langley do something right away

  8. Of course MAM and D-A Dimartino proclaimed their undying faith in Jack and EG1st. Thats the only way MAM can keep her boy-toy Anthony in his position as DPW Commish !
    MAM and D-A Dimatino have no desire what so ever to work on a Town Board. They are following the direct yet slanted and skewed orders of Rick Matters , Mike Cristo and Ann Murphy-( Taylor) .
    If any of the Gadflies ever begin to think that MAM and Deb are in this for the best interests of EGB - your only fooling yourselves.
    Those two are in bed with and in the pockets of two of the worst Town Councilmen this Town has ever experienced !
    Take that to the bank ! Cristo and Rick Matters were both disasters !

    1. Seems to me that that is a "not very bright" statement. One thing for sure, EG1st has made it clear that the automatic employment of friends and family and similar patronage is not going to happen in an EG1st administration. So endorsing to protect a friend is a really dumb assumption. That's one thing that EG1st is running to put a stop to.

    2. Their support really helped Poorman, didn't it. Lets all give a big thank you to them for helping Dave, Pete and Andrea out! Oh by the way, at least 1 of the EG 1st candidates don't want any part of those 2. In other words, it has been said by Jack, not sure about the others.

    3. 09/26@513pm - you are so naive its actually funny. If you think for one fleeting moment that EG1st will not protect a back door deal that they cut with MAM,Dimartino and Poorman, really, what rock have you been hiding under ?
      As was stated , Poorman,MAM and Deb have all gone to Jack -( fact ) and pledged their votes and support.
      Do you think for one minute that they don't have certain demands attached to that support ? ForGods sake , even Don knows that !
      EG1st will fall into the very same game they profess to change and campaign against ! That is a fact and you can take it to the bank !

    4. This is the most ridiculous statement, thousands have pledged their support for EG1st, by your rationale then EG1st will ge doing a back door deal with thousands of people! All MAM and Debs support means is they don't want Dave or Keith to win. Pretty simple.

    5. What rock are you living under. This whole thing is about stopping what you insist has to be the way of life in this Town. You're just plain wrong.....and scared to death that a clean break will happen.

    6. Anonymous 3:56:

      No deals have been made with anyone and none will be. The polls will close at 9:00 p.m. on November 3rd and nobody will have been promised a thing by EG First. No one. I'm sorry you can't imagine a world where people support candidates because they think they're the best person for the job but anyone who is supporting me because they want something should immediately shift their support to Dave or Keith. We're not falling into any game, we're here to change the game. We welcome support from all quarters and in return you'll be given the same respect as everyone else. Nothing more, nothing less. And you can take that to the bank.

    7. Glad you put that in writing Jack. It eases alot of tension. There's numerous rumors linked to you and your running mates. Finally, you've publicly put one of them to rest !

    8. We have not made any promises, except to the taxpyers of this town, and that promise is that we will return this town to open government and financial stablility. No jobs have been offered, but rest assured, we will hire the most qualified people, not the most connected, when the time comes.

    9. Pre-Election b~s is expected. Its the performance of the winner(s) that will be scrutinized mercilessly by several people. Specifically those that feel betrayed by their choice of candidate.
      SWF is a glaring example of political rhetoric gone awry.
      It was a stunt that never had a chance at success and was correctly blamed on its creator - E. Christopher Defruscio.
      He now enjoys the reputation he has so clearly created - scam artist and liar ! Rich Crist nor Phil Danaher can save Defruscio . Thats what awaits the political hopefuls should they be caught in promises that they have no intentions on fulfilling.

    10. Typical election year in East Greenbush !

      Jack and Dave seem to be the only two concerned with getting a message out there. Poor Keith is lost and just barely treading water.

    11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. o nce again the gagfly has pronounced everyone in the worldbut them perps thieves felons and unintelligent with no character damn I don't know how the hell we all made it cant wait for Jack to see their resumes when they all beg for jobs

  10. Dear Jack Conway and running mates: it has been reported that you intend to evaluate the Town workforce and make adjustments based upon your analysis. Is that a true and accurate statement?
    We know you were apparently misquoted about laying off Police Officers , which you publicly denounced at the meeting with the Town Unions.
    There are alot of tenured employees that are interested in your approach to the Town workforce.

  11. The EG First platform states "Conduct a workload analysis for all Town departments to ensure adequate staffing for essential services." As hard as our political opponents try to make that sound like a code for layoffs, anyone with a basic reading knowledge of English can tell it means the exact opposite. When Keith Langley tells town employees that I will clean house he's doing it to protect his job, not theirs. He was willing to enter a cross-endorsement deal with the democrats that would have sacrificed every last one of them just to hold on to his seat. I will never play politics with peoples' ability to feed their families and put a roof over their children's heads.

  12. Talk is Cheap. Dave claims he'll hire the most "qualified" people for the job, no nepotism. Is that really true; if someone donated a HUGE amount of Money to is campaign; he wouldn't kick in a favor or two for that guy or gal? Jack Conway is new in the field of politics; he may live up to his word; who knows? Hard to believe if one of his buds running along side of him didn't ask to have their spouses hired that he would ignore them. Time will tell; as far as Keith goes; its ASTA LAVISTA BABY! or should I say WOOSE.

  13. Anything pales in comparison to the January 2nd 2014 organizational meeting. The slicing and dicing done by the SWF team was a glaring display of Defruscionism at its finest ! Stupid Deb and MAM were simply along for the ride.

    That single meeting did more to create hatred towards Langley than any other single act he commited. He was a fool then, he's a bigger fool now !
    The absolute anarchy that ensued , the infighting, the power struggles were all stuff of the best fiction I've ever read.
    Dave was one of the casualties and that is most of the reason he runs for Supervisor. Some say its revenge. I say its to prevent that from ever happening again.

  14. Instead of helpin Langlost get reelected, Dave is now poised to take his job from him. Won't that be a nice dose of Karma? Nice job Keith, ya got nobody to blame but yourself! But we all know it will be somebody elses fault.
    P.S. I bet when Dave takes over, he will be man enough to make any changes, face to face, not on the internet. And oh by the way, anyone who refuses to debate, should withdraw from the race.

  15. A Big Turtle Wave!!October 06, 2015 9:09 AM

    You know Langley won't debate; he'll have every excuse known to man to "NOT FACE THE PUBLIC". He wouldn't know what to say anyway; he won't have Meaghan there to answer for him or an attorney or DEF. The man is the most socially inept person ya ever met. He won by a FLUKE. It goes to show ya when this town wants change, they SETTLED for him. We would of been better off with the Regime of McCabe and Company. You started off all wrong, Langley - how many secretaries did ya go through before one could tolerate you? Then you decide to bring in a new finance director; he was an egotistical jack ass to say the least. You never know, you may get re elected, people have said they know what they have in you; nothing! NADDA. But the money people can use ya, so they'll vote for ya. A door mat you were walking into that job, and a door mat you'll be walking out with any luck!

  16. All About Change in 2016October 07, 2015 8:25 AM

    Turtle Wave, you hit the nail right on the head. We need change. It may seem like we don't have alot to choose from. Dave is out for Dave; he wants his four years in, all about the $$$$. He'll hire his buds, whoever needs a job and supported him big time. Langley the Loser is hopefully a goner, then there's Jack and Company. Not a whole heck of alot to choose from; Jack looks good because he is a fresh face along with Tina and Tom(?) Lets think about it, folks and vote for who you think will make a difference in this town because in all honesty, the Town of East Greenbush is falling apart, lack of communication, support and comradarie is GONE. We need to get rid of nepotism and we need to walk in that Town Hall again without it feeling like we're walking into a morgue. Lets Change this Town in 2016 for Change is Good.

    1. Not all change is good !October 07, 2015 9:58 AM

      If your hanging your hat on nepotism, your missing the greater points. Regardless of whom wins, there's no long line of applicants for these jobs. I've been part of the hiring process and no one is knocking the door down.
      Nepotism is a phrase thats nothing but a cop out.
      Our little Town is becoming widely known for its political influences in its work force. Some of it is deserved , some clearly not. The latest example is Anthony Corellis and his wife and his neice.
      That would be a glaring example of nepotism and cronyism.
      You don't like Dave - fine. But he hasn't given you reason to support your statement.
      Jack promises and makes statements that his team will not hire anyone except those qualified for the job. If he wins, we shall see ! Too premature to throw stones at those candidates just yet.
      Only a few more weeks and its off to the circus once again folks !

    2. Dave was given a job by ex Supervisor Mccabe & you do realize that their related..... right??? so no reason to support what is being said is false.

    3. distantly related by marriage only.....whats your point ?

    4. And voted for by McCabe and 38 others at the caucus.

    5. My response is to -Not all change is good @ 9:58-if you had read the comment from that person you should of gotten my point!!!

  17. po[nt is 1213 is an asshole
