Thursday, September 10, 2015

Today is Primary Day ... Polls* are open Noon - 9:00PM.

We are "Write-Ins" on the Independence, Conservative and Green Party ballots. So you need to write our names in the appropriate boxes on those ballot sheets.

Dave, Toni, Andrea and I will appear on the Working Families Ballot so fill in the little circle above our names. Bridget Fritz is a "Write In" on this ballot sheet. So you need to write her name in the appropriate box.

Clip this picture and bring it with you to the polls*.

* Polling Places
District   Location
1st           Holy Spirit School – Highland Drive
2nd          East Greenbush Community Library – Community Way
3rd           Town Hall – Columbia Turnpike
4th           St. Mary’s School – Columbia Turnpike
5th           St. Mary’s School – Columbia Turnpike
6th           Town Hall – Columbia Turnpike
7th           Community Gospel Tabernacle – 3rd Avenue Extension
8th           Holy Spirit School – Highland Drive
9th           Red Mill School – McCullough Place
10th         East Greenbush Community Library – Community Way
11th         Community Gospel Tabernacle – 3rd Avenue Extension
12th         St. Mary’s School – Columbia Turnpike


  1. Congratulations Dave !

  2. Does anyone know when and where the Going Away Party for Anthony and Missy is happening?

    1. Corellis is history - and not soon enough !

      Missy , well really, who cares ?

    2. We tried to be apart of your small world, but our personalities are too big and we will not allow our egos to interfere with tax payers money. This town doesn't deserve Anthony or myself.

  3. How many votes did Dave get?

    1. Who cares , did you see the waste of tax dollars Anthony ordered sitting on the front lawn of Town Hall? 100k+ dollars for a plow truck that isn't nearly big enough to be worth anything !
      The man is a complete disaster and not deserving of his position.

      MAM and Dimartoni need to wake the f up and get rid of his a** before the snow flies...or we're screwed once again.

    2. Dave got alot of votes in taking 3 out of 4 lines and is clearly the one to beat in the supervisors race. Wonder how Langlost feels about getting whipped on his own Independence line, by a write in! And only missing out on the 4th line by 14 votes! Great showing Dave!!! Keep up the hard work!

  4. All you "negative Nancy's" can go preach your nastiness over on the Gadfly.

  5. Ironically, if he is elected, you all will be bashing him and whoever else he appoints. It's a very sad and small circle you people are in. All about the ego, not about making EG a better place to live...

  6. Another know it all from the gadfly who is WRONG !;

    :AnonymousSeptember 14, 2015 at 12:29 PM
    Talks is quiet because DVW and Stenson run it but they don't want to be tagged with it while they're campaigning. Sorry guys, too late. You should have thought of that before you started a flog-blog dedicated to negativity instead of positivity. Now you're trying to put yourselves out there as voices of reason? Good luck with that. How about supporting the voices of reason instead, Jack, Tina and Tom. Nobody believes that you guys want any better for the town than we have right now. If you're trying to convince us otherwise, sorry again, we're not idiots."

    #1 - 1st and foremost - Dave nor Pete runs Talks. You've been told over and over but you seem to think you know. OK...if it makes you sleep better at be it.

    #2 - you'll never know who runs Talks. Several people designed it that way intentionally.

    #3- you'll learn of the Dems decisions about the upcoming election and the campaign as soon as everyone else knows, and not a second prior. Live with it !

    1. Yet you bash Don, at least he's a man who owns up to it his writing and doesnt anonymously hide. Everyone knows Dave and Pete have been apart of this blog. Saying otherwise doesn't change the truth, but maybe if you say it enough times you'll believe yourself.

    2. i thought it was mike o'brien

    3. To clear the air, neither Dave nor Pete "run" this blog. Although they are both welcome to comment and guest author articles , just like Jack does on the Gadfly.

      Those that think otherwise are simply fooling themselves.

  7. Many of us remember quite clearly WHY this blog was formed.

    It stands clearly as the oldest and only one that allowed folks to vent against the two people that were causing such a stir and were so out in left field.-( trying to keep it civil )


  8. Donnie sent a letter to Frank Merola scolding him I bet Frank is shaking in his boots

    1. Probably not shaking in his boots, but it needed to be said anyway. Merola has a fine reputation, and from what I hear he's an excellent manager. Machine politics can sully one's reputation.

  9. Missy better watch her mouth ! For someone who has a ton of skeletons in her closet....your mouth could open that closet for all to see and hear.
    Remember this, your not all that popular around careful what doors you open.

    1. As long as they are verifiable facts...let her speak. Otherwise, she'll immediately be exposed for the liar most think she is anyway !

    2. Plenty of documented facts!

  10. Well, her 1st lie is that she proclaims to be a lifelong resident ! She resided most of her entire life in Schodack and then moved to Troy.

    1. Chamberlain Hill, Bri-Lan Ave, Coventry Lane, Corellis Dr and Celeste Dr. For the most part, yes a resident. Maybe 5 years in Schodack.

  11. still pulenty of pepooblican and eglast signs out their which ya'd expect of langlost and his losers but conway & crew who just held a reforming town government forum can't even follow a simple zoning law


    1. It might be a little easier to take your comment seriously if the "simple zoning law" in this town were applied and enforced consistently, fairly and evenly. It's not, is it? Brother Joe is "fixed."

  12. 2:08- Have you ever heard of the 1st Amendment?

  13. I noticed that myself, Rep signs everywhere, Conway EG1st too! Why did the Dems follow the rules and take theirs down, if nobody else did? It's true, not surprising that Langley does what he feels like, but kinda surprised that Conway is breaking the law too. Not good boys, not good.

    1. if they don't follow these rules what others will they ignore?

  14. Its called freedom of speech, look it up. 1st amendment trumps local zoning laws. There's also a rule about the size of signs. Why are the dems constantly crying, 1st over Poormans booth now bc a sign is up for a few days longer? This blog is offering a lot of substance, more like complaining. Isn't there a comment you want to cut and paste from the Gadfly to cry about?

    1. Maybe because it's the law and the supevisor should be abiding by it. EG 1st puts themselves out there as holier than thou, doing things by the book. Yeah right, you're as bad as the Reps. How can you condone this Don? Hypocrits......all of you.

    2. Please do some reading about the law before you argue your point.
      It's the residents who are choosing to keep signs up, not EG1st. Eg1st isnt putting signs up, people are requesting the signs and it is the people who are choosing to keep them up. Are you also aware that there is a size restriction? How come you're not crying about Dave's size of his signs? Interesting this site didnt care about the zoning law when they wanted to plop a casino in a residentially zoned area but now you care about our zoning law? And over silly signs none the less. No wonder nothing gets accomplished in this town.

    3. 1. the Town's law does not apply just to "election campaign signs" but to "All other temporary signs, such as political posters, banners, promotional devices and other signs of a similar nature, including church, school, civic or other non-profit functions," the operative word being "temporary".

      2. "Such signs shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet" - Dave's signs were 4' x 8' or 32 sq. ft.

      Do we infer that you're OK with them being left on display all year?

    4. I honestly don't kike them any time a year, but if you read thebnys election law it would never be held up in court because of the1st amendment. The signs are are all on private property, so it is the property owners choosing to keep the signs up, not the candidates. Come next Wednesday there "legal" to be back up anyways.

  15. And, if there was no truth to what I'm saying, then why are all you up in a thither?

    1. mostly because you shot your mouth off . No thither here, just making it very clear that one good turn deserves careful what you wish for

    2. and lets be honest.. the ONLY reason you have a job is payback to Anthony for all his work on the SWF campaign. You owe them your job - is that why you shoot your mouth off?

  16. Apparently you didn't pass spelling in school, or grammar. DUMB & DUMBER. Have a very good idea who you are!!

  17. I see that Jack Conway officially announced his candidacy along with his two running mates in their quest to promote their "Socialism form of government" here in our very Democratic Town of East Greenbush. Don't be fooled by soft spoken Jack, that man, along with his team will raise your taxes through the roof, and stop development in its tracks.

    1. there is a tax cap. Guess ya didn't know

    2. You think this town is democratic? This town hasn't seen a democratic form of government in years. Not even a benevolent despot. Wake up and smell the waste water treatment plant. And socialism is not all that bad. Know anybody who is on medicare or medicaid?

    3. 11:01 (Chris?)- Take a ride down Columbia Tpke and see first hand how well Keith Langley and his SWF team has already stopped development in its tracks.
      Let's not be fooled again.

    4. Whistling Past the CemeterySeptember 20, 2015 12:25 PM

      I actually like Jack., I'm not totally committed to voting for him nor any of the EG1st candidates , but I like him. He has the very best intentions and until he proves otherwise, I will give him the benefit of the doubt.
      I like that he and Dave VanWormer seem to both want better and Keith seems to be bringing up the rear.
      I'm very glad Poorman is out, he didn't seem very convincing and his statements about Corellis are apparently what did him in.
      I look forward to good , solid debates between Jack and Dave. I look forward to seeing the end of "politics as usual" , and I hope regardless of whomever wins, we see better communication between elected officials and taxpayers!

  18. @11:01 ~ what are you basing you ascertions on? I have been monitoring EG1st very closely and have not seen anything even approaching socialism. By the way, local government offices are about providing services to residents which is what Jack and his team do. this town does not belong to the Democrats.

    1. There are certain Democrats that think they "own this town." They've been feeding off its tax base for a while now.

    2. Yes - "certain" , not all Democrats. Lets be clear , the Republicans are no better.

  19. Your a secretary take this down, by by
