Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Rantings of our local wingnut

Well,  selective memory is  the   order of the  day in Camp Cristo.    Losing  Town Board  candidate ,
 < sore loser  extraordinaire >   Cristo is  whining  again about  losing his  Town Board  seat and he tries  to make  the  point  that it was done by Ginny OBrien and  she's a  hypocrit, blah~ blah~blah!  

#1 - your  repooblican party had the  golden opportunity to remove  Ginny and others but they had absolutely NO IDEA  how to do it!  They had the very same  opportunity!  Your  side  sucks - too bad .

#2 -  Were your  paying  any attention at all when you were a  Town Board member?    You clearly have  no idea  about the  cross endorsements and  apparently  you have no desire to learn more - you just choose to bitch and complain because it  suits  your  need to  cry and  whine and blame McCabe  for  something else.

#3 - you lost , and  Ann lost  AGAIN!    Ray Mooney  gets it , < sorry Ray  but Mike and Phil were never getting  re-appointed>, and  apparently  several others  from your  team  get it -  what's  your  malfunction Mike?   Ask your  neighbors -  try to keep an open mind when you do, you've lost ALOT of  credibility over the past few months, so be prepared.

#4 - its probably  about  time  that you get around to what your  itching to  announce -  your  candidacy  for  some  Town position.  Your  ego can't  resist - and  quite  frankly , many of the  rest of us  like  seeing you waste your money.   Unless I miss my  guess,  your  not  going to get any  funding  from the  Republicans and  there  won't be any County  support thanks to your  big  mouth  spouting off about the  County  Exec.   Your a  doozy there  Mike, but  whatever  it is  that  spins your  wheel, you keep going  there  sunshine - your  "special" !  ;-)


  1. The egotistical maniac is at it again! He claims the will of the people was ignored when he was removed from the board. What about rerunning for the same seat and finishing last - he couldn't even beat Ann Taylor. It sounds like he is trying to position himself for a run for Supervisor against Rick McCabe, who he is so jealous of that he can't stand it.

    Well, Mr. Ego, I for one would love to see you run against Rick and Ann can run against Toni Murphy which has been suggested on the Ann & Mike blog. It will be personally satisfying seeing you go down in a humilating defeat which will finally get rid of the both of you. It must kill you that the town is moving forward under the new board and everyone is working hard to make things better for this town. Your negativity and whining is no longer needed. End of game for you Mikey.

  2. Michael - Really.....the will of the people - one more time?? As a long time Republican - and a supporter of you and Ann - even I know that when you lost this past election - that was the will of the people. I am putting this post over here because I'm not even sure you would post it on your blog...your judgement is a bit skewed if you don't like the content.

    You really need to check the back of your closet for a pair of "big boy" pants and move on. I find it hard to believe it could happen - but if the Republican Party were to decide to run you as a candidat once again - it will be time for me and my family to switch our allegiance to the Democratic Party. Quite frankly, I think they are doing an admirable job for the town at the present time.

    Dirty town politics needs to stop on both sides.
    You have a County position - embrace that and if, and when, town politics for you is meant to be - it will be. Of course, that's only if you don't manage to alienate all of your followers!


  4. I hope, since my name is directly mentioned, you will publish this dissenting view.

    Here's what else I "get":

    1.) The lawsuit that removed Cristo and Danaher was ill advised. It was power politics taken to a new low. It was, and remains to this very day, directly responsible for a large part of the division and polarization in our town.
    2.) Ginny O'Brien either changed her mind or is a hypocrit. How a person decides that may be a function of your politics. I tend to see her support for the lawsuit when she did the exact same thing as Cristo did quite hypocritical.
    3.) Rick McCabe and Ginny O'Brien have no honor or principles. If they did they would have re-instated Cristo and Danaher at the point the County changed the law. To re-instate Cristo and Danaher may have run counter to their every political instinct but it was also the right thing to do.

  5. Ray - we'll certaintly print your request. Just don't expect alot of support for what you just authored above. Otherwise - your entitled to your view point- we just don't necessarily agree with you.

    When you chat with Mike and Ann - remind them that we will print a dissenting point of view- < unlike them > .

  6. #1 - the lawsuit was only ill advised to the people who disagreed with it or didn't get any benefit from its success.
    #2 - the polarization and division of our town is more directly attributed to the lies and foolishness of Camp Cristo - some of the ploys to attempt to garner sympathy for Ann that were all staged productions of the reform party.
    #3 - hypocritical is a term defined by the person making the statement- OBrien was just as susceptible to the very same lawsuit but the County Republicans didn't know how to proceed.
    #4 - Really Ray ? No honor or principles?!?! Puhleez - do you really want to go down this road? You think we don't have anything to respond to that statement with? Just because the County Republicans had to quickly change the law to save Desso, Danaher and cristo doesn't mean that EG had to automatically re-instate them, and like they ever really had a chance to be re-instated anyway. Ask Mr. Danaher about that - he'll give you the reality of the situation and exactly what transpired. Cristo will never tell the truth about how that whole mess went down and exactly why he secretly went to the County to take his oath of office. There's the Cristo version and then there's the truth !

  7. While I don't personally know Ray Mooney, he comes across like he thinks he is East Greenbush's savior. I think all he does is try to be as negative as possible. He never gives any credit for things well done - only places blame and inuendos. Ray calls the lawsuit ill-advised even though it was illegal to hold both seats. I, for one, think the Republicans had an obligation to the voting electorate to challenge Ginny O'Brien when she held both seats, but were derelict in their duties - not Ginny's fault. How about it Ray?

    Mr. Mooney also says Rick and Ginny have no principles nor honor for not reinstating Cristo and Danaher to the seats they illegally attained. Is the law the law only when it suits Mr. Mooney? The voters answered how they felt when Cristo finished last in the election to fill the seat he vacated when he went to the Legislature.

    Rick and Ginny have been given numerous awards over the years and volunteered many hours of their time to serve the community. That is what shows principles and honor - not some loud mouth who has accomplished nothing except the ability to make accusations and cry like Cristo when he didn't get his way.

    Ray, if you think you are so good..throw your hat in the ring like Bonnie has suggested and we'll see how well you do.

    See you in November.

  8. speaking of community involvment - what has Cristo ever done - ever ? Specifically outside his little ring of negativity mongers, what has this losing candidate ever done for the betterment of East Greenbush? Anyone? - Ray ? Don? Bonnie? Anyone ?!? Be specific with your answers- if your able to provide any

  9. Timmy; he's pretty accomplished at patting himself on the back for things others have achieved. He's also very good at taking a thesaurus and dictionary and making himself look like he's some sort of English literary major. Other than that , what is there - Oh- he's also pretty good at distorting the truth and losing elections !~

  10. Who is Ray Mooney? He states that McCabe and O'Brien have no principles nor honor for not reseating the board members who held the board seats contrary to the sitting law at the time. He has previously stated that the board has abused their power in the decisions they have made.

    I guess the question I have for Ray is - when the court ruled Cristo couldn't hold both seats, he approached the County Legislature to complain and ask to have the county rewrite the law so that he could hold both seats. As we know, the law was changed to suit Cristo's needs. Ray, did Cristo and the legislature abuse their power??? They did it because they could! They had the power and the votes...why no indignation about their actions? Are we to believe if McCabe or O'Brien controlled the County Legislature and did what they did, you would have no objection?

    Ray, if you want to try to come off as Mr. Right, a fighter for justice, a regular American Hero.....let's at least give the appearance of being objective and not so obviously one-sided.

  11. Jon Dohnson - hic !May 12, 2011 8:56 AM

    Ray is nothing but a big wind bag who's out there "testing the waters" for a run at local office.
    His love affair on the other blog with Bonnie - yes the very same Bonnie who is so dearly in love with cristo and Taylor - is outlandishly nauseating .
    Ray - put on your big-boy pants - take off the Cristo suit and open your eyes. Despite all yours and Don's ridiculous ramblings and false innuendo, the Town is running along quite well - yes even financially too!
    For all the false accusations and trumped up charges - NO ONE has been charged with any crimes ! Amazing - that despite the battle cry of you reformers - NO ONE HAS GONE TO JAIL! Makes ya think that maybe people who have something to say about what is legal and what is not, don't necessarily agree with you reformers!
    Dwight- stop talking about penises - people already think your nuts - you don't have to prove it! Have a shred if dignity man - will ya !?!

  12. Jon- ROFLMAO - priceless!!! Good Stuff !

  13. I dont think you even needed a lawsuit to remove these people from office A visit to the county meeting or a phone call to the newspapers would have been suffice.Ginny could have been called on this issue years ago and no one chose to so.Its a joke this clown christo keeps this issue going.Rick Mc Cabe was just a little more savvy. Christo and Danaher recieved a lesson about politics it can be one of the most dirtiest games.Enjoy the day.

  14. The Will of the People.....

    Chose not to put Ann Taylor or Michael Cristo on the Town Board...get over it and move on.

  15. several posts were lost because of a server error- feel free to re-send if you'd like !

  16. What kind of fool is 1:10??? Do you know what the phrase conflict of interest means? Are you serious? How can a person serve on their town's board and then serve on a county board where you now are supposed to represent other towns best interests as well??? It cannnnot be done, especially where sales tax dollars are involved. EG is the largest town in Rensselaer County and I bet you we are not getting the dollars that are rightfully ours since we generate the majority of those dollars?? What a fool you truly are and those you hang with. Forget about O'Brien. You could have pursued this, but, you gadflies are just
    that, no brains, all mouth, no intelligent Leadersip and zero professional advice. Get the hell over it already. Kinda like, for example, say you work at a job where you can get some free boxes of cookies on a daily basis, would you refuse them? I think not.

    Perhaps there's something you could work on. How about eliminating the
    senseless level of government, as in the County Legislators, and instead have
    every Town's SUPERVISOR serve on this "Legislature" and then each town
    would finally have the representation they so duly deserve and NEED. Pay each
    Supervisor about $100 per meeting and call it a day. This makes perfect sense
    but that wouldn't fly with the misfits either because nothing they do or babble on
    about makes sense or is about working toward real solutions or what is in the best interests of the town and its' taxpayers. It's all about bashing McCabe and O'Brien. How shallow and ignorant and downright shameful. Start picking on someone else, if you must, because it's all pretty ridiculously boring already.

  17. Ray Mooney isn't even slightly interested in solving any problems - he's in the business of creating conflict and throwing around useless facts and innuendo. He's so far up cristos butt that he can't see that no one cares what he or cristo/taylor say or think. They're ALL losers.
    And Dwight: please stop talking about penises- we all know your delusional - but for gods sake man - have a shred of dignity - will ya!?!

  18. DAISEY - I LIKE IT !!!

  19. Did anyone read the foolishness over there on the Cristo B-S blog? They had one of their fanatics claiming some young girls having a wet t-shirt contest by Quigleys. They went on to infer there were Police in the area and how it looked bad for the Town. WHAT A FREAKIN A**HOLE this person is. The girls were doing a car wash-fundraiser and were holding up signs saying exactly that !
    This is so very typical of those reform idiots - always jumping to conclusions with little or no facts to back their over-emphasizeed and bloated-erroneous blabbings! LOSERS NEVER CHANGE - and these are the morons that supported cristo and Taylor- no wonder no one with a smidgen of common sense listens to their foolish garbage.

    Dwight- you can get VIAGRA at Walmart for cheap - just sayin'

  20. What? A "wet tee shirt contest" at Quigley's and the 'reformers' didn't link it to McCabe and the dems!!!

    They're slippin' and sippin' over there in maytagland!

  21. 4:22 - they tried to link it to the PD- < albeit thinly > but it was very hastily done and they had their facts all screwed up! MORONS that they are - they couldn't get it right.

  22. I'm actually pleasently surprised that Mr. and Mrs. Cristo had little or nothing to say about the School Elections.
    I would have thought they would have conspired to make up some outlandish story about some ridiculous thing and somehow linked the entire thing to McCabe and OBrien.
    Receiver of Taxes- Ann ?? Come on - your ego can't contain itself much longer. Hurry - we're waiting with baited breaths! lmao

  23. The rantings of our local lunatic appear to have ceased. His psychiatrist finally made some progress - he's been commited !

  24. He's back..............

    Anyone read the attack from Mike Cristo directed at Nate Hans? Cristo seems to take umbrage with a comment Nate made about working with Ann Taylor. Cristo seems to want to make this personal against Nate.

    I've learned in life, if someone attacks your wife, lover or significant other, a man steps up to defend her and would make it personal - as Cristo has done. Oh, wait...Ann's not his wife...go figure!

    Nate, I for one, appreciate your insight and ability to see both sides of an issue. Your desire to work for the common good is to be commended. Some people have difficulty accepting diversified views as team Cristo has demonstrated.

  25. Our local loonie is back...

    I did try to read his posting to Nate...however, I've come to the conclusion that he is a pompous a$$....and just couldn't bring myself to finish reading it.

    One thing for sure...he has no self esteem problems...he is stuck on himself and his self-rightous ideas.
