Saturday, September 3, 2011

Happy Labor Day

Monday is Labor Day, the "unofficial end of Summer". Hopefully we'll have plenty of good weather left, a beautiful Autumn and a mild Winter.

The US Department of Labor, states that Labor Day "is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country."

We can still revel in "the social and economic achievements of American workers (and) the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country" and I suggest that we wholehearted do so.

We marvel at the accomplishments of labor… the soaring skyscrapers, expansive highways, fabulous cars and trucks, beautiful homes, etc., and appreciate those who built them. And we should remember and celebrate labor's and our own accomplishments. But let us also ponder labor's future. Hopefully, future generations will have cause to celebrate.

Yesterday (Friday, 9/2/11), that same USDOL pegged unemployment at 9.1 percent, capping a week which saw President Obama and Speaker of the House John Boehner 'negotiate' when the President could address a joint session of Congress concerning a jobs initiative.

Can we as a nation really celebrate Labor Day this year? We've seen certain members of Congress and many statehouses attempt to eviscerate unions and collective bargaining agreements and collective bargaining rights this past year. These contracts and rights do not matter to many elected officials throughout the land. Funny how these contracts don't enjoy the same sanctity that the Wall Street bonus contracts did. Remember the uproar when the bonuses were paid out and the defense of those contracts?

This year sees Labor Day sandwiched between an abysmal jobs report and a Presidential Address on job creation, with a Republican Presidential candidate debate thrown in for good measure. Hopefully, President Obama's proposal will not fall victim to gridlock we saw in the debt ceiling debacle a few weeks back.

Now Mr. Obama has said he will seek those extensions and more, including proposals to put people to work repairing and retrofitting roads, bridges, schools, airports, rails and other public projects, and giving tax incentives to employers to hire additional workers.

That article also reports:

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, the Virginia Republican who has fostered a reputation as Mr. Obama’s nemesis, in a statement cited two proposals Mr. Obama was expected to make in his address — for infrastructure spending and for job training for the long-term unemployed — as “areas where we can work together to produce real results that will help job creators get people back to work.

President Obama must ensure that any job creation program does not come at a cost to the very segment of the population it intends to help, i.e. no reduction in government spending or tax hikes for the middle and lower classes.

A few weeks back, I'd written:

Studies have shown that our bridge and highway system is woefully in need of repair. Schools are also in need of repair. Bricks and mortar, concrete and steel, people working (sadly, much of the steel would be imported - "In May 2011, the steel trade deficit widened to -1.65 million metric tons, 20% more than the deficit in April 2011." What better a time to REBUILD AMERICA?? (DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO?? - August 11, 2011) *

Hopefully a jobs program that does just this will come to fruition soon. This would be cause for us to truly celebrate!

Pete Stenson

* I sincerely doubt that President Obama reads East Greenbush Talks, thus, I claim absolutely no credit for his rumored proposal.


  1. I would like to see all the facial expressions on people when this country defaults on their debt.Thanks to the great 3 presidents,Clinton for all the trade agreements with foreign countries that cost our country jobs,Bush for overspending well beyond our means,and Obama another big spender.These 3 guys helped put our country in a nightmare that will be around for a very long time.Shame on them

  2. You must mean Ron, George and Boy George!

  3. The middle class in this country was built by manufacturing jobs and unions. Both are in serious decline.

    There are many factors but "China*Mart" has not been a positive influence.

  4. Bet u shop there.

  5. At least the sales tax stays here in Ren. Co. and EG.

  6. I don't know if this is the right place to blog, but Mr. Cristo is so interested in the roundabout because he is being PAID by the contractor to dump material along Tempel Lane. Doesn't Rensselaer County have some financial interests in the roundabout? He is lining his pockets with Town and County monies!

  7. Well now we know why Mikey is in favor of the roundabout- go figure a financial gain for the Cristos.

  8. Anon 11:23AM

    Surely you jest! A fine upstanding man like Cristo....

    All kidding aside...if it was the Mangolds/Hart clan "they" would be outraged!

    As long as I'm here...I am sorry for the Republican candidates. They have 3 strikes against them...Taylor, Cristo and DeFruscio. I understand Dan, Keith and Ed are fine individuals.

  9. Are you kidding?? Cristo is being paid to dump on his property? After all his holier than now nonsense? What a complete fraud and hypocrit. Juat like the truck he sold through his auction. What a complete and utter fraud that little puke is. What do you think of this Bonnie,Ray,Don and the rest of you reformers. What does it take to make you see what this man is?

  10. Dan,Keith, and Ed are all fine individuals and deserve a lot of credit for running a clean campaign. Their problem is Chris 2-Face DeFruscio. Chris thinks he's smarter than everyone, when in reality, anyone who knows him is aware that if he's talked to you for 5 minutes, he's lied to you. Just his nature.

    The Democratic Committee has put together an extremely strong team this election. Phil, Sue, Rick and Toni are dedicated, outstanding individuals who have the best interest of this town in their hearts.

    The negativity and twisting of issues by the Cristo/Taylor blog and their few friends will only garner votes for the Democratic candidates as it has in the past.

  11. Why would anyone put stock in what DeFruscio says? It's my understanding that he made a committment to someone that he was totally out of politics and even went so far as to swear on his family that he was telling the truth.

    DeFruscio then turns around and breaks his oath and decides to be the Republican Chairman trying to unseat the very person he gave his word to. Anyone surprised.....certainly not I! There is character one possesses as a person true to their word..then there is a person who is just a character....Right DeFruscio????

  12. Many of us who've been around awhile and have seen the absolute decline of the EG Republican party are openly disgusted by the actions and antics of Chris Defruscio.
    His father was one of the nicest people and worked extremely hard his life and made it a point to not openly immerse himself in such dirty politics as his son now has completely involved himself in.-( no thanks to cristo )
    Unless someone steps in, people like Chris Defruscio,Don Johnson, Taylor and Cristo , and the rest of the almost defunct EG Reform Party, will have completely destroyed the Republican party.

  13. There was a time when family ties were the most important things...

    Just not so any more. Lay down with dogs and get up with fleas...whole lotta scratching going on within the EG Reform Party.

  14. CHRIS ; private property - ONLY !!

  15. This Old Republican Has Had ENOUGHSeptember 08, 2011 7:48 AM

    As a long time Republican, I've seen many things in this town. We've had our successes and failures over the years. I personally have known the Fiacco family for many years and Danny is a fine young man. However, how he got hooked up with Mr. DeFruscio is beyond me. Mr. DeFruscio is the snake in the wood pile. In my day you drove out the snake before he could cause harm or injury.

    What are my fellow Republican and Conservatives thinking? The stories I hear about Mr. DeFruscio's outright distortion of the truth about other residents and the people who work for the town are a disgrace.

    We need someone to step forward and run our party with honesty, integrity and dignity.

    I regret that I cannot vote for any Republican Candidates or ask any of my friends to do so as long as the snake is in the wood pile.

    The last one to heed the advice of a snake was Eve and we all know that didn't turn out well!

    Respectfully Submitted.....

  16. Ann, Michael and Chris,

    Another round of nasty politics - what's it been now...a couple of years? Your families have been behind you and given their support. You know there have been some nasty rumors.

    I assure you that "Turn the Other Cheek" thing gets just a little old after a while. Even if a family member says they support you - please know it gets harder to hear nasty thing about people close to you.

    I could say this on the other just couldn't get published over there.

  17. Cristo / Taylor and their band of six are ready to crucify Phil malone concerning his Notary Public oversight.

    How about waiting 'til the ALJ rules and appeals have run their course before convicting Phil?

  18. Unfortunately, there is just no way to sugarcoat the fact that Cristo&Taylor are .... no can't say that...supposed to keep it clean....

    Let's just say they are bitter the Sept 8 at 5:08 a family member of Mike,Ann or Chris I for thought

  19. If his mother is a notary and collected the signatures, why didn't she just sign it? Seems to me there was nothing for him to gain by knowingly signing it. He lost the signatures didn't he? It's obvious that it was a mistake. Am I right or am I missing something?

  20. Talks....why don't you print the complaint so that all the people can see it and make a judgement as to its validity? The NYS Department of State is making the complaint, after all, not Cristo/Taylor.

  21. A judgement as to the validity of the complaint is the ALJ's job upon hearin both sides. That's called due process.

    When the gang of six sees the posting they'll be all over it like ugly on an ape, I assure you. Remember, M & A approve the posts (and write half of them).

    11:49 You hit the nail square on the head ...

  22. THE NYS Dept of State is making the complaint based upon the continual onslaught of bullsh*t coming from Denfruscio, Cristo, Taylor and the cadre' of idiots that follow them! The complaint is going nowhere, despite the bullsh*t coming from the kool-aide drinkers. NYSDOS.....buahahahaha- contradiction in terms of validity!

  23. Once again Cristo/Taylor are up to no good...surprise, surprise, surprise!

    They posted an article about Phil Malone hoping to get the disgruntled and whining little people in their group to make negative comments about Phil. Unlike Cristo/Taylor, Phil has admitted his error...he signed the wrong petition sheet by mistake. Phil had nothing to gain by signing the petition...instead had much to lose. He gave Cristo/Taylor the Conservative line by withdrawing the petitions and Cristo/Taylor still finished last and next to last.

    Cristo/Taylor said the will of the people was taken away when Cristo gave up his board seat to go to the county. If this was true, why did Cristo finish last in the election? Riddle me this Reformers.

    Cristo sat on the Town Board for 3 years and continually neglected the DPW and Transfer Station for which he was the liason, and voted for stipends for 3 years...then Cristo says "I didn't know about stipends". Why not???

    Cristo, didn't you know what you were doing? Where's your apology or admission of guilt for taking your Town Board salary when you either did absolutely nothing or knew nothing?

    Cristo/Taylor say they want the stipend money back,I want Cristo's Board salary back. I pay taxes...where's the money Cristo?

    I must admit you have to give Cristo/Taylor...and let's not forget The three of them are so disliked and mistrusted that they definitely enhance the Democratic candidates chances of winning the election.


  24. The issue is Malone's CONDUCT as a notary. He is responsible to follow the letter of the law. If he can't do that, he can't be licensed as a notary. Here we have another "oops" in job performance from the Dem. committee.

  25. How jealous and afraid of Phil Malone is the group of Reformers on the Cristo/Taylor blog? They will go to any length to try and take Malone down because they know they can't beat him in an election. Malone's tenacity and willingness to stand up to their group of misfits drives them crazy.

    Ann & Mike can spread their bitterness at being such abject failures. People are smart and can see through the game playing, inuendos and distortion of the truth. They criticize other peoples jobs yet Cristo needs his father for employment. Taylor needs to live with her parents. Her father earned the tax reduction - not Ann.

    Give me a break!

  26. Don't forget their total support of Sheldon and implied acceptance of HER behavior.

  27. A Concerned CitizenSeptember 11, 2011 9:42 AM

    I have a novel idea. Why don't we let the candidates from both parties run their campaigns?

    They have chosen to run in a positive manner without getting into all of the negative rhetoric going on. All of the candidates bring ideas and solutions for our town. If we want to be involved, let's take a cue from the candidates and support them by pushing their ideas and beliefs in a positive manner. All of the negativity going on from people outside the campaign is distracting and harmful.

    There are a few people in town who have displayed extreme bitterness towards our leaders and a willingness to spin every issue to the negative side. Please, for your own good, get over it, move on, and enjoy life.

    Let's take the high road and work for the candidate of choice, ignore the naysayers, and congratulate the candidates for running a well fought,clean campaign.

    Good Luck All

  28. It will be interesting to see Mr. Malone "refute" the facts sworn to by the DOS investigator derived from her investigation. Is he going to say that the investigator is lying??

  29. Why aren't you "searchers after truth" posting the content of the Malone notary complaint?

  30. How about info on Sheldon and EGCSD?

  31. Stuck in the middle...September 13, 2011 2:19 PM

    Yes, Corine Sheldon was fired from her job with school district on or about August 12, 2011. We have contacted state representatives from each of the relevant party lines to advise them that Corine is distributing fraudulent literature. Details to follow as soon as everything is verified. I am sure Mike & Ann are on top of this and have referred the matter to all the appropriate authorities for review. Right?

  32. I am sure you are correct Stuck in the middle...

    We all know what fine, upstanding citizens Mike & Ann are.

  33. No matter how you cut it or spin it - you guys are looking at larceny.

  34. Not in my lifetime.. never going to happen..

    - - sound familiar?

  35. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  36. Larceny of what ?? Exactly what was stolen ?

  37. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
