Monday, November 10, 2014

Citizen's Fiscal Advisory Committee Meeting

The Citizen's Fiscal Advisory Committee will be holding meetings on November 17, 2014 7:00 PM at the East Greenbush Town Library


  1. What can we expect from this meeting of the CFAC? Can we expect them to attempt to decipher and explain where this Town is financially? Is MULVEY simply another Langley stooge or does he actually have something to contribute? My guess would be the 1st with no plans to be of any constructive help !
    Langley truly is a PUTZ and it is clearly undeniable the CHUMPLEE influence on his daily decisions.

    and I know - HATE is a strong word. But when I think of PUTZ LANGLEY , I wanna vomit !

    1. Did you get fired?

    2. NOPE... just can't stand a gutless LIAR , male chauvinist , dork of a putz ! And that just about perfectly describes the supervisor.
      The mere fact that he listens to idiots such as Defruscio and Tirino speaks volumes of how incompetent he really is !

    3. Somewhere, someone actually is thinking of Langley fondly and the impact he had on their life, but it's not me, I think he's an idiot !

  2. I see CHUMPLEE, Trash-bag Tirino and Elroy Gildaberry are back at it trying to post here and on the fly.
    Just because NO ONE reads Gilberts trash page...who in their right mind listens to these stooges anyway?

  3. People of East Greenbush WAKE UP ! Defruscio is a thief and a LIAR and incompetent as well as ignorant ! That man is calling the shots in our town which is why we are going BACKWARDS ! Ask PUTZ how far out of debt we supposedly are? His big campaign speech and win was based upon the fact that he was getting us out of debt. Well, are we?
    Are we any better financially today than three years ago ?
    Answer; NOPE ! Has Langley proposed a transparent, logical financial recovery plan like he said he would ? NOPE !
    So why are we so tolerant of his mischief and that of CHUMPLEE?

    CHUMPLEE has the court - the biggest revenue generating faction of Town Government , so screwed up and its tolerated- WHY?
    Do you folks realize that the Town COurt is most likely the single most important division of Town Government when it comes to revenue generating. And Defruscio is in there, meddling and screwing with the clerks and sticking his greasy nose into official legal business- WHY IS THIS TOLERATED? WHY IS THAT MORON STILL THERE ?!?

  4. CHUMPLEE and PUTZ wants cross-endorsements - HAH what a LAUGH ! You have a better chance of surviving EBOLA than getting any cross endorsements !

  5. I can tell you why. He threatens the judges with opposition candidates if they don't tow the line and they are afraid they will lose their cross-endorsements. That is the gist of it. Everyone in this Town can be bought and sold. And the little guy suffers. I'd like to know whatever happened to the guys who complained about having to cut a tree down which was on private property. Yes - they filed an ethics complaint and nobody has heard a thing. Every time I go by that house on Route 4 and see that half-taken down tree I am reminded that I had to get a variance to put something on my property while others get special treatment from the Planning and Zoning Board and the Building Department. Isn't anybody else fed up??

    1. This should be a "no brainer" for the Dems. Dumb-A** Defruscio f-ed that up when he ran Jude Mulvey against Mary Pat Donnelly. That was the end of the cross-endorsements and the vote total showed ALOT of people were pissed about Ercoles stupid move !
      But, stupid is as stupid does ! Defruscio is up for another hard lesson next November !

  6. BIG PROBLEM for CHUMPLEE Defruscio; you don't have the majority anymore !

    You can walk around Town Hall, threaten peoples jobs , but the reality of the situation is that you don't have the juice any longer !
    How's that feel IDIOT ?! When you look in the mirror and see that moon-pie face of yours, how's it feel to be a complete political failure ! Look Hard---get used to that feeling ! Many~many people are committed to making sure you feel that way for a LONG-LONG time !

  7. Mike Poorman ? Really ? Here we go again !
