Tuesday, November 18, 2014

EGDC Holiday Cheers Event


  1. Will there be an announcement of the Keith Langley cross-endorsement?

  2. Pony up the $25 bucks and find out at the event ... why ruin the suspense here?

  3. Hey 7:57 - ask Chumplee and the Putz. See what their answer is !

  4. Just heard Corellis is having the rest of the tree cut down on route 4. He stopped when the news media got involved so now he's sneaking a crew over there to cut it down. If the town is in such financial distress why are we paying town employees to cut down a tree on private property?Guess it pays to be related to corellis.

  5. If the town is in such financial distress why will there be no tax increase this year? Why will those who have sewer service stand to get hit with a 35% tax increase for the service? Why do we need a Deputy for Corellis when we could certainly use the money in the Comptroller's department? Why do we continue to add to the payroll by hiring friends and relatives? Why do we have no alternative candidates to vote for who can actually DO something about the mess we are in?

    1. So they can keep their 'no tax increase' pledges!

      Rick Matters never voted for a tax increase but he never met a fee increase he didn't like.

  6. I hear word that the Republicans are having a holiday party as well ! 52 Werking Road on January 2nd to announce the Langley initiative for 2015 and his re-election campaign strategy.
    All checks are to be made out the E. Christopher Defruscio. $75 per person gets you thru the front door ! Water and bread will be served all evening. Festivities start @ 530pn

    1. I hear for $200 you DON'T have to go!

  7. Well, it looks as though ANTHONY CORELLIS is being the little spoiled brat we all know and love.
    He sent TOWN WORKERS to remove the rest of that tree on PRIVATE PROPERTY on Route 4 , the Carpinello residence.
    They are BIG Republican supporters and even though Corellis was warned it was improper and illegal, he sent town DPW workers there anyway !

    WOW - Gotta Luv it !

    1. Hope someone took photos and shares them. They could possibly be the basis for ethics or criminal charges.

    2. If you think ED GILBERT will allow an Ethics complaint ...........

      More Langley BullShit that we must put up with for 11 months...

  8. Dear Chumplee,Elroy and Mulvey;

    There will be NO cross-endorsement for the PUTZ !

    Take that to the bank ! I believe actually that PUTZ will be primaried and lose the Republican line next November. I am willing to actually say that one year from today, there will be no more PUTZ!

  9. 6 less votes for Langley in this household!

    Bye~bye PUTZ!

  10. Any news on whether or not Corellis will be held accountable for using Town employees to do private work for his good friend Carpinello ?
    Any word whether or not the Chief of Police is being called on the carpet for driving a school bus while he's supposed to be working as chief?

    1. It was explained to the town, by Corellis, that to their knowledge it is town property.

    2. Yup...further proves how f-ing incompetent and ignorant Anthony really is.
      The tree is about 18 feet into the lawn from the roadway.....yeah thata boy Anthony....your an IDIOT !

    3. AND....its a STATE HIGHWAY ...not a Town roadway ! State DOT would have been responsible.....not Town Employees !

  11. Wouldn't it be easy to find out whether they are lying by checking the tax map or the deed for that property? I don't believe it is town property either. Their constant lying is only magnifies their contempt for the voters.

    1. Anthony said they couldn't get anyone from the state to come. I don't remember if he said they didn't call back, or if no one was available. He spoke after the question was asked and then Langley requested that Anthony address the question of whether this was private property or not.

    2. I call bullsh*t ! Anthony never called the State DOT. They have had a tree crew in EG for the past month at least ! He's a LIAR and should be called on the carpet for it. Besides, its NOT the Towns responsibility to remove a tree for the State - even though its clearly on Private Property !

    3. Typical move from an SWF flunky appointment.

      Corellis is NOT qualified to hold his position but because he stumped fro Defruscio and put a big SWF sign on his front lawn, he was rewarded with a job and benefits.

  12. Whistling Past the CemeteryNovember 21, 2014 3:40 PM

    Common sense is a flower that doesn't grow in everyones garden and it clearly doesn't grow in Anthony Corellis garden.
    Langley should call him in the office and he should be disciplined for his abuse of Town resources and manpower.

  13. Rick Matters sat on the Town Board and never said one word about the financial condition of our town and now we have his clueless wife sitting in his previous seat. We are in big trouble.

  14. People here question if Junior wants to run or will run? If he's gonna run, he's gonna have to find another party to run with, cuz I hear the Dem's are done with him. he has little or no support

    1. and your source of your information is ?

    2. Straight from Florida

    3. So the boys in Bonita Springs are running things in East Greenbush? Time for a change. Why do we put up with this??

    4. Right State, wrong town, and what they say goes.

    5. The boys in Clairmont are and don't you forget it.

  15. Is it reasonable to think that the reason Mary Ann Matters is working with Sue Mangold is to " cover up the cover up ". Could just be the reason the Republicans are staying away from MAM. Rick Matters seems to have been right in the middle of these very dark times.

    1. Not sure about the cover up but I do agree with your assessment of Rick Matters. He was directly in the middle of all those hard times back then, even when it was him , Danaher and Cristo together....they did nothing about the financial status of the Town....but then again Cristo was remotely interested in the financial status of EG either.

    2. You are absolutely right about Danaher and Cristo. Now you have MAM trying to get that Cristo/Taylor/ Grant group back in town hall. They are having regular meetings at Matters house planning their strategy.

    3. The fact that Rick Matters was on the Town Board for 8 years throughout the entire time period this alleged corruption was taking place in our town is very telling and disturbing.

      I would like to thank Councilperson Mary Ann Matters for bringing Toski Accounting CPA's in to explain how either incompetent or corrupt her husband was in his role as a Councilperson during the time he was to have been watching over our town finances for the good people of the Town of East Greenbush.

      MAM is doing a great job building her Husband's legacy, albeit it not a very good one.

    4. Ed your getting kind of pathetic now. This obsession with Mary Ann is getting a little out of hand. Since only you and maybe two of your buddies only post on your blog dedicated to bashing MAM, and the same MAM comments showing up there today are here. You are grown men, grow up. Your fascination into other peoples lives is creepy and concerning. Face it, MAM handed it to you and your buddy Langley, instead of crying about it maybe realize that the town feels the same way, wr just dont have the power to do so publicly in board meetings.

  16. Dear Pete: The reason you were fired from your job with the town was because you didn't know what you were talking about then. Nothing has changed. When will you come to realize that you don't fit in our town?
