Friday, November 14, 2014

Notice of Special Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the East Greenbush Town Board will be convening on Tuesday November 18, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. at the East Greenbush Town Hall 225 Columbia Turnpike Rensselaer, NY 12144 for the purpose of reviewing the audit work performed by Wojeski and Toski.


  1. This should be interesting. According to information given at last night's pre board we are in far worse shape than we thought. in one case, the town took money ffom a grant for installation of a sidewalk and did not use it for that purpose. now our choices are to pay the money back and stop the project or pay our "share" now to keep the project "alive". if keept alive, therre is no resource to fund the rest of the project in the future.

    These amounts were huge like 30k and 100k but the conversation wes so shocking that I'm not sure I got them right.

    The sidewalk is proposed form the corner of Community Way (near the Library) to Route 4. I Guess it will accommodate all the people who stroll on the traffic circle.

  2. Last nights pre-board was a joke ! Mulvey is a complete freak and Defruscio is oblivious to reality.
    Keith, really? Get a clue ! And.....Mike Poorman ?! Why ? Why are you subjecting the people of East Greenbush to this man ~ again ?!? Do you really hate East Greenbush that much ?

  3. The meeting on the 18th is very important. Sue Mangold and Mary Ann Matters have raised a number of issues regarding the Town's finances that Supervisor Langley is absolutely clueless about. Did you know that Langley wants to raise both the Town's Water and Sewer Fees by an average of 20% each starting in February? He just sprung that on the Town Board at yesterday's pre-board meeting. It's important for all to attend these meetings to support Sue and Mary Ann in their battle to stop these outrageous Langley fee increases.
    NO LANGLEY in 2015!!

  4. Here's one from over on the fly worthy of a re-post here:

    "Ed Gilbert's "resignation" yesterday should not come as a shock to us. This proves that Keith Langley is now, officially in full campaign mode, pulling out all the stops to get re-elected in 2015. We can only hope that Mr. Langley doesn't think for a moment that so graciously accepting Edward's resignation exonerates him for Ed's attack dog behavior since the summer of this year. Quite to the contrary. Mr. Langley sent Ed with the "play ball or else" message that he gave CP Matters. He also approved the EG Matters blog that embarrassed and shamed the whole town for months on end from July to just this month. He also allowed Ed to conduct himself rudely and inappropriately at town meetings and in front of the Gaming Commission Location Board. How do we know that it was actually Keith who is responsible for Ed's behavior? Because Ed Gilbert wouldn't get out of bed in the morning without Keith's approval. Ed's resignation only takes care of part of the problem with the bullying and harassment of those in our town who don't support the Langley administration. There are people who won't sign their name to a formal complaint or speak at the town board meeting because they fear retaliation later from the Chris DeFruscio hit squad. So, if you think that Ed's resignation takes care of your image problem, Keith, think again. Yes, some voters have short memories; emphasis on the word "some."

    ** Key phrases here- the "Defruscio hit squad" is the understatement of the year....he's a true menace to the Town and anyone who is looking to make it better.

    Having Mike Poorman in any capacity is a HUGE mistake. He's a failed former Town Board member and a failed business man as well. What possibly can this failure bring to the table except arrogance ?
    Is Poorman going to demand his brother inlaw,CP Lavin , stop driving a school bus when he's supposed to be working in Town ? Interesting to say the least!.

    This town is more f-ed up than most of us realized and there's only one explanation; LANGLEY/DEFRUSCIO/TIRINO/GILBERT/MULVEY !
    Debs too stupid to know what she's really other than she's completely ignorant of her duties, she is nothing but a sideshow distraction.

  5. Langley is also talking about jacking up the fees at the transfer station by about 20-25% starting in January. The Supe is in way over his head and he wants us all to pay through the nose for his lack of leadership.

  6. How does the CoP drive a school bus when he is suppose to be reporting and working at the Town? If there is proof he is scheduled to be at Town when he is driving a school bus that should be addressed at the next Town Board meeting.

    1. Open your eyes...he's out there ALOT !

      Langley will say NOTHING. Lavin is Poormans b-in law...that just about is the end of it. Another blatant abuse of position by one of the SWF gang !

    2. Poorman on the Ethics Board covers Lavin driving a bus on Town Time !
      No way Lavins brother in`law holds him accountable for double dipping

  7. I and many others had no idea the CoP was driving a bus while he is scheduled to be at Town. Why does nobody--including YOU, bring it up at a Town Board Meeting? If he out there alot, why not address it publicly, with your proof such as a picture of him driving a bus during a time he is scheduled to be in Town? Why not put it in the light of day and make it public?

    1. You don't need a picture, he's on the payroll!

    2. Dear Anony 12:05, I would love someone to look into this. While his side role as a bus driver may or may not be legal, it should be inappropriate to say the least. This is the same man who told the developers they can handle the casino because they are used to doing a lot with a little. If you are so strapped for resources "with a little", how do you have time to drive buses? If there is an emergency does he bring the kids back to the bus garage so he can do his job as Chief of Police? I'm digressing, what's important beyond the inappropriateness is if our town and district are letting him do so through proper procedures. Due to personal reasons and conflicts of interest, this is not something I can publicly bring up.

  8. Between Gilbert and now Poorman, Langley has totally insulated himself from any discipline as well as covered Defruscio for his foolish acts.
    And you all thought McCabe had to go ! - HAH ! This town is way worse now than it ever was with McCabe as Supe. !

  9. I hear we're so far further in debt , all this from the crew-(swf) that was elected on the platform of getting us out of debt.
    We were all duped into giving Langley an majority so he could effectively reduce the Towns debt ! Wow ! What a HUGE mistake the Defruscio/Langley Town board is ~huh !?

  10. For all you opponents of the Casino....lest you forget who the "guiding light" and force behind all this is : PHIL DANAHER !

    Many of you are worried and predict that some Dems. will shake out in the mix. Pay attention ; there's more big REPUBS> in this mix than there are Dems. KEEP AN OPEN MIND AND BE PREPARED FOR THE LAST MINUTE SURPRISE....wait til you see the names that shake out in the end !

    1. Crist and Danaher played Langley big time. They cost him an election in 2015.

  11. There are four entrance doors on that monstrosity on Thompson Hill, and it looks like the Building Department has slapped a stop work order on the place. I thought Maney "owned" this town.

    1. We will see if Maney owns this town if those two extra front entrance doors are removed.

    2. It was the illegal Plat plan that showed the place as a duplex. The preliminary showed only single family homes in the development. A lot of work yet to be done to get this Town back to "legal."

  12. You are right about Danaher. He and the Zoning Board attorney have not advised the zoning board or the planning board about the law, and Phil has closed his eyes to all sorts of actions by the Town Board. Where was he when the casino resolutions were written? Where was he when the Planning Board Chairman certified a plat approval without a meeting or a resolution as required by law?
    Maybe some Dems will be brought to task but there will be just as many Republicans.
    Thank the Republican County Board members for making East Greenbush "Casino Central". Remember Jimino ran unopposed last election.

    1. Where was Danaher? Right in the middle of it doing Crists bidding. Where do you think?

    2. Phil Danaher is a Republican stooge just like Dave Gruenberg.
      Two washed up mediocre attorneys with careers fraught with nothing spectacular. They fit right in with Langley and Defruscio.

  13. Poorman = disaster.

  14. LANGLEY - resign and save whats left of your reputation.

    Please take Defruscio with you.

    1. Dear Langley, just an f.y.i...there is nothing left of your reputation to the general public in East Greenbush.

  15. Langley is a little boy in a mans body. He acts like a 5th grader and his pal Chumplee is his sidekick. Too bad they have no reputation to salvage.
    I warned all of you prior to November 2013 about Defruscio. Obviously you didn't listen and couldn't wait to give Langley his majority so he could do your bidding. How's that working out for ya ??

    1. Rich Crist is the person who wanted DeFruscio in and he is solely responsible for SWF. It seems to be working out quite well for Rich Crist. If the Casino goes in and he becomes a big "player" in a Casino town. The County gets the same legal cut if the Casino is in EG as they would if it was in Rensselaer. Ever wonder why the County pressure is on EG?

    2. Probably because they realize it isn't going to Rensselaer. They are protecting the golden eg g.

  16. Very disappointed in Jack Conway. We always thought he was a sharp level headed man who was fair and honest. The truth seems to be he has sipped from the cup of delusion, handed out by the group who want to take over the town for thier own self righteous greed. Jack everyone who served the last 20 years could run a lemonade stand. Everyone is not a thief not a sleaze bag not in it for personal gain. The group you've embraced has been spreading lies and less then half truths for years. We thought you were better then that.

    1. Attacking other community member's views is certainly not going to help the status of our town. Regardless of how people view how we got here, it's important to stick together on the common goal - getting our town out of this mess. There will be a variety of opinions on those involved and the roles they may or may not have played over the last decade or year. It is important to discuss, not argue these opinions, to find truth and a solution. Let's not sink to a level of immaturity where all we do is start name calling. By reviewing the East Greenbush blogs, it seems like a common theme (and understandable given the frustration level) and it certainly hasn't done any good. So, like our town government needs to change our ways, so do the residents. I did not write the blog post on the Gadly posted below, nor do I necessarily agree with it all but I do agree with the fact complaining and whining won't get anything accomplished.

    2. @ 10:24- I agree with most of what you say except I don't believe Keith Langley could run a lemonade stand. He's not even able to put a front license plate on his riding around truck.

  17. Here's a gem from another taxpayer who has no idea but is positive they are correct:

    "Our problems in town can be most notably attributed to the apathy of the public. However, beyond that, it isn't apathy alone. It is selfishness and laziness.

    We have become a town in which we have too many people on the payroll and too many people don't want to forfeit the benefits they receive from contributing very little to benefit significantly upon retirement. The entire stipends issue was designed to build up certain people's retirement contributions.
    In this way, the few benefit at the expense of the whole in perpetuity.

    The problem is not simply DPW workers, town board members, members of the police department or the fire and rescue companies, it is everyone with whom they are associated. Conventional wisdom dictates that you won't publicly go against your neighbor or friend and certainly not your family member.

    As a result, the public gets discouraged and the main voting block becomes those who benefit from the system the way it is. We've become an elitist group of democrats and republicans fighting over the same table scraps not realizing that in the end, we all lose.

    People who have been taking advantage for years, retire, move to the south with their $50,000/yr or more retirement from OUR system, and spend it there!

    They bend the rules and convince their respective party to look the other way. It is not local corruption either, it is a nationwide epidemic. Look at the recent news of this Gruber guy. Everyone was duped into believing that Obama was a savior because they hated Bush so much, that they took on faith everything that was said about the ACA. Now we find out that they pushed it in a way that benefitted the administration.

    If people stay home, if they don't care or pay attention, things will never change. Complaining about it won't get it done, people have to participate! It's up to you, not them! "

    ** - Lets be very clear - the Town is not overstaffed. On the contrary - they are understaffed - grossly ! You can't have your cake and eat it too. You want your taxes down, you want less and less workstaff, you want it for minimum wage and you want their retirement to be next to nothing. What world do you live in?
    Your statement is immature and borders on ridiculous. How do you think anything gets accomplished in town? You snap your fingers? WRONG !
    Your dead wrong about the workforce being overpaid and retirement being excessive. What you are correct about is taking our retirement and moving elsewhere. Everyone else does, why do you make it look as though Town employees are doing something illegal? Jealousy perhaps?

    I get sick and angry when I read irresponsible comments such as the above by people who are too arrogant to ask questions. They assume they know when in reality they know little or nothing and fill in their blanks with guess and suppositions.

    You would have senior employees of the Town terminated prior to their retirement dates. By examining what you have written above, it looks as though yu would continually hire new employees and fire the senior ones so there would be no retirement or higher pay. Why would anyone work and work for years with no hope of advancement and no plan for retirement?
    Municiple workers are not grocery store clerks and sisposable when their salary becomes inconveinent. You need to move away. Far away and I do indeed hope you never have a need for the Police, Fire, Ambulance or DPW workers after hours. They don't come for free !

  18. Reformers not only "fell in" with the Republicans, they openly supported and voted enmass for Matters and Dimartino. All under the guise of giving Langley his majority so he could do "great things".
    You all fell for Defruscios bullsh*t SWF , hook , line and sinker.

    Embarrassed - you should be . Deny it all you want but many remember all the propaganda and some of the posturing a year ago prior to and after the election!

  19. @ AnonymousNovember 17, 2014 10:24 AM--You wrote, "Jack everyone who served the last 20 years could run a lemonade stand." I ask--do you think Deb DiMartino can run a lemonade stand? How about Langley? Do you think he can too? And by running it, I assume you mean successfully. Think about that.

  20. AnonymousNovember 17 2014 10:24 AM - You talk about lies and half truths - give me concrete examples of lies that have been spread and the reasons why these statements are false. I'd like to see you do that.

    1. Do you still have any SWF campaign literature or articles?

      Lies, lies, lies!

    2. 942 - seriously? SEG is fraught with liberties and assumptions.

      I have nothing against them but quite frankly, this latest "scientific study" that was deemed to be accurate was completely a joke.
      It served no purpose because the sample was tainted by the poll takers. They were not at every polling station and who's to say anything about the results because what "independent" individuals tallied the results? I smelled it out the day after you went public with it and called it on the carpet. You all balked but the majority of people know/knew it was bogus !

    3. Interesting your assumed statement is fraudulent in of itself. These volunteers did the polling appropriately to the book. Just because you don't like the results does not mean the process was tainted.

    4. @10:58 "Seriously? SEG is fraught with liberties and assumptions." Yet you state "I have nothing against them," contradiction...yes. Instead of assuming that the polling was fraudulent, did you maybe ask these pollsters their process? Did you look up how Exit polls are conducted? If you did, you will see they followed the process to the tee and were given advice by seasoned pollsters and were even conducted by some pollsters.

    5. For the record, no one claimed that SEG's exit poll was scientific although it was objective in that no obvious biases were built into the process. As the person who analyzed the data, I can tell you that if a silent majority existed and registered their presence in that poll I would have reported it as such. Thirty years of my professional reputation were on the line so when I accepted the job of analyzing the data the possibility existed that I would have to report bad news from the SEG perspective. There are a couple of errors in your post. In every case, exit polls are based on a sampling not a full electorate. As to independence here's how the poll came about. After consulting with a professional pollster, Elizabeth Wade authored the research design, a team of volunteers took the poll and I analyzed the data. My analysis was independent in that I played no part in the exit poll itself. Again, that's professional practice. This is a poll, not an audit.

      My analysis was based on my experience as a cultural anthropologist with a doctorate from Brown University. My doctoral research included analyzed results from a survey I conducted in 200 households in Kilkenny City, Ireland, and my knowledge of sampling, surveys and statistics was tested by a doctoral committee at one of the best universities on the planet and was deemed to be of professional caliber. Furthermore, I helped support my family while in graduate school by working as a pollster for Yankelovich, Skelly and White. At the time they were the number one polling firm in America. 'Completely a joke?" That's not fair. How about we do this:? first you identify yourself so we can communicate by phone or email. Then we organize a public discussion of this exit poll so that your concerns can be addressed. I will share my report and the raw data with you in advance so you're not blindsided or put at a disadvantage. I will discuss what I saw as the meaning of the results and I will be clear about the caveats that lead me to call this 'objective' rather than scientific. I make this offer not to show you up but to show you what we did and what I think it means. Saratoga Casino & Raceway has played fast and loose with the facts, Save East Greenbush has not.

    6. Whistling Past the CemeteryNovember 19, 2014 11:00 AM

      Jack, without any malice and no arrogance intended, your post is excellent but was due the day you announced the poll results.
      I would suggest that the information you provided would have squelched alot of the nay~sayers almost immediately.

    7. Whistling - I think you make a good point but I did make myself available on the day we announced the poll results. I did interviews with radio, TV and Times Union reporters and I answered every question that was asked of me. Of course, media outlets take one or two sentences and run with them. I tried to communicate the nuances but it didn't seem like they really wanted to hear them.

  21. All you have to do is open your eyes

  22. At the special meeting this past Tuesday an interesting fact was brought to light. The Gentleman from the Toski accounting firm stated that the Town Board was advised in 2010 of the severe financial problems that existed within our town.

    So our public officials were aware of what was going on back in 2010 and covered it up .

    For the record Rick McCabe, RICK MATTERS, Sue Mangold, & Phil Malone were the sitting board members at the time.

    1. Yeah but Langley has been on board for 4 years since then, much more time than McCabe had to do something once the report came out. Just saying....

  23. Great ! But....Langley and the SWF bullsh*t crew of morons were elected to do something about this. What have they done to date? Besides placing their friends and family in position that they are clearly NOT qualified to hold....we are further behind with SWF than we were prior to November 2013 !
    There is no excuse for any of us tolerating Langley being so utterly incompetent. Defruscio is a high school dropout so you get what you get with him. Tirino can't hold a job yet Langley listens to that idiot like he's the financial guru of wallstreet ! No wonder this Town is falling further into darkness. We're being led and directed by criminals and thieves !

    NO LANGLEY in 2015.
