Thursday, January 29, 2015

Ethics Board - Workshop

The Ethics Board will be holding a Workshop on the proposed changes to the Code of Ethics on Wednesday, February 4th at 7pm at Town Hall.


  1. While I'm glad the Board of Ethics is finally meeting, but what in God's name do they still have to discuss? How about Dave Gruenberg and Ed Gilbert do their job and read the law. We don't have to pay Dave money to read what is laid out in front of us. The resolution in this case, is the resolution. What Mary Ann has proposed is verbatim from the law.

  2. I am NOT in favor of the current Ethics Board meeting at all. There are several instances of employee misconduct that would and should be on their agenda, but because they are SWF employees, they will never see the light of day.
    This committee is nothing but a bunch of Republican/SWF hacks who have bastardized the entire process!

  3. Dilbert is but one member of the Ethics Board. Hopefully, the remaining members will not cater to their Chair.

  4. Sadly, Ed Gilbert has demonized the Ethics Board. It will have NO RESPECT until he is gone.

  5. Langley is done ! Leaving Gilbert on the Ethics Board was just about his last straw.
    Defruscio is soon to be thrown out of the court and the only screw-up left will be Anthony Corellis.

  6. Anybody know what an Ethics Workshop is? Or what a person might find there? Knowledgeable speakers from the AG's office? Models of citizen involvement in other localities? WHen will we see an agenda?

    1. Its where Ed Gilbert attempts to "snow" those in attendence and baffle them with some SWF B~S and basically refuse to allow citizens to file complaints against Town Employees.
      Thus he does exactly what he was put there for, protect PUTZ and CUMPLEE and Corellis !

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Ignorance can be educated and crazy can be medicated but there's no cure for stupid !
    Chump and the Putz are stupid !


  9. I see dumba** Defruscio is making friends over on the fly. Its either him or that arrogant little miff-Gilbert.

    Way to go ! You morons of whats left of SWF are just drilling holes in your own boat every day !

  10. CHUMPLEE , even as stupid as he is, must know the end is coming.

    People are openly talking about sending SWF to the unemployment line.

    Bye~bye Chumpster and Putz. You were the biggest JOKE ever in EG Politics !

  11. Langley, so your having a Fund Raiser, huh? Are ya gonna pack the place like the DEMS used to at the Yacht Club? Defruscio must know alot of people; do ya think he knows as many business men as Rick McCabe. Do ya think you'll bring in the money that he did; anywhere from 15 to 25,000.00. Ya think one person would write ya a check for 2 grand. I don't think so. Langley, if you get 2,000 total that'd be amazing! Putz, you gonna lose, BUD - but at least your gonna try. I'll shake your hand when its over and say my last "BYE BYE!" You'll know who I am.

  12. It says " Friends of Keith Langley".....OK , I'll bite ;

    What friends ? The man doesn't have any !
    Chumplee, Trashbag , and mulvey don't really count.

  13. You mean Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest. At least the folks in the TH don't have to work with the looks of MULVEY. OMG he was such a jack ass; when he opened his mouth, ya just wanted to laugh at him; the best part is: Langley gets rid of people, then he becomes their best friend! Well brains they do not have, nor looks, nor anything. I guess thats why their known as Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest. They'd make the 3 stooges look like brain surgeons.

  14. Are the "Friends of Keith Langley" trying to raise money for a Langley defense fund?

    1. PUTZ is sticking his toe in the water. He's too stupid to realize he's dead meat in November. His best bet is to simply and quietly fade away like Phil Gause did.

  15. The truth about Keith is he becomes your best buddy like he did with Mulvey and the Corellis's, then somebody else comes along with a little more BS and he buys into it. he never was his own "person" so therefore he is not a man; he's a woose that follows the gang, then when he gets sick of that one, dumps them and moves on. Leave now with dignity instead of facing being a LOSER in November. Your chance of becoming Supervisor and winning the Lottery are about the same.

    1. He will not draw a thousand votes. The only ones who will vote for him are the old republicans...only because he runs on the republican line. He has lost before he even starts....

      Thank You Chris Defruscio ! Your the best asset the Dems have !

    2. Whomever opposes Langley will draw more republican votes than Langley does ! Thats a guarantee at this point !
