Monday, November 29, 2010

Moving Forward

I've been reflecting a bit about Thanksgivings past and how Thanksgiving originated as a time to give thanks for a bountiful harvest. 

Over time, Thanksgiving Day has morphed into the unofficial start of the Holiday Season and again into a time where individuals and retailers pray for a bountiful harvest, at least in terms of Black Friday sales and savings. 

Yes, I've been out with the masses in the early hours of Black Friday hoping to score my desired bounty in years past.  There are great savings to be had by getting up early and venturing out.

I think back with treasured memories of Thanksgivings at my Grandmother's in New Jersey with uncles, aunts, cousins and Grandma's friends.  Most came in time for Thanksgiving Dinner, but folks were coming and going throughout the day, as well.  Thanksgiving began with 7:00AM Mass at Grandma's church.  Giving thanks for what we had, remembering those who were no longer among us and asking help for those who had little. 

I also think back to a later time when I worked in retail and the store was actually closed to the public on the day after Thanksgiving (for the annual inventory).  There was no such thing as Black Friday back then. 

I remember working a split-shift for the phone company and, as the rest of the family had gone to Grandma's, dining alone.  Not one of my favorite Thanksgivings!!!  Nevertheless, I had plenty to give thanks for and did so before feasting on a Swanson's Turkey Dinner (or two) and a slice of Mom's pumpkin pie.

It's critical to not lose sight of giving thanks for a bountiful harvest not just on Thanksgiving Day but every day.  The bountiful harvest being the loving and caring family, friends, neighbors we have and even the strangers we may encounter.  Will Rogers said that “A stranger is just a friend I haven't met yet.”  

I've met a good number of people since I began attending the Town Board meetings … people on "both sides of the aisle" and those aligned with neither "party".  They are all good people trying to do good for the Town.  We may not agree on the issues but there's hopefully a mutual respect or at least a tacit agreement to disagree.  The end goals may be the same but the means may be different, which is fine.  The goals may be different as well.  That's also fine - life would be extremely boring if we all thought the same. 

East Greenbush has been my home for the past 26 years and I am thankful and proud to be here.  No city, town or village is perfect.  No city, town or village is without problems.  Mistakes have been made in the past and mistakes will likely be made in the future.  Hopefully, any future mistakes will be minor and different ones.

Winston Churchill said "Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it."  On the other hand, Satchel Paige said "Don't look back—something might be gaining on you."

I much prefer to follow Churchill's advice rather than Paige's, at least concerning our Town.  Let's learn from the past, but not dwell upon it.  Let's hope that people channel their energy into things constructive rather than destructive.

There are many bright, talented, motivated and dedicated people living in East Greenbush.  People who have, can, want to and will make a constructive difference in our Town. 

If we want East Greenbush to move forward, we can make it happen.  Things will move quicker if we work together rather than apart.  We're all in the same boat called the Town of East Greenbush and we'll move further much more quickly by rowing in unison rather than by each doing their own thing. 

Eldridge Cleaver said "You're either part of the solution or part of the problem." 

I want to be part of the solution … which do you want to be?

Pete Stenson


  1. Great Article Pete I could not agree more.

  2. Hay Pete, When you going to address what the super had to say about the audit for Buren squad. Sure looks like he is turning his head on that one.

  3. It's that time of year to openly give thanks for the goodness in our lives. We can move forward and make sure our town is all that we want it to be.

    I even have a soft spot for the Cristo/Taylor bloggers. They just can't help themselves. They are who they are...they have a little bit of hate in their hearts. Hopefully the season of goodwill will help them along. If be it. You can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear, so the saying goes.

  4. Ed Gilbert - Thanks.

    Anonymous - Are you referring to Supervisor McCabe's Oct. 20, 2010 letter to OSC stating that:

    “The Town Board is committed to implementing all recommendations outlined in the examination to ensure Tax Payer funds will be utilized appropriately.

    The Town will submit to your office, within 90 days, its written Corrective Action Plan (CAP) and will immediately begin the process of addressing the recommendations."?

    Supervisor McCabe's letter and approach seems quite straightforward to me.

    Margaret - One can only hope.

    Pete Stenson

  5. 9:59am - I don't see it that way - but your certaintly entitled to your view point.

    I see that this Town has gotten so very complex and complicated that not one single person could possibly be responsible for ALL of it. When do we start asking the Council people who were supposed to be looking over certain departments and organizations to step up to the plate. What about Cristo, Danaher and Matters , all of whom were on this board for three full years-( Danaher even longer) , and apparently said nor did anything about the Rescue Squad either?! No?!? Am I wrong??
    We can all sit back and shoot arrows and daggers at the Supervisor ALL day long - to what avail ? Why are we not going after the Board as a whole?? Why oh why is no one asking these obvious questions?

  6. Okay I will probably take some heat for this opinion but here goes. I think the biggest problem with the Supervisor is he is reactive instead of proactive.He seems to be constantly puting out fires as others spring up. As the leader of our town for some time now, why hasn't he taken the initiative to do what those pointing out the problems have done. Namely, look over the town's operations determine where the issues are and fix them.I certainly don't think he is responsible for the many problems or findings that have been uncovered in the last year but I do wonder, if he was more attentive, could he have found them on his own and fixed the problems before it was pointed out.

  7. One last thing, I also agree we must all be rowing in the same direction and I thing by and large we all want to. but we live in a Republic, where we elect people to represent our collective will. It is encumbent on those we elect to put our needs in front of their own and if they demonstarte an inability to do that it is encumbent on us, regardless of party affiliation, to make the necessary changes.

  8. Wasn't Matters the liaison for Bruen for a few years? Maybe he should answer a few question. Why is it always McCabe's fault? The Cristo/Taylor blog is really obsessed with making McCabe look bad. It's too bad-he really is a good person.

  9. Linda in the Manor and Old Man Time, what is the newest blog-- Praying in East Greenbush; seems like a group put themselves together to form a kind of renegade gang; more like a cult. I don't know what religion they could be; but if they're Catholic, thats definitely against our religion; the things that they have said. Its one of the weirdest, deppressing pieces of news you'd read - Don't bother. Its against all that God stands for; its blashphemying - a real group of weirdos! No names mentioned of course.

    To all of you "normal" practicing Catholics, Methodist, Jews - anyone; have a Blessed and Holy Holiday.

  10. When you run for elected office you need to know what your responsibilities entail and be prepared to do what's right for the taxpayers who elected you. Even if it is complicated! If you are the supervisor, you better be able to take control and manage the towns finances. It seems to me that Rick McCabe is not doing the job the town residents elected him to do. If you don't have the qualifications or the will to do what is right then you shouldn't run for office. Friends be damned! We all need to be able to afford to live in this town. If our dollars are being mismanaged at the Bruen Rescue Squade that the buck stops at Rick McCabe's desk.

  11. Pete I totally agree with you. Legislator Liar is at it again. He attacks Rick McCabe and spouts his undying love for Rick Matters! In the same venom filled post he even states he didn't know about the problems with Bruen. He also writes that he didn't listen to matters. So King Christo what did you really do besides take the taxpayers money as our town representative? If you didn't listen to king Umm,AHH and ya know, HOW in gods name do you expect us townspeople to listen to him? Be part of the solution instead of the problem ego boy! You are so delusional. Maybe you should see a psychiatrist. Can you get your pal dj to pony up the legal fees he owes the town!

  12. Look -- what's done is done. Now that the audit has (and this is the second one) laid out the problems this new Board has the chance to set it right with the Supe's help. The audit is a blueprint of what needs to be done so it is not like anyone has to come up with a complicated plan.

  13. Timmy - NO NOT that one either !!December 01, 2010 8:26 AM

    11/30 @ 10:16pm - I agree with most of your post , but let me throw this little bit of conjecture into the mix. I agree that when you run and are elected - responsibility attaches , however what keeps getting over looked is this .....why is no one holding danaher and cristo responsible for dropping the ball on several of their responsibilities?
    What exactly did Mike Cristo do while he sat on the Town Board for three full years? He admits to sitting in the exit interview for the Bruen audit by DiNapoli , yet he did nor acted on anything?!? He contradicts himself daily and no one is comfortable holding him accountable - except for the electorate in EGB who thankfully showed the little Napoleon the door !
    Other than that - your post is ok- but the friends and family you speak of directly entails and encompasses young Napoleon -( Mike Cristo) !

  14. It would appear that Rick Matters was every bit the liason to Bruen that Mike Cristo was to the Transfer Station. After reading the other blog, I can surely see why Ann has such trouble in the financial business. I think journalism should have been her choice - she loves spinning a yarn. Also, will somebody write a complete list of accomplishments by the Cristo/Matters/Danaher team. Cristo acts like they were the second coming of all that is holy.

    One more thing...does Rick Matters ever get to speak for himself? I was always convinced that articles in the Advertiser were written by another - kind of recognized the style of writing. Anything answered about a Matter matter on the blogs is answered by Cristo, Taylor or Mrs. Matter.

  15. Folks,

    Let's not lose sight of the fact that, by design of the State Legislature, the office of Town Supervisor is not a strong, i.e. powerful, one. There is no separate Executive Branch in Town Government. The NYS DOS Local Government Handbook states:

    "Virtually all of a town’s discretionary authority rests with the town board. What little executive power the supervisor has is granted by specific statute or by the town board. The town board, therefore, exercises both legislative and executive functions. … Because the supervisor occupies the leader’s position on the town board, and because town residents often turn to the supervisor with their problems, many people think the supervisor’s position is the executive position of town government. But the supervisor is part of the legislative branch and acts as a member and presiding officer of the town board."

    Yes, a Town Supervisor is there day in and day out and may be more familiar with the operations and problems of the Town than the Town Board Members. Can and should a Supervisor be pro-active? Definitely. One must also be reactive as well. However, if the living room needs painting and the water heater is flooding the basement, which would you attend to first?

    East Greenbush is not without problems. But these problems did not occur overnight and will not be resolved overnight.

    The OSC Audit of Ambulance Operations states:

    "The Board has the responsibility to initiate corrective action. A written corrective action plan (CAP) that addresses the findings and recommendations in this report should be prepared and forwarded to our office within 90 days, pursuant to Section 35 of the General Municipal Law."

    Note the use of the word "Board" and not "Supervisor".

    There has been a full five-member Town Board since November 10, 2010. In three weeks, this Board has:

    - - adopted a 2011 Budget that identifies $335,000 for Reserves/Debt Reduction; and
    - - moved forward with the Fed Ex project.

    Not bad for three weeks work! Some will agree and some will disagree with this assessment.

    I'm all for giving the Town Board the chance to move the Town forward!

    Pete Stenson

  16. GEORGE ABC-FEG-ST2December 01, 2010 11:12 AM

    Pete - EXCELLENT !!

  17. Pete...I agree with you in your reading of the Town Law as relates to the Supervisor. However, in the law, certain responsibility and authority is given to the Supervisor to act for the Board, such as in executing contracts and negotiating agreements. Problems arise when this prerogative is used without the permission of the Board. The Supervisor also has the sole responsibility to create and present the tentative budget. So, in reality he is something more than just the first among equals. And as a matter of practice, the Supervisor has additional responsibilities as the full-time representative of an administration. Let's remember that there is a majority and a minority. The law doesn't create a collegial oligarchy with all decisions shared equally by all five Board members.

  18. Clearly - moron #1 - (AT) has no intention of being part of any solution , she'd rather b*tch and complain but forgets that her BFF -( giggle~ giggle) is part of a COUNTY tax INCREASE of nearly 5% ! Way to go idiot !!

  19. Timmy - no not that one either !December 01, 2010 4:27 PM

    Hey boy wonder - could ya possibly guffaw~ guffaw any harder whilst you give undue credit to Matters? Matters had NOTHING to do with uncovering anything at all with the Bruen rescue Squad! He couldn't find a tin cup with a metal detector !
    The only thing he did - ( and he screwed that up too! ) was try to sell the rescue truck. Well....the trucks still there under the expert tutelage -( The capacity or activity of a guardian; guardianship.) of Rick Matters -Town Board liason to the Rescue Squad!......and all the radical reform party extremists are trying like hell to blame Rick McCabe for this too in addition to the report of the State Comptroller!
    GO FIGURE ~ and little miss giggle has apparently run out of prozac again !

  20. Timmy.....It is clear that you are an angry old f*rt. You're really not helping Pete at all in his attempt to move things along. Maybe we should be looking at toilet training rather than anything current for the source of your attitude.

  21. Timmy - yup it's me again !December 01, 2010 6:15 PM

    4:39pm- You can say what you want. I could care less, I call them as I see them ! Cristo is so full of himself with his big words and all and Matters has been screwing the taxpayers in East Greenbush for 4+ years.
    I'm not angry at all , just that I refuse to allow little ms. giggle~ giggle and her "people" foster nothing but hatred and loathing on her little slice of sh*t over there and no one calls her on it. If you are falling for her line of cackophoney - great for you , me - I'm not buying it and I don't have to either.
    Once again...Thank God the people of East Greenbush saw thru her little dog and pony act and the famous "Taylor Temper" is once again rearing its ugly head for ALL to see . She proves me right every time she writes when she's angry !

  22. Who are the weirdos that started the blog EG Prays; those people scare me! Remind me of Columbine. They really do - I'm not kidding!! Its the weirdest writing; its worth looking at it once - ya just wouldn't believe it.
    I must still be in the 60's, thinking there are "sane" people in this world; but after ya read it, you can decide for yourself.

  23. 6:51 - its DWIGHT JENKINS - can't you tell by reading his delusional writings?!?! He's preaching his usual load of garbage and he's not even man enough to allow anyone to challenge him. Shows how out of touch he really is. Envoking the Lord isn't the way to lure people to your side of an argument. So much for him "signing off" the week before the election....

  24. If it is truly Dwight - I'm really disappointed. That blog is dark and just seeps of someone who needs to see a therapist quickly.
    I used to kinda give him some credit when he would accurately report the doings of the Town Policeand the highway guys but if this is his latest venture then I'm no longer thinking he's worth my effort.

  25. Anonymous (November 30, 2010 10:22 PM)

    Thanks for agreeing, but I think we may be in one of those situations where we agree to disagree.

    I don't agree that the Supervisor "acts for the Board" in "executing contracts" but rather acts "after approval by the town board" (§64.6 of the Town Law). If you can identify more specifics, I'd be happy to take a look at them. The supervisor may very well be the one "negotiating agreements", but they also have to be approved by the Town Board before he can execute them.

    I suggest that the "responsibility to create and present the tentative budget" and the" additional responsibilities" are included in the NYS DOS quote "What little executive power the supervisor has is granted by specific statute or by the town board."

    The Town Board; however, has ample opportunity to modify the Tentative Budget in developing the Preliminary Budget (§106.4 of the Town Law) and to modify the Preliminary Budget after the Public Hearing and adopting a Budget (§109.1 of the Town Law).

    I also suggest, with the exception of the power "granted by specific statute or by the town board.", that "all decisions (are) shared equally by all five Board members."

    According to the NYS DOS Local Government Handbook, the Town Supervisor "acts as a full member of the board, voting on all questions and having no additional tie-breaking or veto power."

    I view the Town Board as being one entity consisting of five equal yet individual members, each with their own viewpoint, philosophy, conscience, personality, experiences and idea of what is right for the Town, not as consisting of a majority or minority.

    Pete Stenson

  26. Pete....The reality is that we have a guy who makes $70K++, who is there all the time (??) and makes decisions independent of the other two or four who make $10K and are not there all the time and don't get calls on every matter to be decided. Further, if majority were not a consideration, what the hell was the lawsuit about a year ago? Nobody wanted to re-seat anybody after the law was fixed either.

  27. Can you believe Ms. AT is complaining that the Dems are going to hire friends, relatives, etc.; see below:
    #16 Anonymous--I agree. Paying only for what you use is unrealistic. However, to pad the staffing or give NO BID jobs is wrong. Paying one's fair share of taxes is acceptable and agreeable. Paying to hire one's mother, daughter, friend, husband and CREATE a job for that person is so wrong and such a sneaky waste of our tax dollars. Along with that person's salary comes the benfits such as health and retirement. THAT is NOT our fair share. THAT is elected officials taking advantage of their position and making the taxpayer suffer.

    All I can say is if the shoe were on the other foot, I can think of Two other women besides Betty Crocker who would of loved to be the "winners" and kick the DEMS out so they could of gotten these jobs; who is she kidding? Its sour grapes all the way.

  28. Joe D.

    You got that right..AT is so jealous she can't see straight! There are times I when I think she is becoming a little unhinged! Let's face it, if she and her fellow clowns were really so happy with their jobs and lives as she claims, they couldn't possibly want to bring themselves down by sharing the hate. Let's face it...they thrive on it.

  29. When you read what little miss giggle~ Boom-boom writes , you can't help but feel the downright nastiness coming out of every pour of her body. For what its worth-( not much really) at least Cristo doesn't sling quite as much hatred and contempt as ole giggle ~ giggle boom-boom!
    If she ever gets political office, god bless the people stuck working around her- simply ask the people at M&T bank and Pioneer Bank - they'll fill ya in about her antics.

  30. Let's talk about hiring friends. MC hired Cris D. As Commish I believe they are best friends and also business partners. The youth directors mom E Grant worked with AT at NBT Bank, and I think the two Breigs that were hired were close to Phil Danaher. So what the heck are they talking about?

  31. You are right 10:48 -- insider hiring happens in both parties and they are hypocrites to point fingers at each other. But I heard the Supervisor say once that he wanted to be surrounded by people he could trust and who else can you trust more than your friends? Also there is a very short window within which to hire people.
    I am sick of these elections being a reason to pick people from one party or another to man or woman the Town Hall. Does anybody have a suggestion how to make the hiring less political and more about competentcy? (Not sure if that is a word but you know what I mean.)

  32. That's what Civil Service is all about. At least it was the concept behind the system. Of course senior staff is always appointed. Just like the Governor gets to choose his Commissioners.

  33. Hey anonymous 2:49, the governor doesn't choose all of the commissioners. But like most people have said it happens at all forms of government, but that to me doesn't make it right. In fact I think it is completely wrong, but then again what do I know about anything. The funny part with the governor is he can hire 200 plus staff while they are laying people off all over the place.

  34. Now that the Finance committee is going by the wayside. Hopefully the people that will now be appointed will not have such hatred and ill-will for people in general. They also better keep good records. I am sure Foil-masters Mulvey and Johnson have nothing better to do, than waste taxpayers time and money with frivolous foil requests.
