Sunday, November 21, 2010

Business 101

Lets  begin with  basic  accounting  101.    Balancing  your  check book.   If you don't  show that a  check was  cashed or  deposited on your account,  wouldn't you  contact the  person to whom the  check was  written and  inquire?    No -apparently  not  in the  Mike Cristo book entitled :  "How to completely mis-manage your business acount" and his other   memoirs soon to be  released in paperback only !
Are you  kidding  me?!?   When he  was originally  asked about the  check for the  vehicle he  sold - he  should have had that issue resolved in 48hrs. or less , but like everything else he  touches - he  even managed  to turn that into a  political  debacle !  Mike  now  blames the  Town for  just about  everything including  losing  a  check  that he  can't remember  who he  gave it to, but he  gave it  to someone-( allegedly) !   What a  complete  fabrication of  facts !  Oh and  btw -  the  Town  now  must  request  that he  re-issue  this  check -  for  christs sake  -  balance your  damn books - cut the  damn check and put the  issue  to bed !
Ya know -  just  like election night  when he walked into the  Democrat gathering , instead of simply  doing the  honorable  thing , make your  congratulations  and  LEAVE ,  no  Mike  tried to  "work the  room"  like  nothing ever happened and  all was  forgiven !     Again-  are you  KIDDING  ME!?!    He then dares to write that he was met with  hostility -  NO SH*T !!
What the hell did you  expect !?!   You are a  complete  moron if you  thought  for one  fleeting moment that anyone in that room was  going to accept you back with open arms -  were you  drunk ?
 Heed your  own advice Mike - stay away  from politics  for  awhile - the  Town needs a break from your  silliness and  constant negative conjecture .
 And as far as the  Fed-Ex project - all you  reformers  can stop the  B-S -  the  Board  will make the  correct  decision whether you agree with it  or  not. 

 To all :  did you notice that I didn't  use the  word  "inure"  once ?!?! 


  1. Holy %$^$. I just posted the following on their blog (not that it will ever get posted). Even if it does, it will be deleted.

    I have a question for Ann. You once posted the following 'East Greenbush has many great non-profits such as the Miracle League, SORENSCO, EG Girl's Softball, the arts programs at the schools, Pop-Warner, Bus Stop Club, and so much more'. I have been involved with EG girls softball for 7 years now and am there 6 days a week when in season as well as involved off season. Where have you been in all my years of being involved???? Why are we all of the sudden a great non-profit orginization???? If you truly cared, you would have been involved years ago. As far as Sorensco and little league, I also know for a fact you were NOT involved!!! PLEASE be honest.

    If you are truly a good businessman, and wrote a check MONTHS (or year ago), someone would have known it wasnt cashed and stopped payment or followed through. You may think the people of EG are stupid but there are actually a few that are intelligent, sorry. PLEASE do not argue. There are people that are smarter than you.


  2. Thousand dollar words and million dollar phrases don't win an election and they don't cover up arrogance and incompetence either.

  3. I just posted comments on the Truck debacle on the other thread, before I read this one.

    Not to repeat everyting here, but from a government standpoint aren't there regulations to be followed before someone can waltz off with a government vehichle, and then say he sold it at whatever price he claims, then say he sent in a check, that someone else lost?

    Where are the records from those procedures, that record the authorization for disposal, the sale date and proceeds, the transfer of title, and the receipt of payment? I haven;t heard anything along those lines throughout this entire period, which dates back to spring 2009.

    This is the same guy who is a professional in the construction/demolition business, and rips up was it gas, water, or telephone lines on someone's front lawn. Any regulations and requirements didn't get consideration there either. Then he said he was doing someone a favor, and if they didn't get the proper approvals and clearances, he was blameless.

    With this trail of destruction and foul ups as a resume, he obviously feels comfortably qualified to lecture others on the importance of following protocols. Ya gotta love it.

  4. Old Timer I agree with that there are rules relating to disposal or transfer of government property. So I have heard that 3 vehicles were transferred to Bruen from the town but without a hearing or resolution as required by law. Do you guys know anything about that?
    And if a check is lost can't one just write another one after canceling the first one? Sounds pretty simple to me.

  5. Folks,

    Enough is enough about the truck and check. Evidently a check has not been cashed. I offer this suggestion.

    Neither party admits a wrongdoing or oversight.

    Mr. Cristo ascertains whether the Town (Comptroller or Board) will accept payment for the full amount less the cost of cancelling the previously issued check.

    If so, Mr Cristo cancels the previously issued check and writes a new one for whatever the appropriate amount is, i.e., the proceeds from the sale of the truck less the cost of cancelling the check.

    Let's get this behind the Town and move forward.

    Pete Stenson

  6. To Ed Gilbert Is there enough room for 2 additional lanes on that part of the road. Near the empire drive area there is a drop off near the shoulder of the road,or would they have to shift the entire road towards the thompsons hill side.One other question why is the town board involved in this shouldnt we have a regional planner or the planning board as lead agency?This is taking way to long to get Fed -EX here.

  7. So that's what I said Pete! You have always had the right attitude and after Jim Breig is let go I think you should be the next comptroller. I bet you wouldn't go for any illegal BS. Sometimes people have to be protected from themselves. Look at the other blog.

  8. 11:04 The town needs a person in Jim Breig's position that has years of experience as auditor and comptroller,someone that knows how to streamline municipal budgets .The finance committee wasted their time making all of the recommendations for saving money. Every item they stated was protected by collective bargaining agreements and will never happen.They know nothing about Highway ,water and sewer departments and what and how they operate.The have no idea on the sequence of events it takes to run a town

  9. Who says Jim Breig is leaving? Are they letting him go, or is he leaving on his own?

  10. Why don't we have about 50 more public hearings on the stupid FEDEX thing---seriously??? Really???? I am confident that the FedEx, county, state and town engineers will figure it all out--since when are we all experts on traffic flow and patterns? Let them just do their freakin jobs. I'm sure they've been down this road before, literally.

    If I were to wake up tomorrow and see that our town transformed into just HALF of what Clifton Park is, I, along with the majority of people in this Town (yes, majority), would be over-joyed!!! Why don't we just tell the county to keep the mortgage tax revenues that will be due the town quarterly from the sale of the FedEx property. We don't need it. WAKE UP!!!! It's totally about what is going to help our tax base, which is the mitigation fees (GEIS), the sales tax revenues and the mortgage tax revenues, among other things that need to start happening in this town.

    How much do you want to bet that Mr. Matters will vote down the FedEx deal tonight because that's his political thing to do. I wonder if he's man enough to say no to who he takes his orders from and yes to the town, because truthfully, we are all sick of his namby pamby wishy washy ways. Get on board already; you must love paying your tax bill, I do not, nor does anyone else, and it's getting harder and harder to manage. Let's get down to what is really going to help this town's taxpayer and leave the roadways and the roundabouts, etc. up to those that deal with them daily. I just mentioned to my partner the other night as we were going east on I-90 approaching Exit 9 (EG-Rt.4) as to how nice it is to drive on new pavement and it was worth every delay I had encountered, while parts of I-90 and Rt. 4 were getting reconstructed, re-routed and repaved.

    Like was metioned before, we may experience some inconvenience, but, we have NO TRAFFIC problems--talk to people who commute from Poughkeepsie to Manhattan for their jobs every day. What a joke, traffic? Really? And too bad, suck it up while improvements and businesses start coming to the town, I'm sure we'll all live. If this is the worst thing that ever happens to everyone out there whining about it and feeling the need to beat this project(s)to death on a daiy basis, I certainly do feel sorry for you because you definitely need a life.

    During this upcoming Holiday season, we need to really give thanks for all that we have and we have a lot. When people come together and communicate with each other, good things can and will happen and that's a fact.

  11. GEORGE ABC-FEG-ST2November 23, 2010 5:12 PM

    Matters has ALWAYS been CHRIST-OH's stooge ! Man couldn't think for himself if his job depended on it

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. ANN.....MIKE.....WAKE UP!!!!!

    Do you think you are dreaming and perhaps you didn't really lose the election? Thinking maybe it's all just a bad dream. Move on...and take you little friends with you. You are such a vile little group of people. Just as being educated and being smart are two completely different things....being adult and being mature are also different. Everybody is getting a birdseye view of both your intelligence and maturity.

  14. Joe - not champagne either !November 23, 2010 8:03 PM

    Margaret : they're lost in their own little world ! Ya had to be there election night to watch the pompous little a*s walk into congratulate Phil and Sue. Arrogant doesn't even begin to describe his demeanor. As my mother would have said " horses A*s - that's what he is !" - and - I agree wholeheartedly!

  15. Couple of things...

    Is Timmy on this BLOG the same as the Timmy on the other BLOG?? If so, BEWARE!! If not, I apologize.

    2nd - Is it just my imagination or is Ann Taylor the most obnoxious Babe In Total Control of Herself (ha) that I have ever seen???

    As far as to what happened on election night, I was there and saw it all. Mike and Ann should have NEVER shown up after all the nasty things they said about the Hart, McCabe, Murphy, O'Brien, Holloran, ect families. I know if it was my family they attacked I would have spit in their faces. They deserved what they got. Just hope they had fun in the backseat on the way home! WOOHOO


  16. The Cristo/Taylor blog has taken to attacking Phil Malone, calling him Jr.,not ready for big boy pants and other deragatory remarks. Following their line of thinking, what does that make Cristo and Taylor? Infants I suggest! Cristo was spanked by Phil by over 400 votes and Ann by over 300 votes. Cristo constantly said the voters will was being rejected when his seat wasn't given back to him. Well, I guess the voters sent a strong message - they didn't want Cristo back. You lost, so stop trying to constantly throw sh*t against the wall to see what sticks. Mike, your diaper will be empty eventually. Oh, and have a good night!

  17. In my opinion, Mr. Breig is doing an excellent job as Town Comptroller and has my full support in that position - not that I have any say in the matter.

    For those of you who were not able to attend the Nov. 4th Budget Hearing, I complimented Comptroller Breig on his excellent job in assembling and developing the 2011 Preliminary and Tentative Budgets and on his presentation of the latter.

    Mr. Breig is very professional and diligent in the performance of his duties as Town Comptroller and I cannot envision him tolerating any illegal or improper activities.

    The Finance Committee relied heavily upon Mr. Breig to craft financial reports that would be useful to the Committee and to the Town Board members, to brief the Committee on the Town's Financial position, to develop and implement a standardized Department Head Monthly Report format and to conduct research. His contributions to the Committee and to the Town are immeasurable.

    As I state above, Comptroller Breig "has my full support in that position".

    Pete Stenson

  18. Ha! I'm so glad that Mr. Matters didn't disappoint all of us AGAIN w/his usual abstaining vote toward FedEx at last night's public hearing...every town resident needs to request a list of every time the man(?) has "abstained" on issues put before the board for a vote. What a complete waste of a seat on the deis. He truly has earned, yes earned, the title of "The ABSTAINAMATOR".

    We would totally respect a man on the board who can vote yes or no and defend his decision no matter the outcome, than the constant namby pamby wishy washy politics he continues to play. Do continue----it worked so well for your buddies.

  19. To the anonymous who wrote yesterday that Matters would probably vote against the Fed Ex proposal at the Town Board meeting, your guess was wrong.

    He abstained, on that resolution, and another related resolution. After more than two years of intense scrutiny and discussion, he tells the people who (naively) voted him in to represent them, that he doesn't want to participate. As a representative of a constituency, he took no action, he did nothing. Is there any greater waste of taxpayer funds, than the money that is poured down the drain in his unproductive paycheck? It doesn't end with his abstaining. He costs us more. He has a record of seldom being prepared to act when the other members of the board are ready, and items are on the agenda. Then he calls for special meetings, when it suits him. Extra work, and expense, with more disruption and less progress, all paid for out of our pockets.

  20. I got a kick out of the Cristo/Taylor blogfools picking on Phil Malone. Calling him Jr. and trying to give the impressions that he was just a kid. All I know is that you don't see his Mommy on here stroking his ego like Mike and Ann's Mommys do. Whenever they wrote a thread that didn't get a lot of knew the Mommy's would show up! What a laughable pair those two are. They need to grow up. It will be a pleasure to see them get their sorry butts kicked once again if choose to run next year! They act like the "Reform" people are the Moral Majority - remember folks... the moral majority was around once....and it was neither moral nor the majority.

    You all have a good day!

  21. Timmy - No not that one !November 24, 2010 3:31 PM

    They are trying to figure out where he lives now?!?! Saratoga??
    LMAO- idiots ! What a complete gathering of incompetent morons -

  22. someone obviously from over "there" put up a comment about Town employees are ALL now being watched and scrutinized. OK - what more could you possibly make up about any of them? The few of you who simply can't let it go = please refrain from your veiled threats here. Thank you

  23. Chumps like Mooney-Mulvey-Johnson think they're above everyone else. Has to be them, they're pissed because almost all town employees supported the winning team = not the losers they support. Let them watch and learn what really can be done without the everyday threats of Defruscio - amazing how the town survived all these years without those three chumps directing everyone.

  24. " Opinions are like belly buttons - everyone has one " ! Well, apparently the VOMIT blog can't take a little criticism and they attacked poor Jim Welsh for attempting to explain something that they can't seem to understand. Narrow minded-ness is a true character flaw and these reform people seemed to all have the gene in their make-up.

  25. Jim Welsh- I tried to post on the other blog about the constant harassment Joe La Mountain recieved at the transfer station,but they did not post it.He was threatened in writing that if he did not fall in line after the election he would lose his job.There were many other incidents of verbal abuse and conduct that is illegal in a municipal goverment setting.This is why I spoke up for Joe.He is a nice honest hard working employee for the town that always is trying to help the public no matter who you are.Whether you like him or not he did not start the controversy at the transfer station the harassment did. Jim Welsh

  26. Timmy - no not that one again !November 27, 2010 11:40 AM

    Jim - your a brave man for trying to post anything on the other blog. They'll destroy you for disagreeing with them. The group from over there have no use for anyone who doesn't fall in line with their distorted views on local politics. My best wishes to you and yours for a peaceful holiday season .

  27. Timmy-no not that one again , I just wanted to send my holiday greetings to you and your family also.from Jim W
