Friday, November 19, 2010

What is transparency anyway ???

 We really didn't  want to get into this  topic,   but  it really sheds light on the  nasty under-belly-(pun intended) of these  so-called  reform party standouts, and  they have  not  ceased their  attack on McCabe so one  good  turn deserves  another !. 
  Two of us  had to go to Motor Vehicle this past Monday and while we were in Town Hall  we overheard a conversation between  two or three  Town Hall workers regarding the amount of time  spent  each day   answering the  never-ending  foil  requests of   Sean K. Mulvey and  Ray Mooney.
  While   trying not to make it  appear like we were  listening ,  couldn't help  hear about the  tremendous amount of time  wasted  each and everyday gathering  or  attempting to gather the  stats that these two  GADFLIES  require -  and  for  WHAT?
  As has been reported on this  blog , Sean K. Mulvey is a   STIPEND  receiver  from the  Hudson School District -  YES  he  received a  STIPEND  from  his  employer  in 2009.   Stipends are a  normal part of  business in the  real world and are  recognized as being  an accepted  business practice.
 **  Note to  Don Johnson ;  drop it -  you'll  lose  this  one  too ! **
 Ray Mooney has lived  in East  Greenbush for  3 or  4 years  only.  He has  annoited himself  as the  "savior of the  taxpayer".
 I find  both of them to be  deplorable examples of  individuals who purport themselves as being  good  citizens who care about our  Town  when in fact the  reality of the  situation is that they only  want  to embarass current  elected officials  because their  chosen  candidates were  exposed as  FRAUDS and  were shown the door  on November 2nd by the  good  people of East Greenbush - people who saw thru the  never ending  slander and twisted rhetoric of the  Cristo/Taylor camp.
  They like to think they  actually  got  49% of the  vote - reality is that many  people  simply  vote  party lines regardless of who is on it  and I'd be  willing to bet that if we could have polled the  electorate - 51% of their  49%  didn't have a  clue  who Taylor  or  Cristo  were !
  The  downright nasty campaign  platform endorsed by  Republican Chairman  Tom DeJulio failed  as it should have -  however they still persist !
  Mike Cristo tried to make something out of nothing  with his intentional taking of the  oath for County Legislature.  When you read  the  judges  decision, it  very  clearly stated  that once they took their oath of office for  Rensselaer County ,they automatically  vacate the lower seat.  It was a  concious decision by each of them to walk away from their  Town seat and  move to the  County seat.  The  gamesmanship   that occured the next few months was  truley a  spectacle of what could only be  described as a  canival type  atmosphere  as  Cristo put on the  "poor me"  persona  and  Taylor  stood by his  side and  screamed and yelled to anyone who would  listen.
   Lets get right  down to it here -  they lost - ( Thank God)  and  hopefully  after they've been shown the  exit  twice  each now  by the  voters in East Greenbush - they can stop the fooling  around - The  audit  shows  nothing  criminal and  a  forensic  audit  is  simply a  waste of taxpayer dollars.
  The  poorly timed post about the  Police  K-9  unit  -  which was nothing more than a  ploy for  Police  support  after they both made serious threatening public  statements about  closing the  Town Police  operations  down.
    The  never-ending  attack on Toni Murphy was  obscene and  pathetic. To write about  someones  grandchildren was the  single most  despicable  act in this  entire  mudslinging  campaign by the so-called  reformers.
 The vomit that came  out of the mouths of their  supporters and I do mean  VOMIT-was  reprehensible.   People  from the  Cristo camp like to call this the  Bile blog -  feel free !   We  Love it ! 
 There is more  opposition to your  tom-foolery  than you'll ever  know.
  We are proud of the  fact that  after  less than a  month in existence - this  blog  got  the  opposing point of  view out and  fired up  our  side of the  consituency to get out there and  vote  AGAINST  the  Reform party  platform, a  platform that would most  certaintly paralyze  the  Town again for another  year under the  "no tax increase" moniker  voiced by Cristo and his  "numbers lady" partner. - By the  way -  did anyone  ever   really  crunch the numbers  she  spews  anyway?   Taylor was  apparently terminated  from two  of her  "numbers"  jobs - does that mean she  too is incompetent?   Once again -  keep it  clean  - feel free to  let your  feelings be heard - ( they do )   and  write  away !
 -Transparency -  catch -phrase  uttered by reform party people -  the  true  definition lost in political rhetoric and  intentional misguidance by political hopefuls !
** Note to  Don Johnson -  don't  bother  trying to post here -  it's  gone  with the  stroke of the   "delete"  key ***


  1. There is not a snowball's chance in hell that you will post this because you are just as bad as the other blog about posting opposing opinions but just so you know --
    Why don't you give it up? This is America -- at least I thought it was until I moved to East Greenbush. Everybody is entitled to an opinion here -- at least that is what I thought. Free Speech is not an option. That is why you get to post as much BS as the next guy. There is a reason why the State Legislature passed the Public Officers Law and allowed citizens access to Public Documents. So lighten up. So much for Pete's and Sue's influence on the tone of this blog. As Reagan once said -- "There you go again."

  2. Eg talks I have posted an article on the TU blog about the upcoming vote on the fed ex pdd. I realize cross blogging is not the norm but time is short and the topic is important. Would you please share with your readers? Feel free to copy the whole post or just mention it I just want to make people aware.

  3. 1034am - I have NO problem posting your doesn't offend me in the least bit and its not profane. People approached me about the never-ending crap coming from "over there" , so guess what - why be civil if its a one way street?!?!
    Here we go again - but once again - we didn't start it - just responding to it !
    ** There's a difference **

  4. Ed - as soon as I can , I'll cut and paste it in - no problem.

  5. Thanks EG I appreciate it.

  6. at the request of Ed Gilbert :

    Next Tuesday November 23, there will be a public hearing on the proposed Fed Ex PDD. The meeting will be held at 6:00 pm and afterward a special meeting will be held to vote on the PDD. This event has been a long time coming.

    There were essentially two proposals sent to the board for consideration by the representatives of Fed Ex.

    In the original proposal, Fed Ex agrees to pay up to $400,000.00 dollars, to cover the towns cost for each of the roundabouts to be installed on rt.4 and the cost of sidewalks. In total Fed Ex agrees to pay up to over $900,000.00 to cover the towns cost associated with these projects. At First glance this seems like a great deal almost a million dollar savings to the town, but as they say, the devil is in the details. In talking with our Town’s Comptroller, the town share of the expenses for all these projects is actually closer to $200,000.00. Still $200,000 is a lot of money, but it is nowhere near the “up to” amount of over $900,000.
    The commitment of Fed ex to pay the towns cost for these projects is being included in the proposal instead of having Fed Ex commit to extending a second north bound lane beyond the entrance to the facility. In the original plan, Fed Ex committed to an extra lane leaving the facility up to I 90. However, coming back from I 90 to the facility the only allowance being made was to extend the left hand turn lane. Rick was able to get them to commit to adding an extra lane coming back from I 90 as a substitute for covering the towns cost of the Rt. 4 projects.

    During the numerous meetings on this project, traffic has been the central theme and I think this was worth the delay in approving the project. What each person reading this needs to decide is this: Is the contribution to cover the town’s expense more desirable then the extra lane.

  7. egtalks - I thought you guys did a great job attempting to keep civil. A few of them got on here and tried to incite a riot as usual. I thought you did a good job of trying to keep it as quiet for as long as you did. I did begin to wonder when someone was going to start answering the people from that side and all the hatred that still exists over there. They really are sore losers and can't seem to grasp the fact that their candidates lost in a election marred with all the mean and nasty stuff that came from them. Too bad they act the way they do, it means nothing to anyone but themselves when they trash-talk with all their fancy words and phrases.
    Good Luck to Sue and Phil , Rick and Ginny. I hope the Fed-Ex project comes to fruition soon.

  8. Do they even read what they write ? example below ;

    " As I would want to be treated fairly by those who did not vote for me, I think it is only fair to give the new board a little time to settle in and demonstrate the kind of participating member they are going to be. Holding elected officials accountable is one thing, but to presume their actions before they have made them... even from my vantage point isn't really fair."

    His own people don't listen to him !

  9. Linda in the ManorNovember 19, 2010 6:51 PM

    It's about time you posted something in response to their never ending blabbing and crying ! I was beginning to think everyone was just going to sit around and not respond to the constant lying that continues over there. Who is Don Johnson anyway? He thinks he is the President of East Greenbush or something the way he carries on about internal controls and quoting laws like he's some lawyer. Puhleez - dry up and preach to your mirror - you'll have a captive audience !

  10. Let's face it most of the responses to his post are made by none other than Mike himself, the little lady (AT), His sister, her sister, his mom, her mom etc, etc.......

  11. sad really - his own followers don't even listen to him any more

  12. AT is the leader in the runaway temper catagory - can you imagine if she actually got on the board - what a fiasco that would be !

  13. Make no mistake...those two are not gone! They will keep running! There ego's will force them into it. That and all the cristo koolaid they keep handing out.

    All the complaining loud mouth mulvey keeps screaming about in Town Employees politicking at work he was blogging on the vomit blog during the workday. Does his employer know he is not working and blogging.

  14. People that don't get it! (MC/AT/DJ/SM) Don't get...that they don't get it!

  15. No one here is sick or ill, they are simply fed up with the one-sided B-S coming continually out of these reform people.
    People who are supporting these radicals who think they are so righteous are giving true reform a bad name .

  16. I am tired of all mistruths that they bring up.They should research a little more. As far as the foils go they do take up a lot of time and for what. I am a Town worker and have had to work on them nothing but a waste of time. These people need to get a life. There own. VOTE FED EX

  17. On a side note, but still sticking with the "Transparency" theme...I was at the Genet Playground today with my daughter (her idea), and notices that printed on the transparent garbage bags is "East Greenbush Central School District". Now maybe its just me but, WHY WOULD WE NEED TO PRINT ON THE GARBAGE BAGS!!!!!?????? Is there a State law that they need to account for all their garbage?? Or is this just a random expense by the district? Could one of you teabaggers please inform Don Johnson or Sean Mulvey? I want this foiled!!! I want a forensic audit to determine who made this decision!! Better yet, could someone just bring it up at the next BOE meeting, I usually can't make them. Thanks.

  18. Has it been established that Mulvey was actually bloggin while working? If that is true, then it just goes to show ya, what kind of person he is. All his holier than thou B.S. and he is doing that? Don Johnson refuses to pay the town the money he owes from the lawsuit, Cristo-Defruscio refuse to pay for the truck they auctioned, and Ann Taylor gets a break on her taxes from her fathers veterans credits. It all illustrates their lack of integrity, I for one can't believe they have the supporters that they do. Oh, by the way, Chris DeFruscio finally bought a dump permit on August 27, after refusing to buy one for the previous 7 months of the year. He deemed it a "professional courtesy" that he shouldn'thave to buy a permit, when he was asked for it over and over at the transfer station. What a bunch of deadbeats. Why don't some of you reform followers pose these questions to that bunch of hypocrits?

  19. County tax is going up 5% - Thank you Mike Cristo and Co. !
    Town tax MUST be raised to cover the deficit induced by the ridiculous budget prepared by the boy-(giggle~giggle) last year - and he acts like he was the savior of East Greenbush !

  20. I remember the old days when entire families lived under the same roof -- mother, father, grandfather, grandmother maiden aunt children -- yup that was my family way back when -- when families took care of each other -- sounds like that's what AT's family is doing. Can't you find anything better to slam her for?
    Boy -- you guys don't know what to focus on, do you?
    And as for blogging at work -- I heard that's what they do at Town Hall and that is why our Supervisor would not release computer record usage of town employees. Well -- you know most people do use the internet for their own personal use on the job. So who really watches or cares?

  21. Anon 2:31 pm I just got off the otherrr blog,and you got them going. LOL

  22. Been around awhileNovember 20, 2010 7:22 PM

    I remember the good old days when an election campaign in East Greenbush wasn't so nasty and full of lies and mistruths ! I hope Cristo and DeJulio learned that a very focused group of people-( employees and non-employees) made a very concerted effort against them specifically. Taylor - she deserved to lose. Very petty and immature.

    20 years ago , this foolishness would not have been tolerated by either party.
    The blog and intentional slandering of current elected officials by Camp Cristo led to their ultimate demise. Live and learn !

  23. 6:57 - excellent ! But - I stopped caring about any of their people months ago. Bunch of whining cry-babies. Hypocrit is too nice of a term for ANY of them !
    They should all move to Shan-Gri-Lah or Xanadu - giggle~ giggle

  24. Wow did he ever get her wound up! There are things you are missing in reference to her house being her parents. I for one am not questioning her father's veteran credits. My dad also took advantage of that. He is a WWII veteran. But the point you missed is the life estate. That is a ploy so that should her mommy and daddy end up in a nursing home the house belongs to her ~giggle giggle~ It is a way to hide assets so that taxpayers pay for the nursing home not the cookie baker. Right Annie...I know you are reading this!

    So who are you really kidding!

  25. Waiting for my ChampagneNovember 20, 2010 7:49 PM

    read this below:

    Anonymous said...
    Ann and Mike, think twice-49% is not a winner. Considering all you had to go with this past election, I feel there just are not enough Dems who really care about this town. The stipend issue, the scrap metal issue and the dirty politics would have been winning issues in most places (except Albany). The Old Guard doesn't care and the new people are just plain ignoramuses.
    Toni Murphy, McCabe or Queen of Double Dipping-Ginny O'Brien, and others will be running. Can you just imagine what they have planned for that election?
    I don't think it is worth running against that crew. God only knows what you would be in for. You know how mean and nasty the IRISH MAFIA WAS THIS YEAR. YES, I WAS CORRECT THIS SUMMER WHEN I CALLED THEM THE IRISH MAFIA. SOME PEOPLE COMPLAINED, BUT EVEN I DID NOT KNOW HOW RIGHT I WAS!!!!! Forget it, you can't beat them. Save your money, and put it into your businesses."

    this was posted by one of their "brain-surgeons" over there. And they wonder what drives even the most meek of voters AGAINST them ! Damn !! Some never learn - that's what makes them so easy to beat !

  26. OK- I'm mostly italian and even I am insulted by that phrase uttered by one of them. Very immature and quite an over-reaction on their part.
    I thought that even someone as shallow as Taylor would have put a stop to that sort of insult. Guess I was wrong. They deserve whatever they get. Blind I may be - but an eye for an eye works for me !

  27. 7:38 so you are P-O'd about hiding money from medicare -- well, why didn't you say that to begin with? Maybe you should really direct your anger towards the government because they have all sorts of laws to allow our fellow citizens to get around having to pay for nursing home care -- Like trusts where you get to dump all of your assets so that the children will get your estate and not the government after the gov has paid thousands to keep you alive in a nursing home.
    You gotta make sure you do it 5 years before you go in though, or you will be penalized.
    Or do you want the government to get all of your money and your kids get nothing after you've sweated bullits to scrape up the little bit that you do have? Maybe we should be chumps and pay for our nursing home care and let our kids have nothing? Why be a chump when everybody else is spending down and hiding assets so our tax dollars can keep them going in one of those joints? Why not take advantage of a law that is out there if you can?
    My X's mother signed over her house to him and his brother over a number of years so they would be sure to get it if she had to go in one of those hell-holes.
    I agree with you -- ethically, I think it smells but the law provides for it. Ah, the law -- it's always there, isn't it?

  28. I posted my 2:31 comment on the other blog and of course they wouldn't put it up, but the Little Lady did answer it with nonsense. This is my answer, which I'm sure again, she will not put up.
    Who are you trying to kid? If you had any evidence of wrongdoing by Phil Malone, you would have used it. No personal attacks? Calling them thieves and saying they are going to jail isn't personal? What about the other issues raised? I happen to know that town employees do not get a free pass to the transfer station, that is a lie! Has the truck been paid for? What about Don Johnsons money?
    BTW, nobody questioned your fathers veterans credits, I'm sure HE earned them. You little lady, did not. That is what is being questioned!
    BTW, you try to call someone out for posting anonymously and then won't print the questions but only your fabricated answers? Again with the hypocrisy. You never learn do you?

  29. Been around awhileNovember 21, 2010 8:05 AM

    Wow just read AT's ranting on their blog. She actually said they refrained from personal attacks on their blog. Just for kicks I went back to their older posts, well guess what she's fibbing again (nothing but personal attacks). If she's going to say those things she should delete the archives. Oh wait she didn't sign her name ,just approved them It's ok then.

  30. 8:44 My only point was to point out that ~giggle giggle~ is saying one thing but doing another. Trying to portray herself as this holier than Mary individual and acting different than that is disingeuous. Fact is I was only pointing out to readers what the Life Estate was meant for. You are absolutely correct that the law allows for it.

    Ethically it is what it is! My mother always said what a person does with no one watching is a true test of character. I don't need to sit on blogs and tout all the community service things I do like some on the VOMIT blog.

  31. If ignorance is bliss...the happiest place on earth is the Cristo/Taylor blog...forget Disney!

  32. giggle ~ giggle ~ giggle what a complete fraud she is !

  33. Wow!! First the little lady says:
    There is also a comment regarding free passes to the transfer station. I am not one because I use County Waste BUT those that do have FREE dump passes include town employees. That's right! Check the list of Transfer Station customers and you will see they have free dump passes.
    Then she says:Nobody ever said Joe and Reggie were giving out free dump passes, permits, or punch cards. What I said was, town employees receive free passes and some do actually receive free passes.
    If not Joe or Reggie, who's giving the free passes out, you twit? This little lady is out of her mind!
    giggle -giggle

  34. Mike Christo said:
    The truck? The Town has the check unless they destroyed it. It was in fact delivered to them, but they have apparently misplaced it. Upon being contacted verifying that it has been misplaced and requesting a stop payment on the check, I will gladly stop payemtn and re-issue a new check as the Town is entitled to it. Business protocol should be followed however and they need to acknowledge the fact that they have not received a check that I can prove was in fact issued. Incidentally... although it has been suggested that Chris and I are partners in that venture, we are partners in the sense that we do things together; however, I am the only signatory on the acount, own the property from which the business is run and I do not believe his name appears on any official documents. If it is a partnership, it is on a handshake... our relationship is built on trust... find THAT in government!
    Can you believe the balls on this guy? He must think the whole town is made up of idiots.

  35. GEORGE ABC-FEG-ST2November 21, 2010 6:34 PM

    Hey CHRIST-OH!!! You havn't a clue on business dealings. Whens the last time you balanced that checking account you allegedly wrote the check from ? Oh, and BTW trust exists on this side of politics, you and you merry band of idiots wouldn't know trust if it broadsided you ! And the latest on DenFruscio is that you and he ain't such close friends anymore - care to comment there Mikey?? I hope you are the only signatory on that account - makes it easier for the law to figure out who to lock up !

  36. Wow...Ann Taylor is a real space cadet. If I were her I would be so embarrassed. Anyone who read her last entry left the cult blog wondering exactly what was wrong with her. That's just messed up.

  37. Ole giggle ~ giggle ~ giggle needs her prozac prescription renewed ! The little lady has obviously lost her mind - thank god we escaped from having this nut job on the Board. Can you imagine?!?! Giggle~ giggle~

  38. Giggle Giggle ,I tried o post on the vomit blog twice and she wont post it,nobody from the town gets a free dump pass as we already know but that former commish(chump) Chris D. just finally got one just before he was let go from the best job he will ever have,can you believe a former boss used the place and never had a permit,bet she didnt know that.

  39. BTW, does anyone have any hair gel?? Mine seems to be missing.


  40. Up above Steve posted some blather from crisco about the truck, the check, and the partnership.
    It's a good illustration of the "kiss my feet" approach the little prince takes to business, politics, and leadership. I note that he expounds on the requirements of "Business Protocol" from up there on his high pony.
    There's one thing I may have missed in this whole debacle. Everyone is talking about the alleged check. Are there any records of this alleged sale. Are they filed with the Town?
    Isn't there some regulations or requirements about disposing of surplus Government Property that should be followed here, or can any council person decide to take any piece of equipment off to cash in on with a handshake friend? Maybe those experts on everything from the Town Board Meeting Peanut Gallery could look into that.

    Until some records are produced for review (there's one for the Foil Master Mulvey) all of this stays in the alleged category. No check, no truck, no records, no proof, no protocols, no trust.

  41. Fred - retired taxpayerNovember 24, 2010 5:26 PM

    Ed Gilbert writes on his T-U blog and while he certaintly is entitled to his opinion, I have a much different view of last nights meeting on the Fed-Ex ;-

    #1) McCabe did not ever "hmmm or umm" in any of his conversations - I heard him speak quite clearly and well!

    #2) I did not hear McCabe compare himself to a neurosurgeon, he said that the engineers knew more about the project than he did and they clearly know more about it than Ed Gilbert!

    - Unfortunately - your post looks like nothing more than some type of political posturing from a guy who brings nothing to the table - has nothing but criticism to offer while he supports the dead-wood councilman- ( Matters).
    Funny how after all the stalling and political maneuvering and every other foolish reason he could come up with - Matters abstains from the vote !! WOW!!
