Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Guest Post - long overdue....

> Why would an innocent person need an attorney?  Michael "Anonymous" Cristo poses the question in reference to none other than Receiver of Taxes Toni Murphy.  I think a brief response is warranted.    

> Please be advised that an innocent person might need an attorney if:

> (a) a town official, like the DPW Commissioner for example, were walking around the Town Garage telling his subordinates that the Receiver of Taxes is going to be "leaving town hall in bracelets" or

> (b) if that same town official, along with say a county legislator, were dining in a neighboring city and loudly professing that "Toni Murphy has been stealing money from the Town"  or maybe

> (c) if those same individuals were defaming the memory of her deceased husband or possibly

> (d) if a blogspot on the internet repeatedly called her "dirty, dirty, dirty", "low-life scum" or a "thief".

> In sum, often innocent folks seek legal advice for the purpose of bringing civil actions against those that are accusing them of bad behavior, because sometimes good people don't like to be accused of thievery and dishonesty.

> Hope this helps!!

> Thanks so much,

> A loyal Murphy supporter (guess who?)


  1. Well that's one way to get the matter into court so the facts can be tested in the light of the law with sworn testimony.

  2. Little miss giggle~giggle~ boom-boom and her boyfriend at it again?!?! She simply can't control her temper and it shows ! Hmmm ! C'mon Man !!
    Toni has more class than Taylor will ever have and quite frankly Cristo hasn't any idea nor any class .

  3. Hey Donny,

    Is that your "Guest Post" over on the the "other blog"? Sure looks like it.

    EG Talks - seems way too short for Mike (no pun intended, well, OK it is intended) and too many big words for anyone else over there.

    Too bad it's to no avail!

    Oh, BTW, I tried to let them (#6) know that Rensselaer has made good on the past due Water Bond payments and has entered a contract for future payments. Of course it wasn't posted ... they can't handle the truth over there!!!

    Kudos to Sup. McCabe for pressing through on this to get the $$$$!

  4. The little man with the huge ego can't and never could handle the truth.
    He can't handle anyone disagreeing with him-( never could) , and apparently still hasn't come to grips that he's not missed on the town level and when the next election for legislature is up ,he'll relaize that he's not wanted at the county level either !

  5. Don was asked a very specific question about some time frames for when people can expect authorities to swoop into Town Hall and arrest Town officials for all the atrocities that he has alleged to have been committed. He hasn't responded , so I will answer for him. THERE ARE NO INVESTIGATORS OR STATE POLICE OR FBI AGENTS COMING. NOR IS THERE ANY FINANCIAL INVESTIGATORS OR STATE LEVEL ATTORNIES OR ACCOUTANTS COMING !! OSC has NOTHING on file for East Greenbush - NOTHING!
    Don fancies himself some sort of "whistleblower legend" and savior of the taxpayer - except Don has a HUGE EGO and the temper to go along with it ! His true downfall is that he embelishes his stories and people know it , which has crushed his credibility and affability . Not that he was ever a warm and fuzzy guy - ever!
    Working at the comptrollers office doesn't necessarily mean you know what your doing and it clearly doesn't qualify you to be the authority and end-all opinion of exactly what laws have allegedly been broken.

  6. I've always wondered what Toni Murphy did to Ms. Giggle - Giggle Boom Boom and after seeing her bounce up Columbia Tpk the other day, it hit me. It's jealousy. She is so jealous that a woman who is about 20 years older than her, is wayyyyyy hotter than her!! Toni doesn't have to make a fool of herself with the skimpy dresses,bouncing up and down the TPK, or by professing how much weight she lost. She goes about her business quietly, with nothing but class, and it kills Annie. Hey Ann, ever wonder what you might look like at Toni's age?? Hmmmmm. I'm sure you have, thats what has you pissed!! Stay classy baby!!

  7. Get this quote from the vomit blog: "What is instructive about the Rensselaer debt is that no contract existed for its payment until some of us started asking about it."

    Now one of the koolaid drinkers is trying to claim credit for the money flowing from Rensselaer. That's quite a reach, even for those losers.

    They are truly shameless!

  8. Here's a message for Ann and Mike...in a language I'm sure they understand...YTANBACODB'S

  9. Don is drinking the kool-aide again ?!? Ray must be on the way with the cookies !

  10. Like I said, Einstein.....get the "original" Rensselaer contract from the Supe. You can't because it doesn't exist. Just try to stick to the facts and you'll come off a bit better. This isn't about Ann and Mike. They are not running for anything. This is about your patrons who are getting very close to having their water shut off. I'm quite surprised that they haven't muzzled you yet. More folks will know the facts this time around.

  11. who cares about the "original" contract ?! What's the difference - you clearly had NOTHING to do with it - you couldn't negotiate a jacket for an eskimo - your once again pontificating to try to give yourself some credibility . YOU HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF THE NEGOTIATIONS AT ALL ! Our water isn't even close to being shut off- the problem isn't with East Greenbush at all!
    Trying to scare people?
    The problem was NEVER with East Greenbush. You obviously have no idea how water flows from Troy do you? Get your damn facts straight before you sling your vile mud ! I don't need the Supervisor to show me anything - you , on the other hand, do !

  12. 3:03 Our friends in Rensselaer have had their own money problems ... dry out your grey cells and recall that a few years ago Rensselaer owed the City of Troy for water. Now the bucks are flowing to EG. All's well on this subject, regardless of how you try to spin it.

    BTW, who's getting "getting very close to having their water shut off"??? Maybe it's time to shut off the hooch or the koolaid and get back to reality!!!

    To the vomit blog, since A & M probably won't post it:

    "Cha Ching" is right ...

    "Well, don't you know,
    That's the sound of the men,
    Working on the Fed Ex.

    That's the sound of the men,
    Working on the Fed Ex."

    That's ALSO the sound of jobs, PILOTS, sales tax and retail sales flowing into East Greenbush!!

    And the mitigation fees for the roundabout(s), sidewalks on Luther Rd, etc., etc.

    Do you want EG to be another North Greenbush, turning its back on the chip fab plant? I don't.

    Check North Greenbush on Wikipedia and see the great things said about the NG and the chip fab plant..

    And don't go adding you vomit to EG's Wikipedia page ... they won't buy your spin either.

  13. The point is, Einstein, that the $3.2-$3.5 million deal with Rensselaer was not on paper that anybody has seen until just recently when citizens started asking questions about the Supervisor's public remarks. Turns out that there wasn't a contract. From what was done at the Board meeting, looks like one was just drawn up - by an outside attorney, no less. Hell of a way to do business, I'd say.

    By the way, I was using "having their water shut off" in a metaphorical sense. And BTW-2, there is a difference between "your" and you're." Too much "breeding," and not enough "reading."

  14. Anonymous 8:03AM suggested that Ann was jealous of Toni Murphy-of course she is! Toni is popular, respected, a kind and decent person and helpful to everyone who approaches her. She has a job that Ann covets but was too fearful to challenge Toni in this election.

    It is easier for Ann to take potshots at Toni, Rich, Phil, Ginny and Sue but after the 2 a$$ kickings she got when she ran for the Town Board, Ann knows better than to run again.

    Well, Ann does run on 9 & 20 when traffic is at its peak, trying to show what she brings to the table. Anonymous also questioned whether Ann would be as attractive and sexy as Toni when she is Toni's age - hell...Ann's not as attractive and sexy as Toni is now! Ann, keep busting on people and we will keep responding to your nonsense.

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  16. OMG isn't 6:15 just so adorable!!! The expert on all things is also a grammar teacher. Dry up fool.

    BTW, one can't see bad breath but it's there just the same.

    Charlie, we needn't go there.

  17. I may be way off base, but, here goes. I think Ann Taylor can be saved. She needs to break free of the negative influences she has pervading her life.

    Ann needs new friends that can have a positive influence on her and teach her how to work for the good of the community. I know there are people who would help her find her way to being respected and admired if she used her energy for good and broke free of the influences that are dragging her down.

    Ann, I know it will be hard but a few apologies to the people you've hurt and made accusations against would be a nice start. It's not too late - it only takes courage and the desire to be all that you can be. Ann, I have experienced how good it feels to be positive and to be as kind and helpful as possible. It feels a lot better than always complaining and being negative - give it a try.

  18. Don - you act like a communist dictator -

  19. Hey Einstein @ 10:12.....The only power Don has rests in logic and the facts. You goof-balls, on the other hand, are behaving like a mob.

  20. Hey...be nice to Don...don't think he's wrapped too tight...just saying

  21. 12:02 At least EG Talks isn't afraid to post opposing viewpoints.

  22. Your not logical - your a bully to people who don't agree with your point of view.
    People such as yourself are unwittingly the greatest supporters of those you intend to defame and disparage. Keep it up - November is coming and you and yours are headed for another stunning defeat! When it boils down to "what happened" - look no further than your own mirror.

  23. Karner....citing facts which cannot be disputed is not bullying. In trying to deny facts, it is possible that one might feel bullied. When faced with the truth after believing a whole different set of presuppositions (like the administration can do no wrong), I imagine that it could be a bit overwhelming. Especially if one has been a dutiful servant for a while, and received a crumb or two from the banquet table. The battle is certainly not over yet, but one thing certain is that in the final tally it is just not possible for the corruption we have seen to triumph. The people just won't stand for it.

    What is amazing to me is that you folks consider it a noble cause to attempt to keep oversight and audit agencies out of Town Hall. That's no kind of victory for the people. Where do you get your values? Or your moral compass?

  24. Einstein of East GreenbushAugust 12, 2011 2:09 PM

    Clearly your way too in love with yourself and your distorted and greatly embellished facts and theories. You have been flatout proven you are a liar and embellisher of what little fact may or may not exist - ( Peo of EGB V. Don johnson ) cited earlier and your were sternly admonished by the Judge who gave the final opinion on your ridiculous lawsuit. You lost your initial claim, you arrogantly appealed, lost again, then went to the Supreme Court thinking you still had a chance and were basically laughed out of her court because you openly took liberties you were NOT entitled too. Argue all you want - those are the incontrovertable facts and many of the good people of East Greenbush have copies of that decision. You ARE a bully , your arrogant and before you lable any sitting politician as "looking like he rolled out of a bar" I highly suggest you look in the mirror ! ALL of your ridiculous ranting can be disputed and much of it has, althought not to your satisfaction, but who cares about your opinion anyway.
    I can't believe the good people @ EGTALKS even allow you to post your nasty vicious lies. They have shown a great deal of restraint letting you write your demoralizing garbage - which is MUCH more than the other blog allows. Your continual criticism is getting outlandish and your claims are non-sensical banter from a washed up employee of the State who obviously harbors resentment from losing that lawsuit and any dribble of respectability that you may have had at one time. You made a mockery out of the former fiscal advisory committe because you used it for personal gain and it became obvious that you and others were there for no particular reason except to embarass sitting public officials because you don't like them !
    You think no one realizes you wouldn't have had your job in the State if it wern't for a high ranking Democrat ? You think people forget you were nothing prior to that? You want me to keep going commrade?? Keep slinging your crap and I'll keep going. I'm not overwhelmed, I'm just getting warmed up ! And....produce any substantial amount of "people" who believe your maniacal diatribe and we'll talk. And...exactly how do you believe ANYONE is keeping any State agency out of Town Hall? Prove your statement and be precise in your facts- inquiring minds want to know! My values are intact and in place exactly where they should be. My moral compass - the same- exactly as it should be- Thanks for asking ! The people spoke clearly in November 2010 - and showed Taylor/Cristo and your ideals the door , despite your carrying on. That is a undeniable, incontrovertable FACT!

  25. 209- while I mostly agree with almost all of what you have written , it really means nothing to people like Johnson. He only see's and hear's what he wants. And, that is clearly nothing ever written or printed on this blog. He is a very angry man. That is clearly evident from reading his posts. No politician will ever be good enough in the eyes of people such as Don Johnson no matter how hard they work for the people of East Greenbush. Don has a tremendous knack for overlooking the accomplishments of the Town Board and focusing on what he perceives to be felony level crimes against the citizenship of East Greenbush.

  26. I agree with Jeff-677 about Johnson...

    What I don't get is why anyone that clearly hates EG would continue to live here. The real estate market is sluggish true....but if i hated everything about where I was living...like most of the people of the other blog...I would put my house on the market and get what I could and move on. Life is too short to be hating every day.

  27. So many people over there are like little kids who stick their fingers in their ears and shake their heads while saying "I can't hear you" if you say something they don't like. It's really a shame. There is obvious intelligent life form from some of them. Can you imagine what this town could accomplish if people actually worked together for the good of the town instead of trying to sabotage everything like 10 year olds? I know some great people who would be excellent politicians-honest, hardworking, and truly caring and they never will run. Why? Too much junk to deal with.

  28. Cristo is playing the political game that always gets started this time a year. Something we see on the National scene all the time. As far as I know stipends are given all the time, to teachers, etc for taking on an extra job. Toni acknowledged it. She's certainly not to blame for taking money that was acceptable and being honest about it. My questions to him is why he wants to play dirty politics. When the tables can be turned so easily. They have a virtual unknown running against Toni, in hopes that her husband can ride the coattails of others to get a position in the town. Not even on his own merit. The people of EG don't want people taking positions in the town because of who they know. Do a little background check, this woman just was fired from the school district for manhandling a summer school spec ed kid, locked him in the bathroom. Most people who worked with her have said she is difficult, bossy and never tried to work with her co-workers. I don't want this person being my receiver of taxes, thankfully Toni doesnt have to worry. But this is an example of Cristo and Taylor getting people on board with them that aren't qualified to run an honest decent race. So now that the local political season has started I suggest taking a different approach and see what the residents want from their politicians.

  29. TIMMY - the HAPPY Taxpayer !!!August 14, 2011 10:25 AM

    Thought: are they running interference for their "candidates"?? Has anyone heard anything from any of the slate of tea party / reform candidates? Gilbert,Sheldon,Fiacco , Langley - who are these people??

    Nice of Don and others to muddy up the water - but lets hear from the people who think they have the better idea , the "solution" to ALL the problems that Don Johnson and co. have apparently identified. Where are these people? Lets hear your solutions. Can't wait to hear what they have to say-

  30. OMG!!!!! Are you serious? This woman was fired from her job???? Really???? So, it's another Ann Taylor? Advice for her?? Drop out now and save yourself a ton of negative publicity for you and your family on what you did, save yourself a ton of money and go get a real job to try and rebuild some self respect instead of becoming a candidate where, like Taylor, you are a disgrace to every woman and woman voter in the Town of East Greenbush.

  31. Terminated from her job with the local school district for manhandling a child with DISABILITIES ?!?!
    WOW! And they have the nerve to mention Toni Murphy in the same sentence as this woman Sheldon?!?! Shameless bunch huh?! Remember Denfruscio touting her as the "big secret" that'll have Democrats running scared!! Are you freaking kidding! Go back to selling used cars Denfruscio- your clearly way out of your league rookie !

  32. Denfruscio - ( defruscio ) was running his mouth months ago about having the slate of candidates to scare the democrats silly. OK- I'm clearly ROFLMAO!!! Anyone have any idea exactly who Langley is? OK- how about Fiacco or Gilbert ? Yup....I'm still ROFLMAO!! Way to go used car salesman ! You've formed a real winning team - lol !

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  34. NO ONE is buying into the tea party slam-a-thon over on the Don Johnson blog! Its Don and Taylor doing all the writing ,maybe that Grant lady because she's still pissed her kid scewed up the Youth Department last year and got canned! Too bad they have like three supporters. Sucks to be them ! Ray chimed in anonymously but his post means nothing.

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  36. They are now trying to stir up trouble for Ginny O'Brien, who isn't even running, by resurrecting an unfavorable newspaper article about her husband from 1996. 1996!!!! Must be desperation time.

  37. Does Ann Taylor really think that by posting a 16 year old news article about someone is going to intimidate or scare anyone?

    Ann is such a bitter woman, you can't help but feel a little sorry for her. She will never hold an elected office in this town. Ann hasn't been able to even hold a long term job anywhere.

    Ann, why don't you explain why all the job changes? I'll bet it's everyone elses fault, you are misunderstood, unappreciated, people are jealous or any other excuse you can come up with.

    Ann, you and your bunch of malcontents are a great help to the incumbents on the board, as the decent, hard working people of this town see right through your vile attempts to bully and discredit the leadership of our town.

    Keep bringing up the past.....maybe someone will bring up things about you and your past that you will be unhappy about. We both know they are out there. This is not a threat..just a promise!

  38. Charlie and Lizzie,

    With the vomit blog dredging this up, I feel for Mike and Ginny.

    Remember how the vomit blog dusted off old info on Dave VanWormer.

    Mike and Ann even threw their own Chris DeFruscio under the bus by claiming in an article that his administrative leave was retribution for the stipend controversy. Real class act, those two!

    They know no bounds and have no shame.

    They also have about 8 followers over there, so don't worry Mike and Ginny, we've got your backs!!

  39. What's this about "this woman just was fired from the school district for manhandling a summer school spec ed kid, locked him in the bathroom". Is that for real?
