Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Thank you!

EG Talks extends its deepest appreciation to all of those who assisted during Hurricane or Tropical Storm Irene and its aftermath.  All responded efficiently and effectively. 

Remember folks, the first responders; public works and police, fire and ambulance, paid and volunteer all leave the safety of their own homes to protect and assist us and ours.

The utility companies were out in force, as were the tree services, etc.  Our stores remained open for those who failed to heed the warnings and stock up.

Thanks, again.

EG Talks


  1. Thankful ResidentAugust 30, 2011 4:50 PM

    I noticed the Garbage blog removed a comment they had up wondering where the DPW was all during the storm. They must have figured out how foolish the comment was, cuz those guys were out all day and into the night. Now, they have been out the past 2 days cleaning up the mess left by the storm. Nice job commissioner VanWormer, the dedication of you and your guys is appreciated.

  2. Yeah, I read that before they realized how downright idiotic they looked even posting it and took it down. They have no shame!

    Thank you to all town employees for all of their hard work.

  3. Those man @ DPW are clearly the best around! Thanks fellas !!
