Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Interesting response from a reader

The Taylor/Cristo blog has chosen to attack Phil Malone saying Phil has depended on his Mother and Father in his early adult years and has made no contribution since he has been elected. Ann Taylor lives with her parents, using her fathers veterans tax exemption to get out of paying her fair share,and hasn't been able to hold a job for reasons I'd like her to explain.
Ann was supposed to bring businesses into town using her "expertise". Where are they? I know of none. Where are Ann's definable contributions? The only thing Ann is good at is attacking others and she has cornered the market on bitterness.

Mike Cristo still relies on his parents for a job, can't get out of there and make it on his own - hey Mikey! People realize when Mike was on the board he was nothing more than a troublemaker, a malcontent who wanted chaos instead of accomplishments.

Phil and the entire board have been able to accomplish more in 8 months than Mikey's entire term on the town board.

Yeah Mike and Ann, let's not forget Phil handed the both of you your lunch in the last election so much so that you both were afraid to run this year,

Now let's all say a prayer for Mike and Ann that they can get over their jealousy and bitterness of the lack of accomplishments in their lives and find happiness. Dwight, do you want to lead us in prayer?


  1. Interesting....Ann & Mike would say: "What Say You"?

  2. Ann & Mikes blog suggests Phil should come in last in votes in the election. We all know Phil is too nice a guy to steal their spots. Everyone in town knows last & next to last spots are reserved for Ann & Mike should they choose to run.....just saying!

    I do like the idea of Dwight leading the prayers for the demise of Mike and Ann's political careers.

  3. The entire Christo/Giggle~Giggle blog is nothing but bitterness!
    Its been said on this blog many times in the past few months and it is certaintly ringing true- SORE LOSERS! NO CLASS !

  4. I'd rather pray that Mikey and Annie just LEAVE town!

  5. They're all mindless over there - no common sense amongst the entire group. Fiacco and Gilbeert must be wondering how hey got duped into this garbage by Defruscio.

  6. Too bad that the m-p-s* from over there can't run an election campaign on the level.
    Lets all keep in mind that all the foolish and baseless slander and ridiculous accusations came from ANN TAYLOR and DON JOHNSON first. When they complain and carry on , they need not look any further than their own skewed and baseless fiction ! ABC-FEG-ST2 !!

  7. I see the dunderheads are now picking on Jennifer O'Brien ... they have such class over in Cristoville.

  8. Jon Dohnson - ( hic )September 01, 2011 4:25 PM

    This is what Cristo was responsible for and he has Don Johnson running interference for him...

    "An important discovery was the lack of a contract for scrap revenue at the transfer station. Revenue was not being booked, there was no contract, and the committee asked the obvious question as to where it was going. Getting to the bottom of the matter and finding out what happened to all that revenue still hasn’t been a concern of the administration."

    Hasn't been a concern because they know exactly who , what ,when = CRISTO - the Town Board Liason to the DPW and Transfer Station the entire length of time in question by the OSC!! Don- stop muddying the waters, you aren't fooling any of us who know the truth! Embellisher!

    Embellish:verb (used with object) enhance (a statement or narrative) with fictitious additions. - the absolute definition of Don Johnson!! I rest my case !

  9. Hoy long did it take Mikey to pony up the bucks for the truck he auctioned?

    "What Say You, Mike"? I say conflict of interest.

  10. Hey birdbrain....Anyone who knows anything about management knows that the Board liaison is not in charge of financial internal controls. It's the job of the DPW head, the Supervisor and the Town comptroller to oversee the financial activities at the transfer station. Contracts for scrap revenue should have been executed and monitored. Just like when the obligation of Rensselaer to EG was initiated, a contract should have been executed. Not later after somebody asked about it. OSC on several occasions, and UHY last year made it clear that EG has serious internal control problems. Lots of them have to do with what is called "management override." That's what happens when a "boss" directs an employee to not follow standard operating procedures. That's exactly what happened with the stipends, the Town Consultant and the MOA. EXACTLY what happened.

  11. I see that Corine Sheldon will "implement extended workday hours and Saturday hours, credit card and on-line payments for taxes, and Notary Public services.", if elected Receiver of Taxes.

    Candidate Sheldon might have checked the Receiver of Taxes page on the Town's web site before developing her platform. I quote:

    " … The office is open daily from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and during January, on Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (Credit card payments are accepted to pay property taxes.) … Notary Services are also available."

    Pete Stenson

  12. To Anon 5:33 -
    Spin it any way you want to...Michael Cristo had an obligation to know everything that was going on with the scrap metal issue. He was liason for 3 years. I guess one of the biggest benefits of working for your family is that you don't have to take blame for anything.

  13. Jon Dohnson - ( hic! hic! )September 02, 2011 7:43 AM

    From Birdbrain to Don Johnson:
    #1) the board liason to the DPW is also directly in your mix and you conveinently always seem to forget that. He is/was charged with directly overseeing the daily function and reporting back to the board -( something he never did, he never stepped foot in the DPW garage!)
    #2) you know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about how this all works and it shows. Cristo was the liason and it was his responsibility to see that the scrap was being handled - ( contract negotiated and signed ) and if not it was his responsibilty to question it - seeing as how he's in the demolition/scrap business " America's oldest demolition company" and all....
    #3) negotiations and the signing of a water contract between two municipalities requires cooperation and teamwork between the two municipalities - something you OBVIOUSLY KNOW NOTHING ABOUT AS WELL> The water contract was signed after it was properly negotiated and agreed too by both the city and Town. Too f-ing bad it wasn't done as quickly as you wanted - your an idiot and it shows- go have another drink and sit down ! You have NO IDEA of any of what your talking about - you have NO CLUE how a Town is run-( neither does crisco) and it is glaringly obvious if you were making any of these decisions, this town would be quagmired in legal troubles because your an insufferable moron who can't get along with anyone! Go write to your minions over on the bullsh*t blog- no one here believes any of your garbage - embellish is the word of the day for you!
    Management is a word that is clearly NOT in your vocabulary! If this is the best you got - retired from OSC clearly doesn't make you any smarter on running a municipality or how some of the day to day decisions are made !

  14. Pete,

    Great catch, one of rANNt's infamous "GOTCHAs", but right!

    At the very least, she shoulda checked to see what the office does and where it is!

    So typical!

  15. As long as we are talking about Corine Sheldon, did anyone notice that the East Greenbush GOP website boasts that Sheldon is "currently working full-time as the Student’s Account Treasurer for the East Greenbush School District." Why didn't she include this information in her recent post in the Advertiser? I think the voters deserve to know if she is working with the school district and if not, why???

  16. Sheldon was TERMINATED from her job @ EGCSD - that is a FACT !

    Taylor is an insufferable Babe in Total Control of Herself !

  17. Fired from the HUGE responsibility of being "student account treasurer" and she wants to handle the millions that come to town in taxes. Thats priceless. And oh by the way, I think she did read the town website, how else would she know any of that info? She obviously couldn't come up with that herself. Not a prayer of her beating Toni.

  18. This is so good, we had to repeat it here. The original comment appers under "What do you really have ?"

    "Anonymous said...
    I wish someone over on the Bozo Blog would fix the spelling in the side is spelled R e n s s e l a e r.
    September 2, 2011 6:15 PM"

    We'd suspect it's for the same reason their "Another Guest Post......" says there are 32 comments yet only 30 appear.

    They don't know WTH they're doing, never did, never will.

  19. Just curious, what does "appers" mean?

  20. "appers" means I need typing lessons and you need a life.

  21. #1 fiacco will most definately have to abstain from votes involving his brothers business ventures in EGB - same as Mangold - I will re-elect Mangold - she's far better than either fiacco or gilbert.

    #2 - Malone - top vote getter in the legislative contest and TOP VOTE getter in election 2010 - I like him because he pisses off Mooney, Johnson, Taylor and Cristo - I will definately vote him back - GLADLY !!

    #3 - Langley -?? are you kidding??

    #4 - Sheldon - outright FIRED because she has a HUGE ATTITUDE and refused to do what she was told to do by one of her superiors and it got ugly. She was sent packing - and we want her in Town Hall - why??!?! I don't think I'd hire her as dog catcher. Toni will win re-election in a landslide !!

    You tea party wanna-be's are all delusional ! Anyone who follows Crisco and Failure taylor deserve exactly what you get. Your candidates suck !
    I'd fire denfruscio - he clearly sucks !

  22. Didn't Phil appoint Conor Laverty to the Fiscal Advisory Committee and Joey Slater to the Ethics Committee??? Both major assets to this town. New young positive energy and that's the path EG is on and is exactly what Phil brings to the table. A true breath of fresh air!!! That Rep. old-line truely ignorant way of thinking is history. Get with the times. And, keep polluting the town's property with your signs......all the more you have to go clean up in November!!!!!

  23. I see that the "reform party" hasn't "reformed" all that much themselves ... PHIL MALONE'S SIGNS WERE STOLEN FROM MY YARD OVERNIGHT!!


    ... East Greenbush Blog attempts to silence me by not posting my comments in response to attacks against me.

    ... Their minions sneak around under the cover of darkness to trespass, interfere with my 1st amendment rights and steal property.

    Mike, Ann, Chris ... "What say you?"

    I also wonder what the Rep candidates think of this or if they had a hand in it!


    Pete Stenson

  24. The reformeres are right, leopards DON'T change their spots. Grow up over there.

  25. So stealing signs is theft....and stealing money from taxpayers is.....what? A tradition decades old?

  26. show us the evidence, there 9:53

  27. Show us the evidence as to who did it Stenson. Hate to see you on any jury.

  28. Not a bit surprised. Listen, bottom line, the day the Rep. candidates said "Yes" to Defruscio and Co. says it all. Who, who, in their right mind would align themselves with those misfits. Someone saw Defruscio practically clearing brush and rolling an ankle mounting his signs all over the other day!!!! In keeping with the whole 'green'deal, why are signs in this town allowed anywhere but on private property and/or billboards??????!!!!!!!! With the construction going on in town, the nasty condition of the roadways with potholes all over the place, signs are nothing but a hazard and an eyesore. DPW needs to dispose of them all unless they are on private property. I hope Mr.Defruscio and his
    candidates are willing to take ownership in all the accidents that will occur when
    school starts on Wednesday by his genious move of mounting their signs up on
    the hill across from the entrance into Columbia. Real smart. Real smart. Students are going to take their eyes off the road for that one split second and Kaboom!!!!! Really????? Oh, but that's right, 'they' will blame it on the roundabout a half mile away.

  29. Stipends added to salaries of employees and elected officials without the required Board resolution and/or local law.....for starters. I believe that Mr. Stenson and Mr. McCabe have said it has been going on for decades. In every other context, it is called larceny.

  30. If I'd seen the culprit(s) there'd definitely be a police report on file. I may file one anyway to have it on record.

    Regardless, we all know who the USUAL SUSPECTS are.

    There ya go again, regurgitating old news ... stipends are history. FYI, I believe Mr. Cristo first mentioned that stipends were different under Supervisor Angelini.

    PETE Stenson

  31. 1026 -( the 1st one ) - your juvenile response suggests you either did it or know exactly who is responsible.
    Prove me wrong if you can - otherwise STFU !

    The entire Town knows Defruscio and his nephews are the ones running around stealing Dem signs and shoving tea party signs anyplace they can get them to stick in the ground. Next - he'll be illegally stufffing mailboxes again - so predictable.
    The disgraced former DPW head learned from the best - his brother-in-law ! The Town has known no dirtier politico's than the Republicans of late,
    taught well by Red and company !

  32. 1028 - wrong again - osc HAS/HAD all the info. they've needed and have chosen not to pursue legal charges. You keep saying its coming. Several of us have contacts over there as well, NOTHING is even on the radar- period!

  33. Nick must be rolling over in his grave - very sad

  34. 3:37.....referral to law enforcement comes AFTER the material is audited, which has yet to be done.

    By the way, stopping an illegal activity does not relieve one of the responsibility for committing that activity before stopping. Does the poor kid who promises not to shop-lift from Wal-Mart anymore get to walk if he says he won't do it anymore? I don't think so. Look at the facts. It's a classic conspiracy. Those facilitating the disbursements were themselves recipients of major disbursements.

  35. 5:38 So, all the BS and rANNts about stipends, mileage, etc. are completely premature and immature?

    Don't preach law after being investigator, judge and jury for so long.

    So long!

  36. Dear Don;

    Your continual insistance that an audit would bring new or further charges is again - an embellishment on your behalf. Your "wish" is nothing but that , a wish. Your wrong, you've been proven wrong. Too bad your so stuck on a true non-issue, a practice that was started by Republicans long ago. But that doesn't suit your personal need to embarass sitting officials, especially the very same ones who beat your arrogant a** three times in your failed law-suit! That memory still stings, huh Don?
    There's one thing for sure- your no Perry Mason !

  37. Rep literature says "Corine serves as the East Greenbush Central School District's student accounts treasurer … "


  38. Time to update that bio Corine!

  39. Time to look at the relationship between Corine's "superior" and the legendary and lovable Toni Murphy. Ah...there's the rub.

  40. Can someone give the name and phone numbers of the heads of the Independent and Conservative parties? My wife who is an Independent and my friend who is a conservative, got literature on the Rep. candidates. They have been reading this blog lately where it says Sheldon was terminated from her job at the school district, yet the literature has the bio stating she works for the school district??? My wife and friend want to call the heads of these parties to find out. Also, anyone have the current superintendent's name and direct line as well so that my wife and friend and anyone else interested in the truth may
    call?? Maybe the literature was printed before she was terminated, if she was. But, then, you eat the cost and have the literature reprinted and then mail it out. You do NOT mail out a lie about yourself!! What the hell?? Is this supposed to be a sign of more sneaky, slippery, sleazy stuff by the Republicans? Names and numbers, please, and urge all residents to inquire about this. Thank you.

  41. Talk about fraud! Sending out literature with an absolute lie about your bio. How can this be allowed? It all goes to character my friends. This is who we should vote for?

  42. Bottom line - SHELDON WAS TERMINATED FROM EGCSD- That is an indisputable FACT - spin that Donnie or Ray - she was fired - can't spin that ! She has openly lied on her pamphlets she's handing out - just like Taylor who refused to disclose that she too was terminated from employment and actually had to be escorted from the building when she was fired - FACT !

  43. Ann and Corine....HMMMM....Birds of a Feather Flock Together!

  44. Toni is going to win in a walk !
