Thursday, August 6, 2015

Democrats Select Excellent Candidates!

The East Greenbush Democratic Committee held its Caucus last and nominated an outstanding group of candidates:
  • Dave VanWormer for Town Supervisor
  • Toni Murphy for Re-election as Receiver of Taxes
  • Bridget Fritz for Town Clerk
  • Andrea Smyth for Town Council
  • Pete Stenson for Town Council
                      Bridget             Pete               Dave            Andrea             Toni

Click HERE ( to learn more about your Candidates and
HERE ( for info on the EGDC August 16th Summer Fundraiser!

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  1. I tried the link for the ad provided "Click HERE to learn more about your Candidates and HERE for info on the EGDC August 16th Summer Fundraiser!" the message that keeps coming up is the following...."Sorry, this content isn't available right now". Could someone please try to fix this so that we can get access. Ty

  2. Works in test mode ... try cutting & pasting the links and let us know.

  3. Still not allowing access. You can's cut & paste the link either, as soon as you try it brings you to the link with same error message.

    1. You have to sign in to Facebook once you get the "Sorry, this content isn't available right now".

  4. Dear Donnie Boy:
    You were overheard last night, while leaving the Caucus, sayin "The blogs will be blowing up about this". Nobody realy knows what you were referring to, whether it be the fact that you and your crew only had 6 people there, or the fact that you sat there like the miserable stone face that you are, not even mustering up enough class to vote for Toni, who is unopposed, like Your friends did. Maybe it's the fact that you were treated cordially, even after all the negative things you have thrown at the Dems. My point is that the blogs are not "blowing up", nor has anyone mentioned anything, which proves 1 major and your blog are totally Irrelevant.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. I think it may he your device, it works fine for me clicking both the "heres"as well as clicking the links.

  7. Reposted from "Public Notice: Special Meeting"

    Anonymous August 06, 2015 8:01 PM

    This is the trouble with the people who support the Dems and this is why you will lose this year even though you have a ticket far and above what was ever presented before. Why can't you people stick to the facts instead of turning everything into a personal vendetta?
    Exaggeration and hyperbole will get you nowhere every time. Last night at the Democratic caucus the candidates pledged to run a clean campaign and I think they will. So why don't you all follow suit and cut the B-S and focus on the issues? You worry about a pipe that was returned to the Town. Why don't you worry about why you are probably paying a bigger water bill than some of the commercial businesses in the Town? Read Pete Stenson's article in the Advertiser. Now that is something to worry about.

    1. The problem is stereotyping an entire group based on one person's comment.

    2. I am a Democrat. I have always been one. I was at the caucus the other night along with some other fellow Dems who had never been to a caucus before. As reported above - someone referred to us as 6 outsiders who did not belong. I wished I had gone many years ago. I did not vote for many of the candidates because it was obvious they would be the choices anyway as the voting was a rubber stamp of the decisions of a select few. The ticket has 3 new faces who provide a refreshing contrast to the old guard. I thought the voting was handled in a fair manner and asked for opposition. But no one was opposed. We 6 are Democrats also and yet we were looked at by some as outsiders. I urge anyone who is interested in Town politics who is a Democrat to come to the meetings so that a certain few see that they do not "own" the Democratic party in this Town.

      The Outsider

    3. quite frankly , what did you expect ? You have made no bones about trashing many people in that room. Did you think we'd role out the Red Carpet for you ?
      You and Don are clearly and pointedly viewed as "outsiders" . A moniker you've chosen to wear proudly !
      btw: you really are out of touch with the current people who are around the "certain few" who you think "own" the party.
      Your pipe dreaming !
      And...I've been a democrat way longer in this Town than you and Don. So your little diatribe is mush !

    4. Wow, this blog is proving more childish day by day "Ive been a democrat way longer" ...seriously? How old are you?!?!?! Sadly, this blog is run by two who want to run our town, good luck with that. I feel sorry for Andrea Smyth who has to run with you.

    5. Its irrelevant how old I am !
      Your pathetic cry from the bleachers is exactly why you attract so much negative attention. To which I believe you thrive.
      Sadly , you have virtually no idea who runs talks.
      Don't feel sorry for Andrea , she's a big girl that knows exactly who, what, when, where and most importantly WHY !

      Quite honestly , many of us laugh loudly because of the "childish" statements made by people like YOU !

  8. It was much more then a pipe...... It was several pieces and connectors......our trucks,our employees,Our tax dollars stolen! Non Union labor doing illegal work on a restricted pond. Go look at the ditch that was dug. The FBI is supposedly in Town....pipes,swears,water,no show jobs, gas,stolen equipment,Longevity Pay, Stipends.....Goes on and on! Stop the thieves!

    1. FBI in Town? From your mouth to God's ears!! "A consumation devoutly to be wished."

  9. Pasted from The East Greenbush Gadfly August 7, 2015 at 9:33 AM

    A couple of things about the Caucus: I do think it was a sorry example of the democratic process which we are supposed to cherish in this country. Thirtynine/fortyone votes decided who would be on the Dem line. And it was a rubber-stamp of what had been decided behind closed doors earlier. And one of the candidates and one of the behind the scenes actors were subject of findings in the last State Comptroller's report. That's sad.

  10. The slate is set and thats all that matters.

  11. Board of Ethics: Meeting
    Posted: 07 Aug 2015 06:01 AM PDT

    August 12, 2015 7:00 Board of Ethics Meeting - convene to Executive Session to review complaints received.

    Pete Stenson

  12. Suzanne Aiardo: I'm glad you qualified your comment, namely "Someone ... some ... a certain few", showing that you're wise enough to not judge an entire group by one or two individuals. As for the candidates being the "decisions of a select few", see below.

    Gadfly: Caucuses are deep rooted in this great country, dating back to Colonial times.

    The Dem caucus was advertised and conducted pursuant to NYS Election Law and the Rensselaer County Democratic Committee By-laws and open to each and every enrolled Democrat in East Greenbush.

    A caucus is not that different from a primary in that candidates are identified & nominated by a party committee and the enrolled members of that party are given the opportunity to vote on that nomination.

    Any one present at the caucus could have nominated any other individual for any of the seats, with a vote conducted if the nomination was seconded. Yet, as Suzanne Aiardo points out, no one did.

    As Churchill observed "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.”

    Pete Stenson

    1. You're right Pete, we get the government we deserve. And when Mr. McCabe observed "it's the way it's always been done" related to his passing out his stipends, it's at least partially our responsibility to correct the situation. Which we did. It was Jefferson who observed: "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." When the citizenry is not involved in their government to a sufficient degree, we get mischief. When the cat's away, the mice will play, and all that. But I think that is in the processes of being corrected. Things went way too far in the last few years.

    2. Gadfly, you self righteous old coot, "its the way it's always been done" says just that and that nobody knew it was wrong. When it was established it was wrong, it was stopped. That's ii, it's over. It's been over for going on 6 years now. Why are you still harping on McCabe, because you have nothing better to do? I think it's because you want to try a bring the Dem slate down by connecting them with McCabe and older regimes. Well here's a newsflash for ya. If this years candidates were carrying the water for the old regimes, they wouldn't be running! The older guys, Mccabe included, wanted to back Langley, but Andrea, Pete and Dave were not having it. They took over and bucked the old guard and now are in a great position to win 3 seats and you know it. They are easily the most qualified of the all the candidates, which you also know. Get a life.

    3. I recall chatter about the FBI, State Police and every other law enforcement official within reach being contacted about the stipends and the rest of the BS and nothing, nada, zilch, bupkis! OSC appeased you by putting your garbage as an appendix.

      So put it to rest!

  13. to Donnie boy, which he probably won't post on his rag of a blog

    Pete's too big a man to engage in your useless banter, but im not

    YOU evidently knew about and attended the Dem caucus why didn't YOU post the caucus info?

    why did YOU post flyer for a fundraiser for a party that didn't even exist when it raised money?

    did YOU write the state controller about the mitigation fees like pete asked?

    why are so nasty to folks who don't agree with YOU?

  14. Katie Murphy nominated her mother and Kim Halloran nominated Pete. That is all, Malone did not nominate anyone. Get your facts right. You're running scared cuz the real dissappointing showing was your 6, after you urged people to storm the caucus. Keep your nonsense going old man, you great for the Dem candidates, we just hope Mr Conway doesn't come to his senses and cut ties with you!

  15. can't help but notice the similar behavior of trump and gadfly -

    both attack anyone who doesn't agree with them

    trump's show shoulda been named the biggest loser

    you too, gadfly

  16. We all need to remember the dictatorial administration of Werking's, Seward, and Poorman. These three were ousted years ago because of bad behavior. Seward was such a bad actor that he made Mcabe look like a choirboy. Seward and Werking would tell Poorman to jump and Poorman would say how high. This Poorman character is no one we want back in Town Government. He is just plain poison. If Mary Ann Matters is supporting this guy she should be shunned and not allowed to play both sides of the fence.

    1. Mike Poorman is running for exactly what reason ?
      Lets put all the rest of the b~s aside , why is he running?
      What does he hope to accomplish? What is his platform?
      He has yet to publicly outline his goals.
      He has yet to renounce the actions of his bus driving brother inlaw and what exactly he will do if elected about the double dipping.
      Poorman has had alot of time but he has not yet made public what he intends to do and why should people vote for him.
      Interesting to say the least.

  17. we don't know that MAM is supporting poorman

    1. I'm pretty sure MAM isn't supporting Poorman, but I'm not MAM.

    2. The Matters family donated to the Friends of Mike Poorman as well as helped getting his petitions signed. She's supporting Poorman.

    3. Ask Poorman, he claims she is, along with her husband.

  18. I'm still hearing a lot of BS coming from your mouths in regards to Poorman but no facts. GIVE US SOMETHING OR SHUT YOUR LOUD LYING MOUTHS.

    1. She was walking door to door with him. Is that proof enough?

  19. To Don Johnson: Please pay the money you owe the town from your frivolous lawsuit about planting flowers on Town property or shut up. You and Suzy woman need to leave town.

    1. Wasn't it Tom Grants wife who sued the Town for age discrimination? Didn't she win $65,000.00??? is Tom willing to return the monies if he wins, seeing that his (Langley's) next secretary was just as old? I think not! such Hippocrates!

    2. @ 8:23 AM- She didn't "win" anything. Langley and the SWF members of the TB voted to settle because the next step in the process would have meant that Langley and Mulvey would have had to testify under oath in a public State Division of Human Rights Hearing. If anyone should be returning the "monies" it should be Langley, since it was his discriminatory behavior that put the Town in this situation.

    3. No. Eileen Grant sued Keith Langley. She was offered a settlement by Keith Langley through his attorney Dave Gruenburg. She accepted the settlement offered which was an amount less than damages alleged in the law suit. In a law suit damages for unlawful behavior are what is at stake. There is no "winning" in a settlement. Only partial reimbursement for the damages caused by Keith Langley who was, unfortunately, acting for the town when he committed bad acts that were found by the State Division of Human Rights to be probable cause for a lawsuit.

      By the way, Keith Langley's next secretary was Meaghan Hart who was in her late twenties at the time of Keith Langley's bad acts. A quote from a Langley confident: "we will get someone young and perky in there".

    4. Denise Corellis was the next hired for that position.

    5. Mulvey was in the Director of Finance slot at that time. in Langley's discriminatory action he fired Grant and moved Hart into the secretary slot. Sometime later when Langley fired Mulvey Hart was moved up to the Director slot and sometime after that, Corellis was hired.

  20. Word is MAM is getting a little sensitive about her political relationship with Poorman. Remember Cristo&Taylor. Hmmm, they politics makes strange bedfellows.

  21. Looks like Mary Ann Matters is about to kick Poorman out of bed. Eg1st filed their petition signatures today doesn't look good for the Poorman, Matters, DiMartino trio.

  22. Interesting people keep claiming MAM contributed to Poorman, yet have absolutely no proof of these accusations. Poorman failed to file his financial disclosures so unless you saw the check its just a rumor. The Matters did according to the BOE donate to EG1st. Stop with the BS and at least talk about the TRUTH!

  23. @ 5:24 PM, Poorman just filed his financial disclosure form with the State Board of Elections. It shows a $100.00 contribution from RICK Matters, nothing shown from Mary Ann Matters.

  24. MAM is a Poorman stooge. If Rick Donated , MAM surely donated. They don't sneeze without the other knowing it !

  25. Whose side is Rick Matters on anyway?

  26. McCabe and Langley both have their fingerprints on this one:

    1. Funny thing is Rick Matters is the one with his finger prints all over this whole issue. He was the sitting Counsel Person throughout that entire period that lead our town into the financial toilet. Now you have his quack wife trying to point fingers at everyone else to cover up for her husband's complete incompetence.
      Rick Matters was a complete waste as a counsel person, also by the way a personal friend of Martin Reid who just got hauled off in handcuffs yesterday, and counsel person Mary Matters is no better. In fact she probably couldn't remember her own name unless her husband wrote it down for her.

  27. I hear Rick Matters is going to apply for Martin Reid's job. They both have a lot in common. THEY BOTH GOT CAUGHT STEALING FROM THE STATE.

  28. Rick Matters was the town board member that tanked our town finances, so why would anyone pay attention to anything his now Councilperson wife would have to say?

    1. Wasn't Rick Matters in the minority during his entire tenure on the Town Board - with the exception of two months?

  29. Guy's really??? clean up your posts, filter personal attacks & name calling. not good at all.

  30. I sent this to the Gadfly also, in response to some comments. Not sure it will get posted.
    Dave VanWormer said...
    Some people have told me to just ignore these comments, but i would like to set the record straight, so you know the truth and can make an informed decision. I will not get into a back and forth on this, here it is in a nutshell.
    In 2001, I was indeed fired from the Rensselaer Police Dept after a 15 year career, 14 of those years being fantastic, 1 not so good. I made Sergeant after 7 years, which was very quick and then was no.1 on the Deputy Chief list after the exam.
    After a tragedy occurred within the dept.,which involved the passing of my best friend, things began to unravel, with blame and finger pointing. I and the other veteran officers began to question the leadership of the dept. We had a vote of no confidence in the leadership and then the fun started. I was charged with sleeping on duty, which I readily admitted to. I closed my eyes for a short time at 6am at the end of a 16hr.shift. It happens. Guilty as charged. A few months later, I was sick and called in for the midnight shift. I woke up in the morning feeling better, so I played golf, teeing off at 9am, 1 hour after my tour would have ended. I was charged with that. The thing that got me fired was speaking at the Common Council meeting about an "on going investigation". The truth is, I spoke about corruption in the Dept, particularly, the assault of a handcuffed prisoner, by one of our officers, a friend of the boss. This assault was brought to the boss and DA months earlier, with nothing being done. I then decided to bring it up in a public forum, at the monthly common council meeting, so EVERYONE knew about it. Only after this meeting, was this office indicted and convicted of the assault, while I was fired for speaking in public about it, as it was an "on going investigation". when in reality, there was no investigation, it was being swept under the rug until I spoke. I lost in arbitration, and was fired. because I in fact, did speak about that incident in public. Also, there were approximately 10 other guys who were charged and disciplined after the no confidence vote, with may leaving and going to other departments before their cases were decided. I decided to stick it out, because i thought the truth would prevail. I had offers to go to a few other departments, but declined. Turned out to be a bad decision, but I know I did the right thing.
    So there you have it. I have never tried to hide my police history, as I am actually very proud of it. In my 15 years, I helped many people and took many bad guys off the street. the 14 years before that 1 tumultuous year were great and the last 15 years have been pretty good too. I did a good job for 10 years for the Town of East Greenbush and have done well in business. If you think that I cannot do the job of Town supervisor because of that issue 15 years ago, well that's your opinion I guess. "Let he who is without sin, cast the first Stone". Have a nice weekend.

  31. Jack and Tom said it all in their respective Gadfly comments - good men, both of them.

    I'm proud and honored to be on the ticket with Dave and facing such honorable candidates as Jack and Tom.

    There are enough issues facing East Greenbush without adding mud-slinging to the mix.

    Pete Stenson

  32. Gadfly posted it. What's your problem?

    Your second post shows your immaturity. Nice try though.

    btw; We're not Pete ! Although he is certainly welcome to respond

  33. Submitted here but erroneously deleted:

    My question to Dave VanWormer is, do you support Councilperson Matters resolution to recoup the Stipend, Longevity and sick pay money that was inappropriately paid out to various town employees and identified by the state comptroller's office. Dave, you want to portray yourself as a man of character, then respond here and now with an answer, in order for the residents of this town to be able to consider you for the man you claim you are.

  34. Dave's response:

    It's absolutely foolish to get into a back and forth on a blog, about issues, but I will answer this one thing. I didn't see the resolution, but what I've heard is that the reso targets only 2 people. As everyone knows, the practice went on for many years, with many people getting extra pay. I believe it would be an absolute disgrace to go after only 2 of the many people who recieved the extra pay, and it would probably be a violation of their civil rights, putting the town on the hook for more money. It's akin to selective prosecution, in my opinion. Then there is the issue of the parties defense. Having been involved in the legal system and dealt with this issue every day for 15 years, I know that the employer indemnifies an employee for anything that happens during the course of their duties. This means that the town would have to pay the legal fees of every person involved, which would be astronomical. I know this is not what you want to hear, but it is fact. I do not believe it would be fair or legal to pick and choose who to go after. We either go after everyone or noone. I also don't believe it would be fiscally prudent to spend an amount of money that would be more than could be recouped, which I'm pretty sure would be the case. This town has wasted enough money over the years. If there was an analysis done, with all of the facts, including recouping from every person who recieved money improperly, and that analyisis proved that it would be beneficial tow the town, I would move forward. As it stands right now, I would not support the resolution.

  35. The fact that this resolution is introduced at this time shows its purely political nature. The comptrollers report is VERY CLEAR in regards to the stipends paid to the non-elected people in saying ONLY that the town should consult with counsel in the matter of recoupment. We have serious problems that must be addressed NOW. I will never agree with the stipends or that culture that issued them but for the sake of all of us can we stop with the games and move foreword.?

    1. Agreed ! The only reason that it keeps being brought up is because Don and Suzanne can't stop harping about it. Its their "battle cry" and especially since they lost their little battle and got reamed by a sitting Supreme Court justice.

    2. Clearly those two can't get past it .
      They are focused on it and anyone whom dares to disagree is doomed to the endless diatribe of the two know-it-alls...!
      Don believes he is the only one who knows anything about anything and then Suzanne chimes in with some other form of dissenting b~s against their target.
      Quite the freak show every single time they open their flaps.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  36. Did any of the TB members bother to ask Dave Gruenberg's opinion on this at the Town Board meeting. Dave is the Town Attorney. The Board members should stop grandstanding about this Resolution and ask for Dave's opinion on this. After all, that's what we, the taxpayers, are paying Dave for.

  37. please print the facts the 2012 audit was for the years 2010 to 2012 no others the addendum was added as citizens concerns because Don Johnson harassed the two young auditors numerous times in his famous bully style because he use to work there its about t time he was recognized for what he is a complete fraud thank you

  38. What drives me crazy is Don Johnson, who has owed the town money for years now, has the nerve to go on and on about people he thinks owe the town money. Is there a bigger hypocrite in the world? I mean really, this guy talks about morals, doing what's right, blah, blah, blah, when he owes the town money for his failed lawsuit. He doesn't pay because he said the court of public opinion says he is right. Well, the real court says you are wrong and owe the money. And all you DJ followers, how can you possibly buy into his nonsense, knowing he owes that money? Here's one for you:
    Jack, what you ypu plan to do about your buddy Don Johnsons debt to the town. Btw, what is your stance on recouping the stipend money. Dave was man enough to tell us what he thinks, what about you?

    1. Here's the difference, the OSC report specifically states the town dished out illegal stipends and should seek legal counsel to recoup. The report is public and all can read. Just as the courts decision that denied Don and Suzanne. The difference lies in the fact the ruling never said anything about Dkn amd Suzanne.

    2. * anything about Don and Suzanne owing money

  39. typical gadfly kool-aide drinker:

    " We all hoped Langley would be different but he folded to pressure in his first day sin office like a cheap suit.

    Hope is called Jack Conway and his excellent team. That, friends and neighbors, is the real deal."

    I want whatever it is your drinking.....sounds delicious ! But then - we all wake up and realize your nothing but a dreamer !

    Jack is seemingly a nice guy but in reality , he's not the answer nor the solution !

  40. None of them are the solution; but ONE of them is going to be our next Supervisor; hopefully he will not be in it for ONLY the money; will not get more of his friends jobs, will not be sneaky and will related to what the people of this town need, be respectful to them; allow them to come into his office and welcome them (unlike Langley); ask yourself all of these questions and more and you will make the right decision, in your mind and in your soul. This Town needs change; we don't need another Langley, we don't need a smart-mouth inconsiderate punk, we don't need someone who was a has been council person and who is a sneak, we need a team that gets along, likes one another and will be fair; so talk to each one of then and figure it out for yourself; its not hard who the best man for the job is.

  41. Councilperson Matters appears to be losing control of herself. She is lashing out and threatening residents at board meetings.

    She was elected to serve the residents of our community which includes showing the respect of listening to them when they are addressing her. Matters has resorted to getting up and storming off the dais when she doesn't like what she is hearing. Her behavior is that equal to a very young child. Mary Ann Matters should stop embarrassing herself and her husband and step down from the Town Board.

    Our town deserves much better than Mary Ann Matters

    1. Please enlighten us on what you are speaking of?!?!? I was @ the meeting last night till the end of the meeting & no such action took place.

    2. MAM left the dias when Ed Gilbert stood up and launched into a very strange and insulting personal attack. Shortly thereafter 10 or 12 other women left the room and stayed outside the room until Ed Gilbert finally sat down.
      If Keith Langley had ever learned to run a meeting all of this could have been prevented. Instead, Langley sat dumbfounded and gap jawed throughout the entire incident. There were other incidents during the meeting that called for leadership that Langley never provided, most notably the town employee who shouted out on several occasions.
      In short, the problem at the meeting was Langley not MAM...

    3. I was one of the people who walked out of the room when Gilbert started. Phil Malone and some other men walked out as well. Gilbert has been doing this for at least 3 months that I can recall. The same attacks over and over. Certainly any other supervisor would take the guy aside and tell him to stop it. But not Langley He was not dumbfounded. He must enjoy the spectacle since he puts up with it month after month.

  42. The Political Sympathy CardAugust 20, 2015 8:00 AM

    The Pity Party begins: Come on Langley, give it up. You had Meaghan write something in the Advertiser in your favor; what secretary has to do that for job security for her boss as well as herself. Now the wife puts this ridiculous article in the Advertiser in your behalf; oh well written - but really. No previous Supervisor has stooped low enough to have their WIFE write a letter stating personal issues that happened years ago in order to get her husband that 70,000 a year job. Give it up Langley, resign before your on the outside looking in. Your a sad, pathetic soul that was only elected because there was no one else on the Republican side to run so they chose you, THE PUTZ and what a failure you've been! Adios Amigos; let the sympathy card lie; or is it let sleeping dogs lie? Your the epitomy of what should NOT be in Politics. Good Luck, Hope Rifenburg takes you back in January unless you nicely resign ASAP.

  43. Reply to Pity PartyAugust 20, 2015 8:10 AM

    Dear Pity Party: You have hit the nail right on the head. How many other people in this town have sicknesses OR have had accidents and life has gone on and they never get mention of it; but because our fearless leader made a mistake years ago; the need to continually bring it up to help get him elected goes "on and on" like the energizer bunny. Langley, your done; there's a ten percent chance that people will be stupid enough to vote for you; so all the words in the papers won't help. Sorry Bud, Life will go on for you and your family.

  44. I didn't see her lash out or threaten residents. Dilbert hasn't caught on that no one gives a dead rat's tail about what he says. A number of people left when Dep Dawg got up - probably to got toss their dinners at the mere thought of him speaking - folks gotta learn not to eat before these meetings!

    And Langlost sat there like a bump on a log letting the former Stuporviser rant away.

    A round of applause for woman really gave both Langlost and Dilbert a what for!

  45. Langlost has set a NEW LOW in campaigning! Although, that's to not surprising considering the knuckle draggers he hangs with!

  46. Holy sh*+! I cannot believe the supervisor had his wife put that in the paper today. What a patheitic man he is, using heis wheelchair bound wife to try and get votes for him. That's right USING, cuz that's what he does. You should be completely ashamed Mr. Supervisor

  47. Keith Langley bullies women and harasses women (ask MAM, Ann Taylor & Eileen Grant, for starters) but when he needs a defender he runs to Meghan Hart and his wife. Langley can harass women but then runs and hides behind a skirt. What a hypocritical jerk!

  48. Jack*** is the word that comes to mind when I think of Keith Langley. Is it beneath him to write articles in regards to his own campaign??? His beliefs, his plans, his achievements??? Is he running or is Ed, Meaghan or Lois? That's fabulous he stood by you, had a family & is a great husband but, what does that have to do with politics? Ed & Meaghan are you that insecure about losing your jobs (you should be) that you write on the Behalf of our failing Supervisor. Pathetic is what this is.

  49. to 10:26 and 12:12, There is something drastically wrong with both of you!! The man had a tragedy in his life and has stepped up to the plate. You are the pathetic one!!! You must be Mike Poorman to write something terrible as that.

    1. Many men and women step up when facing a tragedy but a REAL MAN would not use that tragedy the way he did in today's ad.

      A REAL MAN doesn't boast about facing a tragedy much less ask his wife to.

      That's a sign of weakness and insecurity.

  50. What a circus last nights meetin was. Not sure what the "highlite" was, MAM walking out, Dilberts carrying on or the Chief of Police snoozing in the back row !

    WOW- Our Town is completely dysfunctional !

    1. How about the fact that MAM refused to listen to the town attorney pretty much say that recoupment of the stipends could well cost the town more $ than it could ever possibly get back.. Resolution was put forth for purely political reasons, its just that simple..

    2. MAM is Dons and Suzannes step and fetch girl !
      She does not have the ability to speak for herself. She is openly manipulated by Mike Poorman , who by the way , was sending her text messages throughout the entire Board Meeting Wednesday night- ( witnessed by several) .

      On a side note; I couldn't help but throw up a little in my mouth when I read the little Shakespeare offering in this weeks Advertiser as he vomited up some bullsh*t for the Lou Desso a-hole over in NorthGreenbush !

  51. Hey Pete -- Tell your boy VanWormer that Mike Poorman has a big surprise for him, for attacking his Commisioner of Public Works at the TB meeting Wed. night. The Advertiser will be VanWormers demise.

    1. Have at it.......just make very sure it's the truth and your facts are correct.

  52. OOhh...shaking with anticipation from the empty suit wearing the baseball cap !
    Mike Poorman is about as scary as a Popsicle !

  53. Keith lacks social graces - period. He is a male chauvinist - period.
    He relishes in the spectacle put on by juvenile delinquents such as Ed Gilbert and John Tirino.
    Lets be very honest people.......LANGLEY was and demonstrates daily, that he is a HUGE mistake.

    Vote for Jack - Vote for Dave - whatever floats your boat.
    So long as Langley is sent packing and Poorman never see's the light of day in Town Hall - things will get better come November !
    CDef. had the opportunity to send this Town back into its "glory days" yet failed miserably and is too stupid to realize what slipped thru his fingers !

  54. Mike Poorman is telling people he is going to roll right over Dave like he wasn't even there.

  55. Corellis was overheard running his big mouth in Stewart's this morning telling a couple guys to vote for Poorman, so he would have enough votes on the Town Board to get rid of the dead wood at DPW and tear up their contract. He was also babbling about needing a new secretary and a new Deputy Commissioner. That arrogant S.O.B. needs to go.

  56. I hear the children are up to their old tricks - taking down Dem yard signs!

    Poor little reprobates!

    And what's with all the Langley & Co. signs on public property? No respect for the law?

    1. Red and CDef. are back at it ! Signs all over property where they are illegally posted.
      But...when your cousin is the building inspector , charged with the enforcement of signs and placement....what did we expect ?

  57. Did Corellis's secretary and Deputy Commissioner jump ship?

  58. Anthony Corellis has shown his true colors. He has feeced this town for his private driveway, use of town trucks for his private business, stealing road millings from the transfer station for AAA septic business, using the transfer station with no permit, on and on. He has aligned himself with Mike Poorman and all the crooked dealings will go forward if Poorman gets elected. Its time the town people recognize Anthony Corellis for what he has TAKEN from this town. NO poorman-no corellis!

    1. Anthony Corellis is using his town job to build his personal business AAA Septic Co. He and Poorman have joined forces in an attempt to suck what they can out of our town before they finally retire. They are both disgusting con men and must be stopped. NO POORMAN NOT NOW NOT EVER. Those need to be thrown out on their as*es.

  59. How vain is little Mikey baseball cap ?

  60. Poorman=Corellis=Corruption. NO Poorman in the primary!

  61. I met Mike Poorman last week. He is a complete as*hole. He was attacking the character of the Eg1st group. Saying things I won't even repeat. That man has no class!!

    1. 7:48 (Chris?), I was wondering where you've been.

  62. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  63. Poorman and Langley deserve each other !
    Between the two of them, I can't figure out which is the more pronounced Male Chauvinist Pig !
