Friday, October 3, 2014

The Latest from Supervisor Langley

East Greenbush taxes don't go up
Supervisor says cuts in spending, not in services
By Kenneth C. Crowe II
Times Union
Published 9:58 pm, Thursday, October 2, 2014

"This year I am proposing a zero percent tax increase on the residents of East Greenbush," Langley said. "This is being accomplished through conservative estimates on several revenue sources and tighter controls on spending."
The proposed $17,333,504 budget cuts spending by 3.8 percent. A reduction of $693,933 from the current budget of $18,027,437. The proposed budget does not reduce staffing or programs.
"It will not affect any town services or day-to-day operations," Langley said.
"A zero percent tax increase in these continued economic times is responsible and has the town performing a similar belt-tightening as the individuals and families we serve," Langley said.
The general fund tax rate will remain at $2.78 per $1,000 of assessed valuation.
The town's comprehensive budget also includes the highway fund, sewer, water, fire and ambulance taxes.
"The residents of East Greenbush (should) know we're in much better shape than we think," Councilwoman Mary Ann Matters said.
She had praise for there being no tax increase in the budget.
Matters, however, expressed concern that the Town Board still has not received a report on the audit of the town's finances.
Langley said the town's financial records were in such a mess that it is taking time to straighten them out in order to complete a comprehensive report.
He referred to the state comptroller's 2012 audit of the town's financial management that reported the municipality's "accounting records were not accurate."
Matters questioned the length of time it was taking to complete the audit.
"In short, most of us at this table have nothing, certainly not in the way of number or reports, on which to base a decision regarding this budget in the millions of dollars despite repeated requests from the residents, board meeting after board meeting, for this information," Matters said.
She also questioned why the town payroll has not been certified by the Rensselaer County Civil Service Commission since Jan. 2013. Langley said Town Attorney David Gruenberg is working on this issue"
- - - - -

Will Langley be able to hold the line ?    Highly doubt it .    So long as Chris Defruscio has anything whatsoever to do with the operations of East Greenbush,  most of what Langley has predicted  is nothing but political fodder, rife with rhetoric and grand dreams.   


  1. Let's face it. Even after almost three years in office, Keith Langley still has no clue about how to "Supervise" the Town of East Greenbush.
    Kick Keith out in November, 2015.

  2. Excellent report. I was at the meeting where the budget was distributed. I was hoping for a statement from Mr. Langley as an introduction to his budget. What I saw was the Supervisor saying that "we usually don't talk at this meeting" to Mary Ann Matters who had the courage to make a statement anyway. After the meeting the Supervisor scooted down the hall to get away from residents and the Times Union reporter had to chase him to get a statement.

    How insulting. Other local officials have been all over the news for the past several days explaining their budget decisions. Even Keith's new best friend, Kathy Sheehan had a press conference where members of the public were welcome. I just looked on our Town's website and there is not one word about fiscal issues, not one word about the progress of the 14 million dollar sewer project, and not one word of leadership in the Supervisor's report about the proposed casino. Incredibly, Supervisor Langley is talking about the weather and the party in the park. in his latest "report".

  3. Can't believe after all this that "DeF Eddie" is still at it. New post up on the trash MaM blog.

  4. They're so desperate at this point for that third vote, they can't see straight. The hilarious part is that they actually think that that blog will intimidate her into coming back (lol!) They're f'ing stupid idiots! All that blog has done is get her tons of positive attention and them tons of negative attention. Everyone knows those f'ers are behind that blog (you, too KL) but the cowards are trying to blame it on Jim L. They've pretty much guaranteed that she'll NEVER go back to them. Who would? I asked her if she even looks at the blog. She said, "No, not ever." All the time they spend on it and she doesn't even look at it! F'ing losers!

    1. CHUMLEE,ELROY and the PUTZ are complete idiots !

      Between the three of them..there's not a 2nd grade education !

      CHUMLEE is the biggest farce this town has ever seen !

      Gilbert is a political LOSER !

      Langley - well the PUTZ clearly has absolutely NO IDEA what he's doing ! And it shows !

      NO LANGLEY 2015 - or ever !

  5. Both Langley and Malone have said publicly that they consulted counsel and determined that the OSC recommended recoupment of the stipend, sick-leave and longevity payments would not be cost-effective. Might be time to FOIL for the alleged number crunching which might support that conclusion.

    1. Neither one of them want to offend top democrats that support the casino. It's all about the casino. Nothing trumps the casino. But, what happens when EG gets passed over for a casino license and returns to being plain old EG? Will the recoupment suddenly become "cost effective?" We'll see.

  6. Raneri resigned from the Data Collector job. Looks like it's back to the table for Malone and Langley.

    1. wasn't he just appointed?

    2. Any idea why George Raneri resigned? Didn't Langley/DeFruscio just appoint him in a big rush at the last TB meeting?

  7. I don't believe for a minute, Langleys political hype on this budget prediction.

    The man doesn't have the slightest idea how to formulate a budget of this magnitude, nor does he have the correct financial figures, -( ie> the correct audit numbers) to come close to being able to predict a zero tax increase !

    My best bet is he's clearly playing for votes because he is fully aware that he's dead meat next November.

  8. Well, its Sunday...and the PUTZ and CHUMLEE are still wrecking EG.

    NO LANGLEY 2015 !

    Can't wait to find out - ( and I will ) why Raneri suddenly resigned...this has got to be good. No doubt CHUMLEE had something to do with it

  9. Looks like there is a fascination on the part of DeFruscio and Langley about people talking to each other ---- again. Like who is having dinner with whom at night. That means stalking neighborhoods. Looks like we've got some mental illness along with the incompetent government.

    1. Just like their phantom blog that is just one or two people making up different usernames. Or, stealing usernames. It's quite comical, it does show that they are reading the comments I am trying to send them though when they replace my comment with their own but still use my twitter username.

  10. Raneri resigned for personal reasons but it was right after Matters questioned the civil service classification of the Data Collector position, which was determined by the Renss. County Civil Service Commission to be "non-competitive" with minimum quals he didn't meet, so it would only have been a matter of time before he would have been forced to vacate the position, so he left on his own terms, which is to be respected. The Langley administration's total lack of regard for civil service rules, which is not unique to his administration (i.e. McCabe did it, too, and other Supr's before him) is now causing each and every town employee to question the legality of their appointment. Please see the Gadfly blog on 10/2 for MA Matters comments on this subject. It's serious and, clearly in Matters opinion, to be ignored no longer. This is another big can of worms for Langley that he doesn't need right now, but too bad.

  11. SUpe stop obsessing about MAM, Taylor & Co. Seriously--since the SUpe refers to a certain someone as THAT maybe he has an interest in another woman in this Town.
    IDK SUpe. Sounds like you need to pay more attention to the home front and stop spying on other women in this Town. You harass women. You have a very creepy interest in MAM & Taylor. Uber creepy.

  12. Really Mr. Langley?October 05, 2014 4:35 PM

    Why didn't Langley take the time to check to see if Mr. Raneri met the qualifications for the position? Let's face it, Mr. Langley is just not very smart. Are we expected to believe that Langley is intelligent enough to propose anything approaching an accurate Budget? If Langley is unable to figure out how to legally fill a part time data collector position he certainly isn't capable enough to propose an accurate Budget. Let's hope Councilpersons Mangold, Malone and Matters are willing to put Langley's Budget under a strong microscope. The Town's fiscal integrity depends on it.

  13. How sad and pathetic is the life of the stooges that drive around Taylor's house on a Saturday night?! SUpe, you are always asking what's going on in Taylor's life, you may want to take a look at your own life? You and the other stooges have problems on the home front if your families don't miss you on a Saturday night. Look in the mirror guys, if your wives aren't missing you on a Saturday night, you need to take a long hard look at your home fronts. Your behavior is disgusting and your home lives are sad and pathetic.

    1. Is the Supe and DumbFruscio going to call people and send out letters again if Ann Taylor has a holiday party. Lot of class guys! What levels will you guys go to? To get DimWit Langley elected again (NOT). Get your head out of your arse and go back to Rifenburg where you were a do nothing employee!

  14. What happens if Langley won't give Mangold, Malone and Matters the financial information he based his budget on? Will the 3 M's have to FOIL the Town Comptroller for the information? Can they ask the State Comptroller to come in and compel Langley to give them the financials they need to make their Budget votes?

  15. The "3 M's". Are they the new Board majority? The SWF was nothing but a scam on the voters of EG. Let's hope the "3 M's" work together for the good of our Town.

  16. It's pretty difficult to do any competent analysis of the budget without a briefing by those who put it together. Competent practice would be to have a briefing session like the state does which spells out assumptions and what the budget is supposed to accomplish. We have no certified financials for 2010 - 2013. In addition, the "single purposes audit" of the Federal funds disbursed in the Mannix Road round-about which the Board authorized last December has yet to be done. With a documented history of questionable internal controls, the absence of certified financials is inexcusable.

    1. Whistling Past the CemeteryOctober 06, 2014 11:17 AM

      Your correct Don. Quite frankly, with Langley in control, being pushed by the likes of Defruscio and Gilbert, it appears we're all screwed !

    2. It'd also be nice if the 2014 Forecast column was complete!!!

    3. looks like langlost and the comptroller mailed this budget in

    4. Gadfly, two board members have to request a special meeting to get a budget briefing. Matters has done it. Who will be the second? Step right up, folks. Don't be shy.

  17. Dumb-A** Defruscio is exactly what we were all warned he would be if his b~s SWF team got elected ! A liar, a thief, and a juvenile delinquent !

    Defruscio, with the help of little Eddie Gilbert, created the 'Duhmands blog, then tried the Knows blog, then finally layed in sh*t with the Matterss blog.

    Like two pigs laying in their own crap, Defruscio and Gilbert act EXACTLY as predicted. Read it for yourself. When your done being disgusted, remember, they allegedly run our town...and push Langleys buttons every day !

    Sad...but true - all of it !

  18. Tom Grant, the elderOctober 06, 2014 1:59 PM

    Let's not forget. Last year Supervisor Langley also proposed a no tax increase Tentative Budget, but then ended up voting to impose a TAX INCREASE on all the taxpayers of East Greenbush.
    Question: Has Mr. Langley learned from last year's mistake?

    1. You got it Tom ! Lest we forget this man never speaks the truth ~ never !

  19. Ain't it weird that the EGMATTERS blog is bashing a bunch a dems like Stenson, Murphy, Mangold and Smith when the dems said they won't run anyone against Langlost next year. They have a deal. So why are they bashing everyone but Malone? They seem to like Malone. But what about the deal?

    1. No such deal exists ! The "Dems" never said anything about not running someone against Langley in 2015.

      You have bad information.

    2. You mean a deal similiar to the one where the Repub. Chair said he wouldn't run anyone against Judge Donnelly ?

      CHUMLEE f-ed all that up ! NO DEALS WITH CHUMLEE ~ EVER !

  20. The police had three officers retire and none were replaced they will run with ot. Keith wants to know how come no cops have been hired
