Tuesday, March 29, 2016

From the Supervisor's Report March 24, 2016

On Tuesday, March 29 at 7:00 p.m. there will be a Public Scoping Session for the proposed Regeneron expansion off Tempel Lane.  The project includes a warehouse, labs, office space and manufacturing.  The public scoping session allows us to receive public input on what topics need to be covered in the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) for the Regeneron project.
In 2002 a Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS) was prepared for an earlier project proposed for this site.  Because some issues have changed, the SEIS allows us to revisit the environmental impacts that may occur as a result of the new project. 

Tuesday’s session will not be the public’s only opportunity to comment on this important project; it’s purpose is to be sure we’ve identified the issues that must be addressed in the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement.  Later hearings will allow residents to express their opinions and concerns about the specific issues identified on Tuesday night.  I encourage residents to attend.


  1. Whats up with Receiver of Taxes office closing at 3:30?

    "insufficient funding in the Adopted 2016 Budget for the part-time help associated with the office"?

    1. It is exactly as printed. Her part-time staff was eliminated. Therefore the office closes promptly at 3pm.

  2. Another parting gift from the final Keith Langley Town Budget.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. To AnonymousApril 1, 2016 at 9:06 AM on the Gadfly:

    The office closing is due to Langley and his band of merry budgeteers not providing the funds needed to keep the Receiver of Taxes Office open full time and support the PT staff.

    Seriously, is it worth ANYONE'S time to commit to ONE HOUR per day of work? Hardly!

    Don't be blaming Toni Murphy for Langley's inability to do his job.

    Don't be blaming Toni Murphy for Conway's unwillingness to provide the funds.

  5. Let's see if this has any effect on the operation of Toni's office. I'm sure if it becomes a problem everything will be straightened out in the next budget. I've heard that Langley only budgeted $3,000 for Toni's office for the entire year. I guess that was payback from Langley for Toni not supporting him in the last election. Let's not lump Conway in with Langley.

  6. To better serve the public it might be a good idea to start later in the morning and close at 5. Also - it might be a good idea to do a work study analysis for the department. And if part-time help was available only 1 hour a day - why isn't the office open until 4? I do think there should at least be coverage for her lunch hour. Isn't that what the part-time help was for? And that could be assigned to an employee already on the books.

  7. Town Hall closes at 4:30.

    The reduced hours are at Supervisor Conway's direction. Argue that with him, not Toni Murphy.

    The Receiver of Taxes posts the payments to the taxpayers' accounts.

    The bank doesn't do this for EGCSD. Furthermore, EGCSD's Tax Collector office costs about $52,000 / year and it only has ONE billing cycle.

    Toni collects not only taxes but water and sewer fees throughout the year!

    So quit griping!
